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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. Forgot to post last night. I ate 3 meals. Fried eggs with 1/3 a top round steak. Hamburger soup. The remainder of the top round steak.
  2. I can attest, these foods are making the kids brattier, and intolerant of even the most trifling inconveniences. I see so many more tantrums and tears than I did prior to Ms Obama meddling with the school menu. This food pyramid scheme has blessed us with the bounty of snowflakes we have today.
  3. Butter decaf Braised chuck Fried eggs ssu Ground beef with cheese Milk and decaf
  4. I still tend our garden, because my husband enjoys the fresh things. I eat the zucchini and cucumber, with no problem,but I will admit the tomatoes cause joint pains. I won't grow high oxalates foods like chard any longer.
  5. My major motivation to avoid plant at the moment is the terrible farts that plants cause.
  6. Butter decaf Chuck Meat soup Club soda
  7. I started fasting in 2021 for WL and longevity. I struggled with binging though. I will still fast if I am not hungry. I try not to push the fasting if I am not feeling it though. I think carnivore takes priority over fasting and fasting is a by-product of carnivore.
  8. Welcome! I think you found the right place, both health wise and here in this corner of the Internet. I just hopped back on the wagon myself and yesterday was my day 1 as well. We've got this! I think I never succeeded with keto because of the imitation food mentality that is promoted on that way of eating. I don't like foods that pretend to be other foods. Also this woe eliminates food as entertainment. When you are tempted to go down that road, think of all the better, non food related enrichment you get to partake in now! (I am saying this to both of us)
  9. My daughter got watered down juicey juice, because I was on WIC. I cut it 50/50 and eventually stopped getting it altogether. Even as a clueless 20-something I thought half of WIC food was absolute garbage. This current child gets milk and water. He does have a sweet tooth though. Lately I have been having him pick between a zero carb breakfast or wait until lunch. I explained the randle cycle to him just yesterday.
  10. 3 eggs ssu 2 butter decaf Taco meat with cheese, sour cream black olives and salsa.
  11. Welcome to the community. I also work for a school district and have yet to get sick this far. Knock on wood. I started in February and went pretty strong till summer break. Falling off of routines seasonally is my biggest weakness. Currently, I have been skipping breakfast, eating carnivore lunch, and sharing a regular meal at night with my family. It's not ideal, but it's where I am at right now. I look forward to hearing more of your story.
  12. TBH I tried to relate with her as best I could without revealing my own food preferences. I wasn't there for a debate. I just think it's funny how it's a cliche about vegans and she fit it perfectly. The cliche being: how can you tell if someone is a vegan--dont worry they will tell you! She was complaining that someone was trying to feed her meat and questioning her about her refusing. I had sympathy for her as I understand how annoying that can be when people won't keep their eyes on their own plate.
  13. I met a vegan on Monday at my son's music class. I don't know her name or any other info about her, but her veganism was the topic of her rant.
  14. I check in daily from my phone, but I just use the browser.
  15. I quit the caffeinated coffee this past year, and I will drink it if it's the only thing available, but I hate how it makes me feel.
  16. The thing with sweeteners is that they are bad for keeping insulin low. They trigger cephalic phase insulin response. So your brain gets the message that you have had something sweet and needs to regulate the blood sugar so it preemptively doles out insulin and causes low blood sugar, making you hungry and other problems. It's best to avoid them. Especially in an empty stomach.
  17. Hello Ibo and welcome! I think you are taking right step forward, by heading into carnivore lifestyle and by seeking community here. As for the diet soda, it is something you will want to aim at getting rid of. Club soda, plain seltzer, and sparkling water are good alternatives. But don't worry if you are not wanting to give it up immediately, sometimes it's easier to eliminate the worst things first, like foods with seed oils and sugars first, then naturally high carb foods, and so on. some people like Prof Bart Kay, think it makes more sense to go carnivore gradually like that to avoid drastic change that may shock the digestive system. The diet soda will eventually sabotage your efforts. Kelly Hogan of myzerocarblife on YouTube talks about how much harder Carnivore was for the first year or so because the artificial sweeteners gave her cravings. I'm not sure what is in coke zero, but aspartame is a neurotoxin and most other sweeteners negatively impact the gut.
  18. Thank you, it's an inspiring reminder to be content with what we have.
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