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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. I wonder if an air fryer might be an option. I don't have one but I see them being used in the carnivore YouTubes.
  2. In my mind I compare junk food to smoking also.
  3. I had a partial bag of salad shrimp earlier this week. After thawing and straining I heated them up in some melted butter and placed them on a paffle. It was so rich I could only eat half. So I chilled the rest and it was still good as a cold h'ordourve.
  4. I can confirm Dr Chaffee's warning about coffee and sore muscles. Yesterday at the cookout I drank black coffee for "dessert". My legs and back are aching from yesterdays sprint. I had not had this type of recovery soreness from sprinting when I was just drinking decaf.
  5. I picked up pizza for the boys and ate a cold tough blade steaks with too hard boiled eggs. BLECH ! I was tempted to dissect a slice of the meat lovers but then I reminded myself of the fact that some pizza places squirt oil on the pizza so I passed on that and while they had their ice cream I had some whipped cream with some vanilla extract in it.
  6. Went to annual work end of year cook out and ate one bubba burger with bacon and two hot dogs. The desserts and sides were not at all tempting and no one cared what I was eating! I wanted to preach the food gospel, as people complained of ailments, but I kept it to myself
  7. Yes! That what reminded me that I don't have to add anything to make it "creamy" I have seen people do it with ice in their black coffee and it makes a slushy.
  8. We just finished this family read aloud. Have you read any of Ralph Moody. These are stories from his childhood and teen years, both out west and in New England. So far I have read 4 of his books to my family in the evening at bedtime. They are really good!
  9. The randle cycle,if you haven't heard of it, professor Bart Kay has a 5-minute explanation worth listening to. Eating sugar with your fatty meat in combination will inhibit weight loss for several hours after each meal that contains both. Also there is something called AGES
  10. The 1st sprint of the week was delayed till Thursday. I didn't time it today. I feel like my body is responding well, rejoicing even. I tried to jog a bit and my body reacted with dread so I slowed to a walk and then did another sprint back to my vehicle.
  11. This reminds me of how I would get physically distressed when walking by the power substation. It drove me nuts. I had a friend whose mother always got headaches and they found cancer. there house was really close to the power lines.
  12. I wish I could get my whole family on it. It would certainly be cheaper if I could avoid the bread and produce aisles. This might be TMI but I don't need to use as much TP on carnivore. Also need to factor in if you take pain meds if those have ceased. I have quit regular coffee, so we spend half on that. I do use expensive instant decaf but I drink less than I did regular coffee. We have been getting free eggs from friends so that has helped keep grocery bill down as well.
  13. Did you know that if you put cold coffee in the blender it will create a creamy head on your iced coffee?
  14. It's ancient sea salt that is free of plastic and other pollutants. Celtic salt is supposed to be good to. But I think the mined salt is more clean.
  15. I prefer Redmond's out of Utah. I used Dante ferrigno's discount code to order. They have some tasty flavors too.
  16. @Geezy I tried the waffle pancakes for lobster roll bun, sooo good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
  17. Side note: about 15 years ago I had a horrible experience with over consuming Zevia on a hot July day. I got very bad diarrhea and was bedridden for 2 days felt like food poisoning. I didn't know it was the Zevia till a couple years later I had the same thing happen with True Lemon lemonade also made with stevia, or the big food version of it.
  18. Some people don't bother with electrolytes. I have some re-lyte, by Redmond's, but I don't use it regularly. Probably I should as I have been getting Charlie horses at night. I use Redmond's salt on all my food and I have their big salt crystals that I lick when I feel tired or snacky. I have avoided flavored electrolytes, because I think they make getting over the sugar addiction harder. Stevia also makes me hungry because of the cephalic phase insulin response. Our brains register the sweet taste and cue the insulin leading to a blood sugar dip, hence the hunger. I am guessing your bloating is due to another ingredient in the lmnt not the electrolytes themselves. I have tried making Snake juice recipe, but I prefer the tub of re-lyte. It tastes better IMO.
  19. We have ice cream in the house because some jerk named me, bought it for my birthday. 😭

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