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  • Birthday 01/17/2000

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  1. The only decent fibre study we have showing complete remission of constipation-related issues when they removed ALL fibre: "Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/ It's an interesting read and a study we can cite when friends/family say what about fiber though.
  2. Welcome to carnivore talk, Mike. Did you change your diet overnight to a carnivorous one? Professor bart kay usually says that is what causes most of the gut issues as your microbiome needs time to adjust. Your sleep issues could be related to that as well. I didn't have sleep issues but I found magnesium citrate to help with improving my sleep in the beginning. Purely n=1 though. Keep going soldier, if you can manage to stay on this path it'll be the single biggest thing you can do for your health and longevity.
  3. I fancied some salmon recently whilst getting some Vitamin D.
  4. I usually get mince meat from Aldi. Cheap and delicious, especially after fasting. If mince gets "too boring" ill' add some chicken mince/turkey mince to help spice it up or I'll just say screw it and get a big daddy 16oz steak which I'll add loads of butter to as it's super lean.
  5. Layne norton being lame norton again by saying seed oils arent inflammatory... Source: https://x.com/_CarnivoreClub/status/1814633518619628029 just wow. When will he debate professor bart kay live. It wont happen as he knows he'll be obliterated in every possible way. Layne norton makes bank from promoting such dangerous misinformation and that's what I have a problem with. It's criminal of the highest order.
  6. I'll see if YouTube sends me a notification. Sometimes they tend to not for carnivore channels it seems. I've also heard of certain carnivore channels being shadow-banned or forcibly unsubbing people from their channels. It's happened to Professor Bart Kay and Harry Serpanos. The agenda against our channels is clear as day, unfortunately.
  7. There needs to be more studies absolutely but from what the research is saying so far I'd say it's worth spending time grounded outside or via grounding mats etc. And the blog I wrote is only one study that I happened to stumble across and was amazed with what I was reading. I bought a grounding mat and pillow case and so far it seems to have improved my sleep, but of course, it could be a placebo. n=1, after all :). Professor Bart Kay mentions grounding, it's listed in his 5 health hack videos, and him being an authority puts more credence into the whole idea. This site has tonnes of studies about grounding: https://earthinginstitute.net/research/ so that's me going off the deep end then lol.
  8. I remember dipping my eggs in rapeseed oil mayo back in my keto days. Knowing what I know now makes me cringe.
  9. I thought it was hippie pseudo-science when I first heard about it if I'm honest but then again when I first heard of carnivore I thought the same thing. It seems to be a real thing with some decent science behind it, such as: "The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/ I was so amazed by what I read there that I just had to make a mini post here and on my blog about it. Their hypothesis: "Our main hypothesis is that connecting the body to the Earth enables free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread over and into the body, where they can have antioxidant effects. Specifically, we suggest that mobile electrons create an antioxidant microenvironment around the injury repair field, slowing or preventing reactive oxygen species (ROS) delivered by the oxidative burst from causing “collateral damage” to healthy tissue, and preventing or reducing the formation of the so-called “inflammatory barricade” There seems to be plenty of other scientific research done around it as well, not just that one study. It seems to be a... a GROUND-breaking field :).
  10. I'm breaking my fast with 1000 grams of raw mince. Usually, I'll have cooked mince but I wanted to get a reaction from the "lovely intelligent people" on TikTok and youtube shorts. Safe to say, it's gone somewhat viral.
  11. Thanks guys. Yes, Professor Bart Kay is amazing. His knowledge is unlike any other carnivore influencer. This is true. However, he recently has toned down the aggressiveness mostly due to the youtube algorithm not pushing his videos. He is pretty chill in the livestreams to be honest and like you say he plays a hilarious character. I recently subbed to his paid-membership plan because he is such a vast wealth of knowledge.
  12. If you eat too much salt your kidneys will filter it out. That is one of their most important jobs after all. Salt will never cause inflammation, if it did we wouldn't have survived as a species. Salt to your heart's content, my friend. Not eating fibre will cause you to have less waste ergo less number 2's.
  13. I'm eating my own body fat today due to the fact that I am fasting. Cheers for the food pics though
  14. There is a good amount of scientific research being done on the effects of grounding yourself to the earth. Here are a few of the purported effects: Increased wound healing. An immediate drop in blood pressure. It's really quite fascinating stuff. Here's a video by Bart Kay who explains it in 5 minutes and more clearly than I ever could:
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