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Everything posted by Qapla

  1. We never worry which brand eggs are the "best" ... we have chickens and therefore have fresh eggs
  2. It should be noted that, while Aldi owns WD, they are not operating Aldi like WD stores. They are planning to convert some of the WD's to Aldi's and keep some as WD. The WD stores and the Aldi stores may not have the same prices, sales and deals.
  3. In our area, Winn Dixie is now owned by Aldi. They do have the steaks on sale.
  4. You do realize, wings are considered white meat ...
  5. Thing is - it's not that uncommon here. I can drive through several separate rainstorms on the way home.
  6. In Florida we have a couple of those sayings ... Don't like the weather ... wait a minute Don't like the weather ... change to the other side of the street. Oh yeah ... also - It's not that it doesn't get cold here, but we don't have to shovel the cold out of the way.
  7. We have an "Instant Vortex" air fryer It seems to work quite well. As you can see, you can set the time and/or temperature. Although I have read and seen video telling you to cook chicken wings a few at a time (single layer in the basket), I found that I can dump a generous batch of wings in the basket and, as long as I shake them several times while cooking, that all come out perfectly cooked. I learned how to do this from a YouTube video where the guy was disproving the "single layer" myth. I will say, a batch of wings takes longer in the air fryer than it does in a deep fryer - but it is way less messy and doesn't waste any oil ... and seems toa little quicker than cooking them in the oven. I can cook a boneless, skinless chicken breast from frozen to properly cooked in about 12 minutes. If it is thawed, it only takes about 8 minutes.
  8. Perception has an impact on some people's point of view when it comes to the cost of education and the expected and/or accepted income of those with the education. On another forum, shortly before the pandemic, they were having a "discussion" (dispute) over who should get paid what. It seemed most thought that "professionals" with a degree should get maid much more than skilled workers. One of the main reasons for this was due to the high cost of the education. It was pointed out that many leave college with a debt of $100,000 dollars or more and need the higher salaries to pay off the debt. When it was pointed out that a skilled worker could easily have $100,000 of debt tied up in the cost of his tools and truck it was downplayed as not pertinent since they didn't go to college. They seemed to think that a skilled worker making more than $35 an hour was absolutely uncalled for and ridiculous - after all, they don't have a degree ... while a person with a degree was worth every penny of $75 an hour or more and totally justifiable. The fact that both incurred the same $$ of debt was considered irrelevant. Of course, when they need a skilled worker to fix or build something they can't do, they expect one to be readily available ... and affordable.
  9. Cooking meat usually does reduce it ...
  10. I have a friend in BC, Canada who eats bear. He says once you have had chili made with bear you will never want any other meat in your chili. I have never had bear but, I have tried alligator, rattle snake and freshwater turtle
  11. My Dad was from southern Colorado. Where they lived it, it was between 7500 ft and 9000 ft - depending on if they were in the upper place (summer) or lower place (winter). Bother homes were log cabins with wood stove and an outhouse. He spent 20 years in the US Navy. When he retired, we were living just north of Chicago. We moved to Florida since he was tired of living in the snow. I have been here for 63+ years and have no intention to move to a colder climate.
  12. Mort substances that are known to kill someone are either banned or highly regulated ... think DDT, arsenic, and such and are not considered for use in the open where the general public will be exposed. Since smoking fits the same aspects as DDT and arsenic, it should be treated the same. When someone even thinks there might be E.coli in something like lettuce, they stop all sales and recall all of the product "just in case" - yet, it is known smoking causes cancer and kills, but no recalls or bans on this lethal product.
  13. I am only 5'8" and used to weigh less than 130 pounds - I wasn't very good at sports like football, basketball and soccer although I could play first base and pitch in baseball and/or softball - though I never played on any team. I found I could bowl. I have even had a few 300 games when I was in my late teens and early 20's. Mind you, this was back when men were only allowed to use 15/16 lb. all-black bowling balls if they wanted to compete. I considered trying to go pro until I found that several years of League Bowling was required to qualify. Since I didn't feel like having to join a team of people I didn't know and bowl on their schedule. I never pursued that sport as a profession. I guess the sport I most enjoy doing now is fishing - salt or fresh. Also, if you consider it a sport, woodworking, especially wood turning on a lathe.
  14. I have lived in Florida for over 63 years. Prior to that I lived just north of Chicago. I have experienced both, hot-humid summers of Florida and cold, bitter snow-covered winters of Illinois. As far as preferring one season over the other - All I will offer is what my daughter says - it's not that it never gets cold in Florida but, at least we don't have to shovel the cold away to get out of the house.
  15. If you steam or boil the eggs, it is still best to take them straight from the fridge and put them in the boiling pot. Putting them in and letting the water come up to heat makes the eggs harder to peel. The sudden temperature change of putting the cold eggs into the boiling water or steam helps release the membrane from the white instead of sticking to the white and the shell.
  16. I watched the video. I have never tried any color truffle oil on eggs or any other food. I actually like my scrambled eggs a little drier than his looked. They can be drier and still be fluffy. He is right that you don't want the pan too hot, though I can still get fluffy eggs with a hotter pan. I find two things help with the fluffiness. One is to whip some air into the eggs - I do this by using a small cordless food processor. The second is to remove them from the pan while they still look a little wet because they will finish cooking on the plate. I might also mention, I no longer boil eggs - I steam them. To do this, I put a small amount of water in a pan large enough for 12 eggs. I bring the water to a boil and place a steamer basket in the pot. I then place the cold eggs on the basket ... the eggs should stay in the fridge until you are ready to cook them. I place a lid on the pot and set a timer for 13 minutes. When the timer goes off, I remove the eggs from the pot and place them in a bath of water with ice. They will cool fairly quickly and be much easier to peel. 13 minutes will produce nice, hard-boiled eggs with a somewhat fluffy yolk. I don't care for soft-boiled eggs or runny yolks.
  17. Not sure I am ready for replicated meat, either
  18. I'd just like to get under 200# and have fiber Internet
  19. I will have to admit, when I hear the term "lion diet" I always think of having to eat all the meat raw ... after all, lions do not cook their food.
  20. Breathing is a human right - drinking Coke is not. Being able to move around is a human right - driving a car is a privilege, not a right. Hearing the sounds around us is a human right - having a pair of earbuds is not. Communication with others may be a human right, using the Internet for that purpose is not.
  21. Be that as it may, more content on this site would also be appreciated ... all should feel free to contribute
  22. Feel free to add to the content ...
  23. My doctor recommends They claim - "Our soy-free Two-Per-Day Capsules contain a bioactive form of the B-vitamin folate, 5-MTHF; quercetin; zinc citrate; vitamin E as mixed tocopherols and more" and the link from the image will take you to a page that lists all the info on them. Not sure if they will help you but they have not seemed to harm me - yet
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