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Everything posted by ImCharlieBruh

  1. you doing better now? or did you fall of the wagon?
  2. bro send me some buffalo I'll pay of course! where you getting it did you shoot it lol?
  3. I have about 96 eggs in my kitchen from my hens. they so about a dozen a day. I can't even eat store bought eggs even England's best or the cage free ones they don't really taste like anything to me. glad you found an egg source
  4. if you're not hungry don't eat. You shouldn't even be thinking about food or trying to eat if your nauseous. Your body will tell you when to eat. my first two big meals I went 36 hours before I was dying for another steak. shoving fat and protein down your throat when your body is learning how to digest it again isnt the answer. You will most definitely throw it up .
  5. thats usually what I get. some times if I'm out I'll sacrifice up to 5g of carbs and a few grams of sugar. rather than not eat I think eating any of it as a last resort can work
  6. 2 pounds of chuck eye steak a pound of turkey bacon and an egg im stuffed
  7. You're going to go from thr bolder to master meat cook in a few months lol
  8. those sound great imma have to add some beef fat into some ground lamb meatballs might splurge with extra dairy and make Alfredo sauce with em
  9. yeah anxiety and Mdd all neurological chemical imbalances that def can be reversed. I had ptsd from the army and severe anxiety social anxiety and depression. On quite a few different meds. I just had a wantcand need to get off it it paired with a super limited diet did it for me.
  10. go grab mag glycine potassium gluconate and some good salt. You probably arnt drinking enough water which is why you are retaining water. You arnt going to get perfect bowels after 13 days your body has to deal with years abuse and improper diet. Has to restructure fat dump all the insulin millions of other processes including learning how to process all the heavy fat and high protein depending on how much you ate before carnivore. Carb and sugar detox is real carnivore flu is as well. watch how much sugar and carbs they hide in those hydration packets and drinks. Which is why I make my own unless I wanna treat.
  11. cutting down from 70-100 to 0 still might take your body a bit to get used to. that sugar spike from the mono and complex carbs gave you micro dopamine hits all throughout the day going to 0 is going to reset everything. I'd be willing to bet on another 2 to 3 weeks you are going to be banging and feeling great. I've personally been on sertraline. I'd Start slowly tapering down off it like 25mgs a week. Usually what pharmacists recommend to weening. body is getting mixed signals
  12. lower in terms of life expectancy yeah like 76 74 my bad was worded funny.
  13. they also don't wanna tell you osteocytes and osteoblasts the same in your bones live in your teeth and they can and will repair themselves. With a few tricks
  14. the way I found out how much fat I needed was to keep eating it untill I had diarrhea which was nice because I was constipated. backed off a little on the fat and bam. I've never heard of anyone dying from too much protein usually your body eliminates this through the kidneys and urine. I skimmed your post apologies if you mentioned how long you've been on. Could just be transition id try sticking with beef only cut eggs and dairy out see how you feel add in things once you get a baseline. Kinda like playing darts blindfolded in terms on inflammation markers and histamine triggers. Highly unlikely the beef is causing it only way to square it up to see what's causing it is to eliminate everything else. Edit.....I was going to post this last night. But I'm glad to hear things are clearing up. I figured I spent the time to write it ill post it. doctors are going to say it will kill you smart doctors will will say your on the right tract. If you are still worried in the future about inflammation markers I can list out some tests for you. they will come back 0 if your not cheating with carbs and sugar.
  15. Well good thing is your brain really needs fatty meat our brain is mostly made of cholesterol. Keep on going try dipping it in heated ghee or melted butter if you can that helps up the fat on leaner meats.
  16. if you read the back of toothpaste it says if ingested call poison control. what happens when your gum line takes all the flouride in and absorbed into lymph tissue shuttles it all around? fluoride is a terrible halogen they tell us to take it. Hitler gave it to the jews in water. iodine is a good halogen they tell us not to take it it keeps you alive. Dental fluorosis is plenty real I have a friend that's a dentist and naturopath you think he giving it to his kids? Another reason is a radioactive waste isotope feeding us their trash again. I'm just saying if it's that great don't force everyone to take it against their will so ramming it in stuff. I can pull sources if needed. did all of our teeth fall out 20k years ago? or did they get worse after flouride just like the life expectancy after 1910?
  17. thanks for the book recommendation another case study without the case study imma read it if I can find it
  18. I need to raise a bison or two lol good luck for me finding babies lol
  19. the way I found out how much fat I needed was to keep eating it untill I had diarrhea which was nice because I was constipated. backed off a little on the fat and bam. I've never heard of anyone dying from too much protein usually your body eliminates this through the kidneys and urine. I skimmed your post apologies if you mentioned how long you've been on. Could just be transition id try sticking with beef only cut eggs and dairy out see how you feel add in things once you get a baseline. Kinda like playing darts blindfolded in terms on inflammation markers and histamine triggers. Highly unlikely the beef is causing it only way to square it up to see what's causing it is to eliminate everything else.
  20. knowing me I'm fit run athletic prob dont have a 0 on cac. I'll need to get a test done. I guess if it's not ill be going on the lion diet as a game to see if I can reverse it. I've always cut agaisnt the grain. in a narcissistic way I want it to be elevated so I can do my best to reverse it
  21. once all thr oils and process garbage was introduced 110 years ago lol death rate going lower and lower year after year
  22. yo did you ever share the liver wurst recipe lol it will prob drive my wife up the wall lol
  23. are you importing your wagyu or america waygu?
  24. I usually start off low on the cook top and slowly increase till its crispy on the outside add more butter and sprinkle on top. Pour all the butter and oil into a cup. use that for dipping add a little garlic to it its like au gus. whatever color it is after that process I just eat it. Depending on thickness might have to go slower and lower. Before starting carnivour a month ago I didn't cook a steak or really any meat on a grill for 14 years. So it's a bit of learning especially on a electric oven. I could bang steaks out all day on propane or charcoal. Fun learning. My body seems to be content running on 4 to 6 hours of sleep which If that's all I need guess that's it. l
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