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  1. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  2. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Thank bud!
    I already feel less tried and lethargic than I used to!
    Looking forward to improving more!

    Regarding the job, thanks for the kind words.
    It's not actually a bad thing though as the company and I have an irreparable breakdown of relationship.
    I'm done with them and was just trying to see out my days until I got a decent redundancy pay out.
    To their credit, they let us know well over a year ago that this was coming.

    I believe it's also motivated me to get a move on with improving my situation as whatever job I get next will likely require me to go into the office rather than work from home. Working from home is great! But I personally need to start moving more, and this is going to force me to do that... or be homeless 😅

    A little aside, I have my eye on a paid government programme to become a Probation Officer which applications open up for in September. So I at best just need a job to keep me going until then. But it has to be a job that I don't mind doing in the event my application is unsuccessful and I have to wait 6 months for the next enrolment.

    I forgot to add in my update that I have decided to start driving again and have booked in my theory test for July 11th.
    I drove in Ireland for a few years on a provisional licence, but I then sold my car to help with Uni costs and haven't driven since. Since then my Irish licence is out of date and now that I live in the UK I have to start all over again.

    Looking forward to going off for a nice drive, pulling up somewhere and going for little walks or just chilling.
    I didnt realise how much I missed driving until I started thinking about it again (public transport over here is pretty decent, so I have been able to manage quite well without a car)
  3. Like
    Nowler reacted to Torsten in Nowler's Story   
    Hi Nowler,
    thank you for sharing this story - I think that Carnivore will help to transform you and change your life!
    To be frank I had various Ups and Downs in terms of body weight and lifestyle as well. It was the missing "WHY" that always led to loosing body weight and gaining it back again, eating healthy and then turn back to junk food. In 2023 I finally realized that there is so much to do and achieve in this life, which I will only be able to achieve if I life long enough. That's a very strong "Why" which motivated me to switch my Lifestyle completely. I lost weight from over 230 lbs to 187, I started doing sports which was never a thing going for me. I read several books on Health, Mindset and Success. I completely stopped drinking alcohol and of couse I live Carnivore.  However it was a long road to get there. I started Carnivore and did it for ~4 Months, then I started to walk up to 10k steps per day (starting with 2-3k per day), cutting out the Alcohol was the latest step and I don't miss it at all.
    What I want to encourage you is to look for and find your personal "WHY". The moment you have it, things will get much easier and with less effort. Of course you still have overcome your baser instincts regularly, especially when it comes to Movement and Training.
    For me living a long and healthy life is the driver for everything I am doing. There will be moments when you doubt and it will help to remember why you have started what you are doing right now. You will make it!!
  4. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Orweller in What Did You Eat Today?   
    That could only be made in Texas legally, I feel. 
  5. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   

    I sprinkle it on AFTER my meat is cooked because I only have a pan to cook my steaks in and if I use this on the meat before I cook it just burns (like pretty much all seasonings).

    Note: The grains of salt in this tend to be a bit bigger than I am used to with flakes or fine salts but it's a great seasoning and will definitely be buying more!
  6. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Decided to have an extra piece of beef steak today and also decided to season it with a "steak seasoning" I recently picked up. It's got salt, pepper, garlic, coriander (100% natural)... stuff like that, so not a pure carnivore meal of course but I am completely fine with this for me.

    Garlic butter added towards the end on a lower heat.

    Man I love meat!

  7. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in Nowler's Story   
    I had to look up what prawns are. I see they are crustaceans, similar to the shrimp we eat over here. 
    Thanks for the update. I look forward to hearing more and more about your continued progress 🙂
  8. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Fantastic results. Even the activity is great. Every bit of movement is progress. As you get leaner that will improve. Thanks for the update.
    Sorry to hear about your redundancy though. Hopefully you find a job that suits you well.
    Keep up the good work buddy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Quick Stats update:
    Starting weight (April 2024): 410lbs
    Current weight: 374lbs
    Change: -36lbs

    I still feel great!
    I'm sleeping better too which is definitely in no small part due to less pressure on my throat/airway and it now being easier to twist and turn in bed.
    Before (and probably still but to a lesser degree) I would wake myself up when turning in the bed due to being so fat. 

    Regarding my eating, I am eating beef steaks most days. Probably 400-450g beef steak in a meal, cooked with some butter.
    I often have a 3 egg omelette with bacon and cheese also in a week.
    Around once per week I'll have 400g of prawns in garlic butter and also try to have 230g of salmon with a dash of lemon juice on it.

    I am trying to leave the house more which apart from the exercise element, it's going to be better for my mental health.
    Truthfully, I have not left the house in 10 days apart from putting the trash out but on that day 10 days ago I walked into town and chilled outside a coffee shop for a few hours and just listened to music and have a think about things before walking back home again. It was quite enjoyable though!

    I've been highly unlikely to leave the house during the week as when I am finished work (I work from home [employment actually ends next week]) I am tired. The weekends are where I am more likely to leave the house, but as you can see, that's certainly not as frequent as it should be BUT it's a lot more than before. Previously I wouldnt even entertain the idea of leaving the house - I just buried my head in the sand by gaming or getting busy with my interest in financial markets. However, now I am more open to leaving the house - I just need to ramp up the frequency of it.

    I cease employment next week due to companywide redundancy and plan to take the month of July off before jumping into a new job.
    The plan is to head back to Ireland next week for a family party, but when I get back a week later then the plan is to leave the house most days since I dont have a job for a month or so. I'm hoping to use this time building up my physical/mental fitness before getting back to the work grind.

    Anyway... that's enough update for now!
    I'll update again at some point in the near future! 😎
  10. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    MASSIVE overlap for sure!
  11. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Cheers for the words of encouragement bud!
    You are right, the more I progress the more I'll be able to do.
    Where I am/was was a vicious cycle which fed on itself. What I need to do it get a healthier and more active cycle going and let that feed on itself 😎
    Lose fat = being able to move more, feeling better and be healthier
    Being able to move more, feeling better and healthier = lose more fat.
    Rinse and repeat!.

    It amazes me how far off the beaten track we've gotten in regards to what society deems to be an acceptable diet...
    Hopefully I keep going and can show other people close to me what putting down the carbs can do for you!
  12. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Wow, that's pretty cool!

    I believe my one has a sort of rough finish on the part that goes into the femur which I suppose works with a similar logic to yours - in that the bone will grow and grip it.
    I wonder how the ones today have evolved...
    I guess we'll find out somewhat soon enough! haha
  13. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Hell yeah man!
    You getting it done and getting back in the saddle is huge!
    I can only imagine how difficult/impossible it might be to do all that before your replacement. I've never ridden before but I'd imagine it's very heavy on the hips.
    I was told at the time that it was a pretty new model they gave me and nobody had gotten to the end of theirs yet.
    However, the model I got was in the news back then due to a fault in it which meant it had a high failure rate!
    Thankfully mine didn't fail but I do have to get metals blood tests (chromium and cobalt) and a scan on it every 2 years (it was 3, 6, 9, and then 12 months for the first few years, but now every 2 years).

    My model is the DePuy ASR and if you are not one of the unfortunate failures then the general consensus now is that people should see 20 years or even more - I'm 18 years into it so hopefully I can get to the 24 years you have, or more (fingers crossed).

    The one you have sounds pretty cool. I didn't know there was one where the bone grows into it!
    I guess they couldn't give that one to me since the sepsis had killed the hip bone, so growing may have been compromised... I dont really know enough to speak on it but sounds logical.

    Hopefully you can get another good spell from it mate!
  14. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Hell yeah man!
    Glad to hear you feel so much better after the hip replacement!
    It was the ball of my femur too that was the cause of my pain (sepsis killed it off).
    Having that lingering pain disappear essentially overnight is better than any drug out there! 😁

    How's the hip fairing now?
    Any idea when you might have to replace it again?

    I got mine done in 2005 I believe and its still going strong!
    Though, I have noticed a pain or 2 in it over the past year or so - but could be more to do with my bad lifestyle rather than the hip itself (hopefully)
  15. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Congrats on your progress buddy!
    My first month saw the quickest weight loss for me also.

    I am really happy for you bud!
    Having chronic pain is something I wouldnt wish on an enemy... It just wears you down emotionally and consumes you!
    I remember coming out from my hip replacement op, and while I had the pain of just been cut open and having a bone cut out, I could feel that the pain I had for the 5 years prior was gone. It was bliss!

    Good luck with the rest of your journey and I hope you continue to see further health benefits!
  16. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    I've decided to write down and share an overview of my story relating to my past fat gain and hopefully continue to document things as they progress.
    (Feel free to move this thread if it's in the wrong location)

    I was always a slim kid but looking back now I can see that I began developing a body image issue around the age of 10.
    I was genuinely skinny at that age but for some reason I began to think I was fat and would begin to suck my gut in so that I would look slimmer.

    Around the age of 13 I had a medical incident that almost resulted in death (septicaemia/septic arthritis).
    This was a crazy time and completely turn my life upside down and profoundly changed its trajectory.
    It wasn't until the age of 18 (5 years later) that I would get my hip replaced and would greatly improve my quality of life, but unfortunately during to that 5 year ordeal enough damage was done to me psychologically I most definitely developed a stress/emotional eating issue.

    Thankfully as I was young and as active as I could be (I was in constant pain and on pain killers daily for the 5 years) I was able to keep my body in relatively good shape.
    Like many young adolescent men I began weightlifting to increase muscle mass ("adding some mass bro" 😁 ) and I would even become a qualified fitness instructor around age 22, which I worked in for 2 years before I quit and my mental health had another spiralling period. It was around this time that I would start to actually get fat and up to this point in my life I had been eating the typical western/Irish diet of mainly carbs, some protein and limited fat.

    Over the next few years I was mainly on welfare, depressed, eating crap, smoking weed (weed doesn't suit me) and drinking a lot more alcohol - as you can imagine, I was getting more unhealthy and began gaining fat. As with a few times in my life, the spiralling would be broken by periods of improvement and I had one of there periods when 28 when I decided to go to Uni to study psychology. Unfortunately the stress by the time I finished my penultimate had gotten the better of me and I was spiralling again and this is where my far gain really ramped up! Thankfully I did manage to keep things together enough to finish Uni and get a good grade, but I was in really bad shape physically/mentally.

    It's funny, I recall someone once saying "I wish I could go back to when I first thought I was fat", but for me, I would gladly go back to how fat I was when I finished Uni, never mind when I first though I was fat because fast-forwarding to today I am 380lbs at 5ft 10 and have mobility issues.

    In 2018 I decided to pull my socks up and break out of the rut I was in. I was around 300lbs then and decided to move to the UK and try to make a real go of life, albeit a late start (being that I was 29-30). Things were great for a while! I went from 300lbs down to 230lbs eating a keto diet and was loving life! But then covid hit and there were some work related issues which had me (and many others) quite stressed. The lockdowns hit at the same time I got myself a gaming PC and began trying my hand at being a streamer. I recognise now how unhealthy my lifestyle was but at the time I was loving all the gaming, streaming, drinking and eating! I didnt even realize how fat I was getting as I rarely left the house or even put proper clothes on. We were on Covid lockdown and I was working from home... even when the lockdowns ended I was able to continue working from home, which I am still doing right now.

    I PILED on fat! I yo-yo'd a bit but I got up to 410lbs around March 2024 and was spending HUNDREDS on takeaways!
    I was sore, depressed (granted I had started counselling 1.5years prior which was helping), and I went to bed every night thinking that I may not wake up the following day due to the state I was in. I struggled to get dressed and apart from a rare occasion or collecting my meds once a month, I was not leaving the house since 2020 covid....
    I could barely walk 5 mins without having to sit down - I was basically sitting or laying down since 2020 covid... It was pathetic... my leg and back muscles just weren't able to carry me for long.

    Current Condition:
    In all honestly I still struggle with this but I can walk a little further now and am trying to get out of the house more - even if just a short walk into town centre to grab and coffee and chill for a few hours before walking home. I am happier now though and the world looks a lot brighter. In part due to the counselling which helped me turn some early and difficult corners, but ever since getting back on keto/carnivore the improvement in how I feel mentally and physically has been profound!

    It's crazy that I ever let myself get so fat again after losing the 70lbs when I moved to the UK and jumped on Keto!
    I am hoping that this will be like when I used to smoke... I smoked years ago and gave up only to turn around years later and start the smoking addiction again!
    Thankfully I gave that up again in my final year of Uni - which probably contributed to the stress I was already under. Especially I had self-imposed a social isolation around then too, so there was little to no chance of getting support from friends/family. But I am hoping that I can lose a lot of weight again and I will treat this like I do giving up smoking twice. I will not give up smoking a third time because I will NEVER be so stupid as to start that crap again! If I can lose this fat for a second time I will NEVER go back to this! FK THAT!

    My Diet:
    Anyway, to round out this overview, since the beginning of April I am eating a Carnivore/Ketogenic diet and feel great!
    I say I ebb between the 2 but I say that only because I might have some nuts/peanut butter on occasion, or I might have some low carb hot sauce if I am having chicken.
    I do not eat veg though and the main thing for me is that carbs are kept to a minimum (<30g). The lower the better but I will not beat myself up if I have 10, 20, 30g of carbs in a day provided that are spread out.

    As I said earlier, I hope this thread will document my progress back down to a healthy weight

    So in terms of stats:
    - Starting weight as of April 2024 = 410lbs / 186kg
    - Height = 180cm / 5ft 10
    - Age = 37
    **** Body pics as of today June 11th 2024 and Bloodwork as of May 25th 2024 attached ****

  17. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Thanks for the kind words bud!
    Yeah, It's been a bit of a ride!

    Thanks for the heads up on the stuff we often find added to things like peanut butter etc.
    I double checked the one I have for that exact reason - I do tend to check what's in things, but of course, I dont know everything and something might slip past (like the MSG in the Biltong I got).

    I'll try to update this thread with things as they develop 😎
  18. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Decided to have an extra piece of beef steak today and also decided to season it with a "steak seasoning" I recently picked up. It's got salt, pepper, garlic, coriander (100% natural)... stuff like that, so not a pure carnivore meal of course but I am completely fine with this for me.

    Garlic butter added towards the end on a lower heat.

    Man I love meat!

  19. Like
    Nowler reacted to ol_hilly in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Went to the Bonecracker (Chiropractor) today and was told to not do anything the rest of the day. So I stopped by the local butcher on way home and got a couple chuck steaks which I had for supper. My one meal for the day. They also gave me a sample of their homemade jerky and meat sticks. They know what my eating habit is and try to accommodate. 
  20. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Sausage for breakfast. Beef jerky around midday as a hold-me-over, and then after swimming in the pool I grilled some NY Strips.
  21. Yum!
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Got in late last night after an evening in carnivore heaven.

    Texas de Brazil. My favorite place to eat. Meat, meat and then more meat, cooked to perfection, expertly seasoned. Juicy, tender all you can eat. Beef of many varieties as well as lamb, sausage, pork and chicken. I don’t touch the pork or chicken. Sorry but no pictures of the food. Seems kinda rude to be taking pics of your food in a nice restaurant.
    But It just don’t get any better than this.

    Today was pretty tame. Just a couple of egg pafflewiches.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   

    I sprinkle it on AFTER my meat is cooked because I only have a pan to cook my steaks in and if I use this on the meat before I cook it just burns (like pretty much all seasonings).

    Note: The grains of salt in this tend to be a bit bigger than I am used to with flakes or fine salts but it's a great seasoning and will definitely be buying more!
  23. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Decided to have an extra piece of beef steak today and also decided to season it with a "steak seasoning" I recently picked up. It's got salt, pepper, garlic, coriander (100% natural)... stuff like that, so not a pure carnivore meal of course but I am completely fine with this for me.

    Garlic butter added towards the end on a lower heat.

    Man I love meat!

  24. Love
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Quick Stats update:
    Starting weight (April 2024): 410lbs
    Current weight: 374lbs
    Change: -36lbs

    I still feel great!
    I'm sleeping better too which is definitely in no small part due to less pressure on my throat/airway and it now being easier to twist and turn in bed.
    Before (and probably still but to a lesser degree) I would wake myself up when turning in the bed due to being so fat. 

    Regarding my eating, I am eating beef steaks most days. Probably 400-450g beef steak in a meal, cooked with some butter.
    I often have a 3 egg omelette with bacon and cheese also in a week.
    Around once per week I'll have 400g of prawns in garlic butter and also try to have 230g of salmon with a dash of lemon juice on it.

    I am trying to leave the house more which apart from the exercise element, it's going to be better for my mental health.
    Truthfully, I have not left the house in 10 days apart from putting the trash out but on that day 10 days ago I walked into town and chilled outside a coffee shop for a few hours and just listened to music and have a think about things before walking back home again. It was quite enjoyable though!

    I've been highly unlikely to leave the house during the week as when I am finished work (I work from home [employment actually ends next week]) I am tired. The weekends are where I am more likely to leave the house, but as you can see, that's certainly not as frequent as it should be BUT it's a lot more than before. Previously I wouldnt even entertain the idea of leaving the house - I just buried my head in the sand by gaming or getting busy with my interest in financial markets. However, now I am more open to leaving the house - I just need to ramp up the frequency of it.

    I cease employment next week due to companywide redundancy and plan to take the month of July off before jumping into a new job.
    The plan is to head back to Ireland next week for a family party, but when I get back a week later then the plan is to leave the house most days since I dont have a job for a month or so. I'm hoping to use this time building up my physical/mental fitness before getting back to the work grind.

    Anyway... that's enough update for now!
    I'll update again at some point in the near future! 😎
  25. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Decided to have an extra piece of beef steak today and also decided to season it with a "steak seasoning" I recently picked up. It's got salt, pepper, garlic, coriander (100% natural)... stuff like that, so not a pure carnivore meal of course but I am completely fine with this for me.

    Garlic butter added towards the end on a lower heat.

    Man I love meat!

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