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    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in Best Type of Salt   
    That made me chuckle!

    Gotta do what you gotta do! 
  2. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from MG426 in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I accidently overcooked the steak - slight pink in the middle.
    I didnt think mouch time had passed but when I checked the internal temp expecting it to still be under where I was wanting it, it was already well on its way to well done.

    Maybe 2-3 day old dry brined beef cooks quicker?

    Anyway, the eggs really took it to the next level!
    I'm not looking forward to the next few weeks/months now that I hear there's a bird-flu issue after arising...
    Eggs will probably become expensive and in short supply...

  3. Like
    Nowler reacted to MG426 in What Did You Eat Today?   
    bacon wrapped meat loaf...scrambled eggs with ham and chesse... water...green tea..
  4. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Best Type of Salt   
    Table salt is out for me ever since I discovered it has sugar in it.
    Now when I go out to read I carry a little bottle of Redmonds salt with me so I don’t have to use what they have in the restaurant.

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  5. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Venison stroganoff.

    Noodles made with sliced Egglife wraps. Slow cooked and shredded venison stew meat, bone broth, heavy cream and some truffle salt.

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  6. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Boy can I relate to that. I dislocated and fractured my hip in 80. Broke the top of the ball off of the femur. They removed the broken bone and resurfaced the ball and put me back together.
    Spent the next 20 years with a limp and in pain more often than not. I built my farm and worked on my feet for the next 20 years never really knowing much relief. The hip finally gave it up in 2000. So I’m now 24 years on this prosthetic hip and it’s been a tremendous joy.

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  7. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Congrats on your progress buddy!
    My first month saw the quickest weight loss for me also.

    I am really happy for you bud!
    Having chronic pain is something I wouldnt wish on an enemy... It just wears you down emotionally and consumes you!
    I remember coming out from my hip replacement op, and while I had the pain of just been cut open and having a bone cut out, I could feel that the pain I had for the 5 years prior was gone. It was bliss!

    Good luck with the rest of your journey and I hope you continue to see further health benefits!
  8. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from MG426 in What Did You Eat Today?   
  9. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
  10. Like
    Nowler reacted to Orweller in Best Type of Salt   
    I do eat a lot of eggs, seafood scarcely, not much fresh sea food here in Ohio. Used to eat the herring straight out of the North Sea. Not a picky eater, fortunately. 
  11. Like
    Nowler reacted to Orweller in Best Type of Salt   
    I've heard it somewhere to mix both iodized salt and sea salt. Best of both worlds. I'm going to be honest, I do not worry about salt too much. Table salt or iodized salt, I use them interchangeably (That a word?), English is my second language, I could be wrong in terminology sometimes. Welcome to the forums and good luck on your journey. I've had over 30 years of chronic pain due to an auto immune disease that supposedly would put me into a wheel chair. Fun times. 
  12. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    So I went grocery shopping with my son in law today.
    The selections were limited but very satisfying.

    And after a long day it was time to eat.
    Striper breaded in pork rind panko and fried in tallow.

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  13. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Best Type of Salt   
    Yeah, it's funny how what we desire when on carnivore changes just like that!
    I tend to just want fatty meat now... I can't get enough steak man! haha, It's so good!
    My tray arrived and I have 5 steaks dry brining as we speak 😉

    I might just pick up 3 breasts to have in the freezer, just in case I ever crave some.
    Actually, I'll grab a whole chicken with my next food shopping - I love a roast chicken just out of the oven with the skin crispy (plenty of fat in the skin too).

  14. Love
    Nowler reacted to Scott F. in Nowler's Story   
    Great post. I'm brand new being only about 36-37 days with the carnivore diet.
    I dropped from 306 to 276 in 32 days. I started just before Mother's Day with the eating but kept the Mountain Dew habit for about a week. Then maybe 2 weeks in on back-to-back nights with a really small cup of ice cream. Since then, I have pretty much toed the line.
    I have an auto-immune disease that keeps me on some medicine for swelling and inflammation. After about 25 days in I didn't need to take it for the discomfort in my neck/upper back. At first the weight loss was the big hitter, not having pain and not having to have a prescription sort of outweighs the weight loss.
    Good luck. I too, will post about my personal experiences as I move forward with carnivore.
  15. Yum!
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Best Type of Salt   
    Yep, the skin is the best part.

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  16. Yum!
    Nowler got a reaction from Miranda in Best Type of Salt   
    Yeah, it's funny how what we desire when on carnivore changes just like that!
    I tend to just want fatty meat now... I can't get enough steak man! haha, It's so good!
    My tray arrived and I have 5 steaks dry brining as we speak 😉

    I might just pick up 3 breasts to have in the freezer, just in case I ever crave some.
    Actually, I'll grab a whole chicken with my next food shopping - I love a roast chicken just out of the oven with the skin crispy (plenty of fat in the skin too).

  17. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Thanks for the kind words bud!
    Yeah, It's been a bit of a ride!

    Thanks for the heads up on the stuff we often find added to things like peanut butter etc.
    I double checked the one I have for that exact reason - I do tend to check what's in things, but of course, I dont know everything and something might slip past (like the MSG in the Biltong I got).

    I'll try to update this thread with things as they develop 😎
  18. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Brother that was and is a tremendous story. I appreciate you sharing it with us. That took both bravery and humility to do that.
    You are doing the best thing you can possibly do to help yourself or as my cardiologist told me “You are doing more to heal yourself than anything I could do for you”.
    Keep up the good work or should I say the good fight.
    Move as much as possible. Getting that body moving is good for you both physically and mentally. It encourages us to do more.
    In time you may, as you see improvements and feel even better, even decide to go all in carnivore by going zero carb all together.
    I would like to encourage you to be careful of things like peanut butter and other foods like that as they contain sugars, seed oils and seeds or legumes that can all hinder our journey. Read the labels and make good choices.
    You are definitely on the right path.
    Good luck and good health.

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  19. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Best Type of Salt   
    Ok, that’s fine if you can handle it. I’m not the moderation type. I have to abstain from things like sugars and even artificial sweeteners.
    My wife is a moderation type but I just don’t have that kind of discipline.
    Franks hot sauce isn’t too bad in my opinion as long as you don’t have a sensitivity to the peppers and spices. It’s one of the few that are clean in my opinion because it doesn’t have any sugars or soy. I use it myself on occasion.
    I’m with you on the chicken. I used to love chicken until I became carnivore but it turned out that what I liked was fried chicken. It was the breading I was after not the meat.
    I still will eat some roast chicken now and again but when I do I have to drown it in butter to make it palatable.

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  20. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Best Type of Salt   
    My tray arrives today, so looking forward to trying some dry brine steaks over the next week!

    Regarding the seasonings, I don't suspect I'll be using them much.
    I picked them up more as a precaution after buying so much beef - just in case I have a day where I'm not feeling having the same thing but all I have is beef.
    Prior to April I was struggling with my eating and was ordering takeaway food many times per week.~
    Part of the reason I have been so consistent with Carnivore since is because apart from beef I always have something I deem tasty in the fridge/freezer (salmon, prawns, chicken, cheese).

    Of course a significant reason for my consistency is also the low and stable insulin/glucose levels in my body also, but knowing I have a carb addiction I figure it's better to be safe than sorry - so for that reason I try to have some tasty alternatives to the baseline of beef.
    The rub I have ordered says it's 100% natural, and after making a mistake in buying some Biltong with MSG in it recently, I am now conscious of checking for that.
    The MSG Biltong might not really have any carbs in it, but MSG will and did spike my insulin levels - I had the thirst that I get after reintroducing carbs after a long time off them, my skin developed warm red blotches, and I felt weird too.

    I guess I am not as strict as some because occasionally I will have olives with my steak, or Franks Hot sauce with chicken breast (which recently I have lost the taste for). Hell, I might eat a spoonful of peanut butter in the late evening if I am peckish.

    I made a big batch of chicken soup lastnight as I had some chicken breast which was going to go bad.
    I checked the chicken stock powder (Knowrr brand) for MSG and carbs but it was only this morning that I remembered that the bit of maltodextrin might be an issue.
    I'm ok with it on a rare occasion if it's just a sugar - if the carb numbers are very low of course.
    But if it's an insulin spiking ninja like MSG then I'll bin the big batch of soup.

    I dont feel the same after eating some compared to how I felt after eating the MSG laced biltong, so we might be ok to eat it sparingly since I am ok with deviating slightly from pure carnivore occasionally.
    EDIT: I am definitely going to pick up some non-MSG biltong soon though! What a great snack! Those and Droëwors!
  21. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in Best Type of Salt   
    Generally speaking, Redmond's Real Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, and Pink Himalayan Salt are all going to be on equal footing. 
    I do want to get some of the Maldon's. It sounds really good.
  22. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Well, riding the Pan American Highway is on my list of things to do, so if I find myself in your neck of the woods then I'll definitely take you up on the offer bud!
    Regarding the testi's, in the meantime a buddy of mine said that he cooked some up before and has said the same thing as you. Soft and actually quite nice.
    I'll add it to the list of things I need to try then 😎 along with liverwurst

    Thanks for the info
  23. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    I was quite impressed with the price myself.
    Here's a pic of it all when it arrive today (Ribeye steaks on the left, Sirloin (aka NY Strip I believe) on the right and whole Sirloin in the middle).
    The whole sirloin needed some tidying up and it was then I discovered I need new knives 😅
    Pretty much the whole fat cap was hard fat and I should have just cut it all off there and then (I tried to eat it but no bueno)... I'll know for the next time I suppose if they don't have whole ribeye on sale by then.

  24. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Miranda in Best Type of Salt   
    Smoked salt is a thing!!??
    I definitely need to get me some of that!
    I love the smoked flavour on the streaky bacon I get, and any other smoked meats I have had over the years.

    I've just ordered a baking tray with rack for my fridge after I picked up the tip from Dr. Chaffee's YT short.
    - Cover a number of steaks in salt
    - Pop em onto the tray, leaving enough room for air to circulate all around the meat
    - Put em in the fridge and eat over the coming week.

    Up to now all my beef remained packaged until an hr or so before I was going to eat it. It was only then that I would season it.

    Apparently I should see a noticable different in taste/texture as the days go by when they are salted and left on the rack in the fridge...
    Let's find out!

    On the topic of seasoning, I've ordered 2 types of beef rub also to try out.
    I like beef just as it is, or even with some garlic butter, but no harm having some other flavouring on hand in case I fancy something a little different some day
  25. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Best Type of Salt   
    I prefer Redmonds because it’s mined here in America rather than Tibet.
    I also really like Maldon’s flaked sea salt especially for topping on steaks, both the regular and the smoked.
    Then my special one I like for cooking is my truffle salt. It’s a sea salt with dried bites of truffles. Decadent.
    Stay away for table salt. Not because it’s just sodium, we need sodium, but because it has additives in it such as sugar. Yep, that’s right. Table salt has sugar in it.

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