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  1. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Miranda in Nowler's Story   
    All god bud.
    You're not hijacking.

    It's reasonable to think that something bad happening and even the severity of said thing being a great motivator - I would be inclined to think the same. However, I saw something last week when I was back in Ireland that was very thought provoking to for me.

    My stepdads brother (45ish) was told he has throat cancer a few short months ago (the 4th-5th person in his family - all others died from it) and at my mom's party I watched as he walked out to the smoking area, stop at the threshold where the smoking area meets outside, where it was raining. It was almost slow motion for me as I watched him stop, look at the rain, and then reach into him pockets for his cigarettes.

    This blew my mind!
    After being told he has throat cancer and now waiting what will likely be 2 months for something medical, he is STILL smoking!?! 

    I used to smoke years ago, so I know what the addiction feels like, but fkn hell... if I was told I had cancer while I was smoking I like to believe I would immediately stop! Wouldn't you?!
  2. Yum!
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Cooked up a mess of venison burgers with chopped up bacon added to them.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Like
    Nowler reacted to Scott F. in Nowler's Story   
    @Geezy. Yep. Sometimes it is the pat on the back that gets us going and other times it is the kick in the pants. And even sometimes it is the severity of the kick in the pants. I am sure 'being close to the other side' is a tremendous motivator. 
    I'm still on the Carnivore diet, close to 60 days in now, and in time I am thinking it becomes the Carnivore Lifestyle. Time will tell.
    Although I am not having any types of cravings now, there was a time when I would just about kill a 'mofo' for a good piece of cheesecake. If hers is, indeed, the best ever, I would kill multiple 'mofos'. Just saying.
    Back to reality, I have been actually hungry only twice since May 8th. No cravings even as I walk by the Little Debbie cake aisle (they were the gospel for a lot of years). 
    For me, and this is just me, the not being hungry makes it very easy for me to continue. I am not calorie counter and if the 'two pieces of lettuce and a half a carrot' leave me hungry, then I eat. Those type diets never worked for me. This one allows me to go stretches without eating or snacking and the meal-to-meal effects do not push me off the wagon.
    Sort of babbled/hi-jacked the thread. My apologies.
  4. Love
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    When I used to drink a lot I had a saying whenever I’d wake up with a hangover from imbibing too much.
    “Sometimes I just gotta drink too much just to remind myself why I shouldn’t drink so much.”
    Now that you’ve learned the lesson you can forget the mistake.
    Now this is no reflection on you as everyone has to choose their own path but in my case, when I became carnivore I made a commitment to my health that nothing would detour me from eating right. A month after I started I had a birthday and my daughter made me a cheesecake. Now you’ve got to understand, this is her specialty and she makes the best cheesecake in the world. No brag, just fact. Well my commitment is so strong that I had no desire to have any. My wife thought it would hurt my daughter’s feelings but it didn’t matter to me. My health is more important. I asked her if she was hurt by my refusal and she said not at all. She’d rather I be healthy.
    My determination for changing my lifestyle was when I was on a gurney in the emergency room with a team of doctors and nurses working on me trying to get my heart back in rhythm for the fourth time. I turned my head towards my wife and with tears in my eyes I told her”I’m done, I can’t take this anymore”.
    Sometimes it just takes the right motivation.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Quick update:

    Tuesday night I got back from a 6 day trip back home to Ireland for my moms birthday where I knew I be consuming carbs. I was wondering - and a little anxious - how I would behave after re-introducing carbs... would I slip up and struggle to get back on track with no/low carbs when I got back to the UK?
    From the very first carb I ate in Ireland I almost immediately felt like crap!
    There was no indulgent "oh I missed this" moment AT ALL!

    One thing that struck me the moment I arrived back at my moms house is the sheer amount of high/all carb food items in their house! My reaction is how I imagine a vegan would feel after opening one of our fridges (13kg of ribeye in mine) 🤣
    My mom has listened to me over the last few months and dropped the amount of carbs she eats a little (has lost a lot of fat too!), but looking at the food she stocks the house with, she could be doing a lot better! 

    I knew on the day of the party I would be drinking beer, so I planned in advance that I was going to break keto 1-2 days before consuming an Irish-amount of beer, which I did, but I still had a horrible reaction to the sugar laced beer. This surprised me because I believed that reintroducing carbs 2 days prior would avoid this. Evidently not!

    In the airport on the way home I decided to get something from a fast-food place (Burger King) while I waited on the bus. This was my first fast-food since getting back on carnivore-keto back in April, and I thought it might be a bit of a treat but again it really wasnt... I didnt enjoy it at all! I don't think there was "anything wrong" with the food, as fast as crappy carby fast food goes... I just didn't crave this... I wanted a nice big ribeye cooked in butter, maybe even with an egg or 2 on the side!

    This is the morning of my 3rd full day back home in the UK again and 3rd full day back on carnivore.
    I wish I could say I feel great again but unfortunately I picked some sort of illness up (probably on the plane, or maybe at the party). However, while I am physically ill and feeling rough, my diet is good again and this fills my soul with satisfaction knowing that once the illness and raw cough is gone, I should be back to how I felt pre-trip home.

    Some of this crappy feeling may be in part due to switching back over to keto again as the poisonous carb effects leave my body. All will be fine in the next 1-2 days 🙃

    My takeaway from this experience:
    It just reinforced my desire for a carnivore/keto lifestyle!
    My fear that I would fall back into uncontrollable diet habits were not realised at all! It was the opposite!
    Next time I have an event where I know I'll be drinking, I'm just going to stick to spirits/liquor instead. And if I have a mixer, then sugar free.

    I will weigh myself for the next update.
  6. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Miranda in Nowler's Story   
    Quick update:

    Tuesday night I got back from a 6 day trip back home to Ireland for my moms birthday where I knew I be consuming carbs. I was wondering - and a little anxious - how I would behave after re-introducing carbs... would I slip up and struggle to get back on track with no/low carbs when I got back to the UK?
    From the very first carb I ate in Ireland I almost immediately felt like crap!
    There was no indulgent "oh I missed this" moment AT ALL!

    One thing that struck me the moment I arrived back at my moms house is the sheer amount of high/all carb food items in their house! My reaction is how I imagine a vegan would feel after opening one of our fridges (13kg of ribeye in mine) 🤣
    My mom has listened to me over the last few months and dropped the amount of carbs she eats a little (has lost a lot of fat too!), but looking at the food she stocks the house with, she could be doing a lot better! 

    I knew on the day of the party I would be drinking beer, so I planned in advance that I was going to break keto 1-2 days before consuming an Irish-amount of beer, which I did, but I still had a horrible reaction to the sugar laced beer. This surprised me because I believed that reintroducing carbs 2 days prior would avoid this. Evidently not!

    In the airport on the way home I decided to get something from a fast-food place (Burger King) while I waited on the bus. This was my first fast-food since getting back on carnivore-keto back in April, and I thought it might be a bit of a treat but again it really wasnt... I didnt enjoy it at all! I don't think there was "anything wrong" with the food, as fast as crappy carby fast food goes... I just didn't crave this... I wanted a nice big ribeye cooked in butter, maybe even with an egg or 2 on the side!

    This is the morning of my 3rd full day back home in the UK again and 3rd full day back on carnivore.
    I wish I could say I feel great again but unfortunately I picked some sort of illness up (probably on the plane, or maybe at the party). However, while I am physically ill and feeling rough, my diet is good again and this fills my soul with satisfaction knowing that once the illness and raw cough is gone, I should be back to how I felt pre-trip home.

    Some of this crappy feeling may be in part due to switching back over to keto again as the poisonous carb effects leave my body. All will be fine in the next 1-2 days 🙃

    My takeaway from this experience:
    It just reinforced my desire for a carnivore/keto lifestyle!
    My fear that I would fall back into uncontrollable diet habits were not realised at all! It was the opposite!
    Next time I have an event where I know I'll be drinking, I'm just going to stick to spirits/liquor instead. And if I have a mixer, then sugar free.

    I will weigh myself for the next update.
  7. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in Nowler's Story   
    I've used "Map My Walk" in the past and found it to be user-friendly and very useful.
  8. Like
    Nowler reacted to louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Namaste. Over the last few days I've eaten a lot of beef steaks and fat. 
    This evening I had the flank shown in the picture. 

  9. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Scott F. in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning I ate three ribs left from last night.
    I'm not sure if the pig seen it coming and tensed up or if he was a hundred years old. They were tough as all get out. I slow cooked them and the rack I fixed with the sugar/brown sugar rub were super tender. The rack I fixed for me was first cousins with shoe leather.
    Tonight, it will be rib eyes.
  10. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Just cooked up the last of that striped bass I caught.
    I need to go fishing again.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Well yesterday we had a pool party. In fact, we've had pool parties every evening this week because it has been absolutely ROASTING outside. Afterwards, my kids and their friends wanted to go to Mexican. I was just gonna throw a steak on the grill but then the wife said she was paying, lol.
    So I did have my ribeye, chicken breast, and shrimp meal again. Had a side of sliced avacado and gave the rice to my daughter. 
    Also, my cherry trees are in season (the same tree that broke my ankle this year), so we've been picking at them. Gotta keep your eyes open for worms though, lol.
  12. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  13. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Oh mama!

    That looks amazing bud!
    I've watched so many brisket smoking vids!

    When I move into my next place I am going to prioritise having a garden so I can get me a smoker.

    That brisket looks SOOOO good!
  14. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Prawns and Shrimp are pretty similar.

    Something I really want to experience is one of those community crawfish boils in Southern America!
    The food looks so good and the vibes look amazing!
  15. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Thank bud!
    I already feel less tried and lethargic than I used to!
    Looking forward to improving more!

    Regarding the job, thanks for the kind words.
    It's not actually a bad thing though as the company and I have an irreparable breakdown of relationship.
    I'm done with them and was just trying to see out my days until I got a decent redundancy pay out.
    To their credit, they let us know well over a year ago that this was coming.

    I believe it's also motivated me to get a move on with improving my situation as whatever job I get next will likely require me to go into the office rather than work from home. Working from home is great! But I personally need to start moving more, and this is going to force me to do that... or be homeless 😅

    A little aside, I have my eye on a paid government programme to become a Probation Officer which applications open up for in September. So I at best just need a job to keep me going until then. But it has to be a job that I don't mind doing in the event my application is unsuccessful and I have to wait 6 months for the next enrolment.

    I forgot to add in my update that I have decided to start driving again and have booked in my theory test for July 11th.
    I drove in Ireland for a few years on a provisional licence, but I then sold my car to help with Uni costs and haven't driven since. Since then my Irish licence is out of date and now that I live in the UK I have to start all over again.

    Looking forward to going off for a nice drive, pulling up somewhere and going for little walks or just chilling.
    I didnt realise how much I missed driving until I started thinking about it again (public transport over here is pretty decent, so I have been able to manage quite well without a car)
  16. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    I still have 4.5kg/9.9lbs of the 9.8kg/21.5lbs of meat I bought 2 weeks ago but I got a notification to say that my supplier has restocked enough Ribeye to reactivate the bulk order for that particular item!

    To make it even better, they have a sale where I can get an additional 2kg/4.4lbs of Ribeye for £25/$32usd 😎

    I ordered today but I had to choose Tuesday as the delivery date so I could make room in my small freezer, lol

    Not bad though, 10kg/22lbs for £155/$197usd!
    If I bought that at the supermarket where I used to buy it then I'm looking at an extra £74/$94usd

    I'm a sucker for a bargain! 🤣

  17. Yum!
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Oh my brother I could hook you up with a crawfish boil. We generally try to do at least one a year. I’ve been known to hurt myself eating them mudbugs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Like
    Nowler reacted to louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Namaste beautiful carnivore community. 
    Today I had a sirloin and a half and yesterday I had about four steaks. 
    Loving meat! 
  19. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  20. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Oh mama!

    That looks amazing bud!
    I've watched so many brisket smoking vids!

    When I move into my next place I am going to prioritise having a garden so I can get me a smoker.

    That brisket looks SOOOO good!
  21. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Prawns and Shrimp are pretty similar.

    Something I really want to experience is one of those community crawfish boils in Southern America!
    The food looks so good and the vibes look amazing!
  22. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Thank bud!
    I already feel less tried and lethargic than I used to!
    Looking forward to improving more!

    Regarding the job, thanks for the kind words.
    It's not actually a bad thing though as the company and I have an irreparable breakdown of relationship.
    I'm done with them and was just trying to see out my days until I got a decent redundancy pay out.
    To their credit, they let us know well over a year ago that this was coming.

    I believe it's also motivated me to get a move on with improving my situation as whatever job I get next will likely require me to go into the office rather than work from home. Working from home is great! But I personally need to start moving more, and this is going to force me to do that... or be homeless 😅

    A little aside, I have my eye on a paid government programme to become a Probation Officer which applications open up for in September. So I at best just need a job to keep me going until then. But it has to be a job that I don't mind doing in the event my application is unsuccessful and I have to wait 6 months for the next enrolment.

    I forgot to add in my update that I have decided to start driving again and have booked in my theory test for July 11th.
    I drove in Ireland for a few years on a provisional licence, but I then sold my car to help with Uni costs and haven't driven since. Since then my Irish licence is out of date and now that I live in the UK I have to start all over again.

    Looking forward to going off for a nice drive, pulling up somewhere and going for little walks or just chilling.
    I didnt realise how much I missed driving until I started thinking about it again (public transport over here is pretty decent, so I have been able to manage quite well without a car)
  23. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  24. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Oh mama!

    That looks amazing bud!
    I've watched so many brisket smoking vids!

    When I move into my next place I am going to prioritise having a garden so I can get me a smoker.

    That brisket looks SOOOO good!
  25. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from ol_hilly in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

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