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Scott F.

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  1. I'm looking for this video I watched on youtube but can't find it. It basically says the end of 'man' started with the invention of Tupper Ware and the Microwave. It was about the toxins that are released from plastics when heated. This video showed studies of the toxins having an adverse effect on male testosterone, thus the 'end of man'. Really interesting. Scott
  2. I hit a lull in energy around the second week (maybe 55 days in now). As said before, there are any number of things that factor, from past eating habits/lifestyle all the way to final adjustment/change in lifestyle. Everyone is different. I would suggest adjusting your electrolytes. I didn't read the directions and just jumped right in the carnivore fire. I tried some of the pre-made packets such as LMNT. I'm sure they worked but I didn't like the taste. I ended up making a homemade 'electrolyte mix' (youtube/google) and it made my drinks taste way salty. I then switched to using that same mix as my "salt" when seasoning my food. A couple days after I started adding the 'salt' my energy level picked up and since has been exceeding prior to starting the diet. I was on the 'trash and dumpster diet' for a long time. Since it is only 55 or so days, I am still calling in the carnivore diet and at some point, it will morph into a lifestyle. The process takes time, and I would also suggest 'just give it some time' as my results are not necessarily your results and vice-versa. Good luck. Scott
  3. Nope didn't eat the onions but I am sure it was cooked in one of the cheaper seed/vegetable oils. I'm sure there was some language barrier stuff mixed in as well. I hadn't had spices (other than salt and pepper) in awhile so I was expecting an explosion soon after. It didn't seem to bother me at all. I'm rolling with 'no harm/no foul' on this one. However, I did tag on an extra mile this morning as an offering up...... Hope all have a great day and a Super Hoilday weekend. Scott
  4. So today might be considered a cheat day. Maybe/Maybe not. My God-son just turned 16 and since he was a young guy his birthday has been at his favorite Mexican restaurant. I felt like I asked all the right questions and thought I ordered this meat platter the best way for me. It showed up and it was amazing. It tasted great and as I moved some of it around I thought I tasted onion and then the meat was piled on top of a pile of fried onions. I had started eating, was not going to return it and for sure was not going to waste it. I think I will tack on a mile tomorrow morning. LOL Scott
  5. Where is the hike? I'm brand new to the diet so I am not sire after less than 2 months I could call it a lifestyle. But, I do feel like I am heading in that direction. The benefits keep piling up for me as well. Enjoy the benefits of others as well. Scott
  6. Again, I didn't read any of the instructions. LOL I have somewhat adjusted to the carnivore diet (and hopefully this time next year it will be a lifestyle) and have found I am not hungry eating once per day. I just did a 48 hour fast and did not have any hunger or craving issues at all. I drank only water with a cheap store brand mixer (no sugar just a tad of sodium). I think I could have done another 12, maybe 24. I felt good and energetic on nightshift all thru the 48 hours. Weird as there has been a lot of days I was eating something every 48 minutes much less 48 hours. I am thinking the water, or the drinking curbs a lot of hunger/craving issues. And then I imagine at times there is some will power involved to get it done and then at the same time maybe the end goal focus helps. Reading the instructions is starting to become both interesting and exciting. Scott
  7. All brand new to me so I guess "my definitions" morph at times. So far so good with making the carnivore diet fit my lifestyle vs. me making a bunch of changes, especially since being a rotating shift worker is like living on another planet anyway. After 30+ years (36 including military time) of shift type work I no longer have normal days like Monday or Thursday, weekends or week days, nor do I have holidays such as July 4th, Christmas Day or New Year's Eve. After all these years all I see on a calendar is dayshift, nightshift and off. Just those three days over and over. I could be intermittent on nightshift really easy because a big chunk of the day is sleeping and to and from work. 48 hours over nightshift was way easier than I thought. I really think another 12-24 would have been a snap. I think the one meal a day (OMAD) approach is the intermittent part and then stretched out past 24 is fasting. This week, those are "my definitions". LOL They may change next week. S
  8. From my own experience I can understand. Once you have been really sick and then there is relief from a for of treatment it is hard to 'change' in fear of what "can't get any worse" actually can get worse. I sort of understand. If you had approached me in early May and said, "If you eat rib eyes and chuck steaks your auto-immune issues will go away". I probably would have replied, "You are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey". Again, I can see where there is some doubt as well as the fear of 'getting worse' There is a point where a person with a sickness will try anything all the way to the point of grasping at straws/hoping against hope. I guess I get the reservations. For me, I had no idea the carnivore diet was going to be anything more than a weight loss diet that actually fit me, how I eat and my shiftwork lifestyle. The weight was peeling off really fast so in the beginning it was a total success. Then I opened the box and read some of the instructions. And to come full circle I have a friend whose wife has MS. I went from being a nay-sayer to feeding her a ton of information around the carnivore diet. Full circle in less than two months. Scott
  9. I like the graphic as well. I'm less than 2 months in on the carnivore diet. I just did my first 48 hour fast. It was much easier than I thought. At 48 hours I had yet to be hungry. That is really weird. I ate maybe a pound of pulled pork last night and had some left but simply felt full. I ate some colby jack cheese as well. I am a 12 hour rotating shift worker. There are not many positives to this work schedule but I think I have found it may be easier to fast during my stretch of nightshifts. Even before carnivore I see stretches of dayshifts where I don't take or make the time to eat. Night shift not quite as bad, but close. I think I am going to start fasting on night shift. I can do a 36-48 hour fast a couple three time per month. I'm not sure if that puts a little more intermittent in intermittent fasting. I don't know how regular the fasting needs to be as I would fast about two weeks apart and wonder would I need to do it again on the following two weeks when I am on days and off? Scott
  10. Yep. It is a completely different and new experience for me. I'm getting up at about the 40 or so hour mark and not hungry again today. It is sort of weird to say I have not eaten in 40 hours but have yet to feel hungry. Craziness. Who'd a thunk it? Scott
  11. Nothing so far. I'm about 30 hours deep in a 48 hour fast. So far so good. My past thinking process says I should be starving by now. Amazingly, not even hungry nor any type of cravings. I'm going to try to make 48, call it as an accomplishment and then maybe stretch it a bit the next time. Scott
  12. @Geezy I'm still in the 'who woulda thunk it?' phase. As said, the weight loss has been huge but just from changing the way I eat I have not gone to the medicine cabinet. Being a doubter by nature there is still a part of me waiting for the proverbial hammer to drop. I had a complete blood work up in early May just as I started. I had a short scan set up a couple weeks ago but work and time got in the way. I moved it out to early August. This will give me a before and after with app. 90 days going carnivore. I will post results and then I am due an infusion in November that carries another complete work up for another 90-day comparison. Coming out of the service in the early 90's I chose a trash diet and a trash lifestyle. I had seven prescriptions in all that time. I was very lucky maybe even dodged a few health bullets along the way. Maybe the dumbest thought I had or said is when I got the actual diagnosis. The doctor said NMO and I said, "Not me, I'm only 49". The reality sort of sat in as we left the hospital and I felt really old. I think my rebound was that during my first infusions in the cancer center I saw so many people with a much tougher row to hoe than me, especially the young people. There is a certain perspective and a shift in appreciation when walking down that hallway. With all that, I am really excited to see if there are notable medical changes. I've lost some weight, ditched some pills and fell as well as I have in a really long time. I am a 12-hour rotating shift worker so energy can be at a premium. The past couple of months have been really different. So much so, tonight I'm 24 hours deep in my first 48 hour fast. So far so good. Scott
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