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Susyn C_137

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    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Bob in Greetings from N.W. Arizona   
    Hi everyone. My name is Susyn, I'm 55, and I'm hoping this group is my new home? I have tried many other groups, but I never felt like I belonged. I just started a tiny youtube channel just to keep me motivated. My journey is a little different, I'm not on any medications, I'm only about 15 pounds overweight, and I have no real health issues. I just want to stay that way, and hopefully improve my minor issues as I age. I'm very boring, I don't drink alcohol (or coffee), do any drugs, or smoke. I've never been interested in any of those things. I've been working out since I was 12, only taking time off when I was injured, or after a surgery. I was anorexic as a teen, and became a compulsive eater after my mom died when I was 21. I've gained and lost the same 40 pounds multiple times over the years. Been on every diet from Cambridge liquid diet in the 80s, calorie restriction, phen-fen, etc. I don't want to diet anymore. I just want to be healthy. My issue is that I dislike meat, always have. (It was easy for me to be vegan 20 years ago-that lasted 2 years) I've been Carnivore since July 8th. So far my eyesight (far and near) has improved, my panic attacks have gone, my skin is better, my occasional ocular migraines have ceased, and my tinnitus has all but disappeared. I see the benefits, but I still struggle. Sorry for the length of this, I didn't know what to leave out. Have a great day!
  2. Like
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from XaqNautilus in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Whole milk yogurt with collagen and iodine drops, bacon, steak and a tiny bit of raw cheddar. Black iced tea to wean off oxylates. Pretty much the same thing every day. 
  3. Like
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from ol_hilly in Greetings from N.W. Arizona   
    Hi everyone. My name is Susyn, I'm 55, and I'm hoping this group is my new home? I have tried many other groups, but I never felt like I belonged. I just started a tiny youtube channel just to keep me motivated. My journey is a little different, I'm not on any medications, I'm only about 15 pounds overweight, and I have no real health issues. I just want to stay that way, and hopefully improve my minor issues as I age. I'm very boring, I don't drink alcohol (or coffee), do any drugs, or smoke. I've never been interested in any of those things. I've been working out since I was 12, only taking time off when I was injured, or after a surgery. I was anorexic as a teen, and became a compulsive eater after my mom died when I was 21. I've gained and lost the same 40 pounds multiple times over the years. Been on every diet from Cambridge liquid diet in the 80s, calorie restriction, phen-fen, etc. I don't want to diet anymore. I just want to be healthy. My issue is that I dislike meat, always have. (It was easy for me to be vegan 20 years ago-that lasted 2 years) I've been Carnivore since July 8th. So far my eyesight (far and near) has improved, my panic attacks have gone, my skin is better, my occasional ocular migraines have ceased, and my tinnitus has all but disappeared. I see the benefits, but I still struggle. Sorry for the length of this, I didn't know what to leave out. Have a great day!
  4. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in Cholesterol   
    That’s perfectly normal. We all had to break the chains of misinformation to learn the truth. We were all brainwashed at one time including the carnivore doctors that we now follow.
    Keep doing your research and understand how we have been lied to our whole lives. Immerse yourself into the culture and continue to garner information.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Suzanne in Cholesterol   
    Thanks for the info everyone! I will try not to panic about the high numbers. I guess I'm still wrapping my brain around the fact that what I have always believed to be true us not. It's quite the learning curve.
  6. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Bob in Cholesterol   
    Also remember that when you are actively losing weight, your LDL will go up. There is cholesterol in your adipose tissue that gets released into the blood stream as you use that stored fat for energy. When you are eating a ketogenic diet, you are relying on fat for energy. LDL is what transports that fat to your cells.
    I would be wary of a lipid panel until you had at least 90 days of being weight-stable. And 180 would probably be better.
  7. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in Cholesterol   
    I had a blood test six months into carnivore and then another six months later. My results were actually lower. After a full year as a carnivore.
    My overall cholesterol was 299 but came down to 269.
    LDL was 225 but then down to 190.
    Triglycerides were 87 then down to 66.
    HDL was 57 but then went up to 66.
    This puts my HDL to Triglyceride ratio to a 1 which is a fantastic number considering that that is the true maker for cardiovascular health.
    I’m actually concerned about my LDL dropping because it’s a well documented fact that there is more all cause mortality in older people who have lower cholesterol. I want mine to stay elevated.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Bob in Cholesterol   
    This is 303.56 mg/dl for us USA folks 🙂
    The general consensus in the keto-carnivore community is No. If you are eating a Proper Human Diet (i.e. carnivore, keto, ketovore, maybe a delicate step towards animal-bases), and all your other numbers are looking good, then LDL is not a number of concern. 
    Mine went up. As I lost weight it skyrocketed into the 500's but now that I have been weight-stable for the last 8 months it has dropped back into the 200's. 
  9. Haha
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Miranda in Greetings from N.W. Arizona   
    YouTube is not cooperating. I copy pasted your handle and got nada. Please post a link.  Remember the good old days when search engines just gave you what you asked for🙄
  10. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Scott F. in Greetings from N.W. Arizona   
    I will check out your youtube in a few. Maybe I will be #7 or #8. LOL
    I have NMOSD, overweight by a ton and had chosen a trash eating lifestyle for what seems like always. Congrats on making better decisions than me. LOL
    For me, so far, I have bene off pain and anti-inflammatory medicine sine late May/early June. 
    I'm a doubter by nature and a 'seeing is believing' type so I was not buying into the Carnivore miracle cures. I'm starting to drink the kool-aid. 
  11. Like
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Miranda in Greetings from N.W. Arizona   
    Hi Miranda! I just have shorts on my channel so far, my longest is just over a minute. It's public.  @Susyn_C137. I have a whole 6 followers 😆 I'm a homemaker as well; no kids, just dogs. I was the one reluctant to go Carnivore, my husband has been Carnivore for about a year (minus my bad influence a few times). He's an OTR flatbed driver, so he's gone 320+ days a year. Nice to "meat" you! 
  12. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Miranda in Greetings from N.W. Arizona   
    I enjoyed reading your story. What types of videos are you making so far? I am 51, I struggle with cohabitation with carboholics. I know it partly my fault as I am the homemaker, but I know there would be a riot if I tried to serve them steak, burger patties and omelettes.
  13. Like
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Geezy in Greetings from N.W. Arizona   
    Hi everyone. My name is Susyn, I'm 55, and I'm hoping this group is my new home? I have tried many other groups, but I never felt like I belonged. I just started a tiny youtube channel just to keep me motivated. My journey is a little different, I'm not on any medications, I'm only about 15 pounds overweight, and I have no real health issues. I just want to stay that way, and hopefully improve my minor issues as I age. I'm very boring, I don't drink alcohol (or coffee), do any drugs, or smoke. I've never been interested in any of those things. I've been working out since I was 12, only taking time off when I was injured, or after a surgery. I was anorexic as a teen, and became a compulsive eater after my mom died when I was 21. I've gained and lost the same 40 pounds multiple times over the years. Been on every diet from Cambridge liquid diet in the 80s, calorie restriction, phen-fen, etc. I don't want to diet anymore. I just want to be healthy. My issue is that I dislike meat, always have. (It was easy for me to be vegan 20 years ago-that lasted 2 years) I've been Carnivore since July 8th. So far my eyesight (far and near) has improved, my panic attacks have gone, my skin is better, my occasional ocular migraines have ceased, and my tinnitus has all but disappeared. I see the benefits, but I still struggle. Sorry for the length of this, I didn't know what to leave out. Have a great day!
  14. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Jughead in Greetings from a Newbie   
    Hello, everyone, thank you for allowing me to join.  I just started the Carnivore diet a few weeks ago.  I'm feeling a bit better, and my bloodwork is a bit better.  However, I want to tackle this head-on, and there's a lot of conflicting info on the internet.  So, I'm hoping this is the place where I can find expert advice.
  15. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in Layne Norton Should Be In Prison For Saying That "Seed oils aren't inflammatory"...   
    Yeah it’s my understanding that seed oils were created by the Germans during WWI as a cheaper machine oil for their U-boats and tanks. Then after the war it was bought by the American food companies to be used over here.
    Once I learned of the process of having to bleach it and deodorize it to make it edible that was enough for me to swear off of it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Orweller in Layne Norton Should Be In Prison For Saying That "Seed oils aren't inflammatory"...   
    Statements like that just help me see who is bought and who isn't. This also goes for politics, education, archeology, science, etc. The list goes on and on. I do not know who that guy is either, probably because over the years I've chosen my sources carefully. No mainstream news, no Twitter, no Tiktok. It's not that I dislike having my mind changed, but the fact is, my mind has already changed.
    The fact is that we get bombarded with lies, so much so, that we are not willing to believe anything anymore, thus killing our ability to think for ourselves, even if initially, we do not fall for the lies. The end result is much the same. 
  17. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Carnivore Club in Layne Norton Should Be In Prison For Saying That "Seed oils aren't inflammatory"...   
    Layne norton being lame norton again by saying seed oils arent inflammatory...

    Source: https://x.com/_CarnivoreClub/status/1814633518619628029
    just wow.
    When will he debate professor bart kay live.
    It wont happen as he knows he'll be obliterated in every possible way.
    Layne norton makes bank from promoting such dangerous misinformation and that's what I have a problem with.
    It's criminal of the highest order.
  18. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Laura in Hello everyone! New here. Terrible Anxiety   
    The insomnia and leg cramps at night are one thing that have prevented me going full carnivore in the past.  Only 3 days in now myself, and I'm finding Organic full fat plain Greek yogurt about 4 hours before bed helps me sleep. It has a few carbs, but is still Carnivore. I don't know if that might help you, but I find it's balancing for me. 😊
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