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  1. Went to McD's and got a bacon cheeseburger, sans bun, with water to drink. I cheated and got small fries too. For supper, two lamb loin chops and some sauerkraut. My goals are to get my A1C under pre-diabetes, and to help my diverticulitis problems.
  2. Good clip! Maybe most here already know this, but the root of the cholesterol scam goes back to the late '50s(?) with Professor Ancel Keyes and his bogus, cherry-picked chart and how the whole story got into the US Senate. I first learned about this in 2004 with the book "The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease," by Dr. Uffe Ravnskov. It was quite the eye-opener. Twenty years later, and not much has changed in the medical establishment. Well actually, there have been changes: It's gotten much worse.
  3. My guts are not all the way back, but are getting there -- still have about 5 more days of taking anti-bios. I had over-easy eggs and sausage for lunch at a diner with friends, and two strips of thick bacon and sauerkraut for supper. I don't dare pig out on anything yet.
  4. From what I see, people simply don't know because their doctors don't know.
  5. Thanks. After three days of anti-bios, I could finally walk mostly normal yesterday, very little pain left this morning. My last "meal," if you want to call it that, was a small bowl of chili Monday for lunch. Since then I've just had a half an egg at a time with the anti-bio, and throughout the day a few pork rinds, or a slice of liverwurst, and maybe some yogurt. And from past experience, I know I won't want a full meal for a few days yet. I'm planning to go to my fav small-town diner for lunch today finally -- probably just have some scrambled eggs. At least I can catch up on local gossip.
  6. I could write my 25 year-old story of how I got here, if anyone is interested, of how I was afraid to eat fat back then -- even though I had seen the results of a friend who went on the Atkins diet, and I'd read "The Cholesterol Myths," by Uffe Ravnskov, shortly after it was translated to English. He was obviously right, beyond "a shadow of a doubt," but it took a couple more similar books and at least a year to overcome the decades-long idea that fat, butter, etc. was bad for me and the substitutes were good for me. I ran into a guy in town yesterday (I live in a rural area, there is a one-traffic light town five miles away) that I know quite well, but haven't seen him in several years. He is almost 79 and he told me he is diabetic and has to inject insulin (he had a heart attack 6-8 years ago). I told him get rid of the carbs if you want to really fight the disease. I explained to him what I meant by "carbs," and that he could eat all the meat he wants, along with very low-carb veggies. "Have you seen the price of meat lately?" was his response. Then he went on about how well his wife is taking care of him, making sure he gets all his meds on time, etc. Okay, that is certainly great and I'm glad for him; that's a valuable resource that I don't have. But they're apparently following the "Standard of Care" for diabetics, so we know he is never going to get better or ever get off the drugs. What I thought of later, that I didn't think of at the time, to his comment about the price of meat, was "What price would you pay for not going blind? Or not having your feet chopped off?" He's very adept at the internet, so hopefully I put a bug in his ear and maybe he'll do some research. "You can lead a horse to water . . . "
  7. What did I have to eat today? Not much. I had a pretty bad episode of diverticulitis and had to go to the ER around 6 this morning. I had a bowl of chili for lunch Monday, nothing at all after that til today when I got home from the hospital. I had a poached egg and also made some Jello -- not the best thing to eat, but I have to give my guts a rest for a few days and only eat stuff that is easily digestible. I also need to eat something three times a day when I take the anti-bios they gave me. Oh well, this has been a problem since 2015, although I haven't had an episode this bad in a long time. I told the sweet young nurse (probably 25) "Don't get old, it's no fun."
  8. Ha, I had 5 motorcycles throughout my life. Sold the last one in 2015. Never had a hemi, but I did have a '70 Roadrunner, 440" 3x2.
  9. You went there to buy it? I've been a hotrodder since I was a teen. I currently have a 2007 Corvette.
  10. Thanks. Regarding reddit, apparently it would be much easier for them to show what words ARE allowed, it would probably be a shorter list.
  11. Hi all: I was surprised at how very few forums (active ones, anyway) there are for keto/carnivore dieters. Some I saw had the most recent post a month ago or something. I've been on reddit for years, and recently have been reading their r/carnivore sub. I've made only a few posts there. One got yanked by a bot because I used the word "cholesterol" and another one got yanked because I referenced Dr. Berry. Go figure. I am a 73M, slender, so no weight issues. I recently got an A1C test and I am in the pre-diabetes range which wasn't surprising, plus I have long standing gut issues. I was somewhat of a keto guy for years, but was slipping with the diet for the past 5 or so years, so I thought I'd get back into it at least -- or maybe even carnivore at least until I get my next A1C check in May. I've been keto for 3 weeks now, and pretty much carnivore for about the past week.
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