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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. DHL have been my favourite delivery company for both international and local deliveries. They've never disappointed me in any way and all my packages have been delivered intact without any problems. I have used FedEx and UPS but DHL have been exceptional for me so far. What's your favorite delivery company?
  2. Do you have the experience of being sacked from a job? I have a lot of friends who already lost their job from being sacked for one reason or another. Recently, 7 of my friends lost their jobs as a result of the companies where they're working adopting the use of AI. Have you ever been sacked from your job?
  3. For someone who's on a low carb diet, do you think that it's good for such a person to eat kiwi fruit occasionally from time to time? What impact can eating kiwi fruit have on the person's low carb diet plan?
  4. My uncle is having a serious high blood levels issue. He's already on meds trying to control it but unfortunately he's addicted to eating all sorts of biscuits/crackers. I was wondering if anyone is aware of some LC biscuits or crackers that doesn't spike the BG a lot?
  5. As a result of my blood sugar levels, I had to switch my lunch time food to low carb as a result of not fancying the high carb lunch we usually have at work which is within 90g to 34g at the moment. I'm looking for suggestions on the best low carb snacks that I can switch to in order to make this work for me?
  6. My father to quit drinking coffee as a result of this same ulcerative colitis. Even though he doesn't have any Chrohn's disease, he does like taking hot water in the morning.
  7. I was very much in a hurry to get to work this morning and that's why I had to whip up Avocado toast as my breakfast. It's one of the easiest breakfast I can make in the morning that's very healthy.
  8. For those who are making use of omad diet plan, we all know how difficult it is when you have to wait for your window of eating to reach before you can have your one meal for the day. It's usually very difficult for most people when they began their weight loss journey using omad diet plans. How long did it take before you started finding it easy with your omad diet plans?
  9. My brother have gout but was very determined to start OMAD along side it which is something I commend on his part. I'm looking at how to help him with his OMAD plan in knowing the best food be can eat while doing his OMAD with the intent of keeping his gout flare ups on the down side. What are your thoughts?
  10. For someone who's new to fasting/dieting, it's always very difficult dealing with the urge to eat when they are not supposed to. This is what makes some to quit no so long when they started. If you have been very good with your fasting/dieting, what are your best techniques to control your hunger and urge to eat?
  11. Having an accountability partner when you're dieting is something that's very good because the person is going to like your checks and balances. If you're trying to break your diet, he or she is going to keep you in line. Do you have an accountability partner? How helpful have your partner been for you?
  12. Ketogenic diet is said to be able to make someone lose about 2kg of fat more than low diet do in one year. Although, there are some higher studies that suggests no difference in both of them.
  13. Nope, I don't think so. The use of internet is key into so many things. Businesses are moved with the use of internet in promoting and selling them online. You got to pay for what's making money for you or what you're using for fun.
  14. Lil Wayne new wax will make it laugh so hard. It's so bad he rejected it too being a good representation of him
  15. I prepared tomatoes stew last night and had it with rice. It's been a while since I last ate rice, so I had to make one last night. I fried plantain and added to it too. It was a very tasty dinner.
  16. If money wasn't any problem for me, the only hobby that I'm going to put in my guts into would be travelling the world. I've had this dream for more than 10 years and I hope I get to do it before I pass on.
  17. I mostly make use of electric top stove burners for most of my cooking. I have a gas cooker as well but I hardly make use of it. In fact, it's what I have to cook most of the time that decides how I would be making it.
  18. For those who still have their grandma alive, you're definitely going to attest to this one very well. We always love visiting our grandma because of this one act .
  19. I don't know if you like African dishes. There's one which have been one of my favorite for years they have. It's called fio fio. It's just cooked with pigeon pea and dried cocoyam. They call it "Agbugbu". The video on this YouTube channel is going to give you everything you need to know on how to make it.
  20. If you're eating healthy meat like more of white meat and less of red meat, I believe that you don't have much to worry about when it comes to your health being affected by meat. You can actually do fishes, they can be regarded as white protein too. As for red meat, I'm completely done with it.
  21. There's nothing they are going to sell me about red meat being healthy that's going to make me change my mind to eating them again. It can be healthy to whoever buys their idea or opinions but never for me. I'm strictly on white meat only!
  22. My mother would force down vegetables down your throat if you don't want to eat it. She will practically tell you that it's not in her house that you're going to get picky with food especially not with vegetables. This was why I got so used to vegetables growing up. Personally, I can't believe someone never eat any vegetables in 78 years of his life. How's that even possible?
  23. Most of the time, I hardly eat steak but whenever I do, it's definitely going to be well done. If it's not well done, it normally feels like I'm eating raw meat. I don't know why it makes me feel that way but that's why I only eat it well done.
  24. Personally, I'm not the type of person who enjoys eating restaurant food more often. When you know how to cook your food, it's going to be very difficult for you to run to restaurants most of the time. It's only when my schedule doesn't allow me to cook, then it's gonna be restaurant food.
  25. Currently, I'm done with eating any dark or red meat. I'm strictly on only white meat. It can either be chicken or turkey meat. I prefer eating turkey meat more because it tastes better than chicken.
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