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    rpavich reacted to Scott F. in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I'm no expert at all and personally, I consider 114 days still in the infancy and barely tipping the iceberg of the learning. Seldom do I disagree with another's post because everything is really individualistic when it comes to one's health.
    My son was on the diet and told me three or so weeks in the diet I would seldom be hungry and eating two hamburger patties would be a tough go. Like was posted earlier, I could snack midafternoon, eat a honking ribeye, with a loaded bake potato, two to three glasses of sweet tea and then eat a hearty snack before bed. "eezy-peezy". I'd still wake up hungry in the morning. There is no way two hamburger patties are going to fill a man at 300lbs. So, I pretty much thought he was full of S*&%.
    Fast forward three weeks in and I put four patties on my plate and nearly had to choke the second one down. The next two got moved til the next day.. From that point on I am mostly OMAD. 
    Before I snacked to be snacking, mostly out of habit and cravings. From about three to four weeks in the cravings were gone and have not had one since. I mentioned once my wife mixed some left-over black beans and corn into a scrap bowl to give to the chickens. It was not exactly a craving, but it did look appealing. I also did a lot of snacking based on break times at work on the 12 hour shift.
    For most, eating is a habit as much as it is a craving or a need. The carnivore diet is all about elimination. For me, it eliminated the cravings and pretty much broke the habit of eating just to be eating. It has not eliminated my need to eat but it has eliminated what I thought was "the need to eat all the time". 
    Again, this is my spiel, and the carnivore experience will never be 'cookie-cutter' but there a lot of typicals.
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    rpavich reacted to Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    That's good marital advice regardless of the context, lol  
  3. Haha
    rpavich got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    This might be the biggest hurdle yet.

    My wife has always nagged me to eat slower...I think now i"ll have to ...to drag out the pleasure past 2 minutes
  4. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    This might be the biggest hurdle yet.

    My wife has always nagged me to eat slower...I think now i"ll have to ...to drag out the pleasure past 2 minutes
  5. Like
    rpavich reacted to Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Many of us get to a point where food is no longer for pleasure and entertainment but is now for nutrition and health.
    That isn’t to say that it can’t be enjoyable and varied but it becomes purpose driven.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    And it's depressingly little. Dinner USED to be a big thing with LOTS of food...now after a burger patty with bacon or something...it's over in 2 minutes. 😞

    I'm eating 2 meals a day; one light one about 10 or 12 pm and then a dinner that's not that big.

    It's hard to mentally get used to it.
  7. Like
    rpavich reacted to Meathead in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Every single positive thing regardless how minute it's progress. 
    Keep on trucking, I'm happy for you 😊. 
  8. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    And it's depressingly little. Dinner USED to be a big thing with LOTS of food...now after a burger patty with bacon or something...it's over in 2 minutes. 😞

    I'm eating 2 meals a day; one light one about 10 or 12 pm and then a dinner that's not that big.

    It's hard to mentally get used to it.
  9. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Ok....Reporting in: everything going great...weight is steady....ailments are either gone or going away...but one thing I noticed...

    I'm so used to snacking for a variety of reasons...the idea of "being hungry" is hard to get used to.....
    I have to consciously ask "Am I hungry?" and I'm finding out that frequently the answer is no.

    Sometimes the urge to snack before bed is so great I drink a cup of decaf with a 2 tbsp of heavy cream in it and before I'm halfway...the craving is gone and I don't finish...but having it ready makes me feel better.

    Last night I took a couple of boiled eggs and a couple of pieces of bacon to bed...I had skipped dinner because I just wasn't hungry...I had a burger patty with cheese about 3 pm and that did it for dinner.

    It's a new thing, thinking about ruining my dinner...I've never had to think about that...I could snack...and then power a huge dinner no problem...and then snack at bedtime.
  10. Like
    rpavich reacted to Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    You are now becoming or have become fat adapted. You have lost your carb hunger that demands glucose and just gnaws at you until you feed that monster. You now have a keto hunger in which you are now running on ketones which is a pure energy. You only get hungry now when your body truly needs fuel and that hunger diminishes when it’s had enough. A empty belly no longer signals a hunger in me anymore. It’s easy to ignore.
    This is why so many of us end up eating OMAD.
    Congratulations, it’s a good sign that your doing it right.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Ok....Reporting in: everything going great...weight is steady....ailments are either gone or going away...but one thing I noticed...

    I'm so used to snacking for a variety of reasons...the idea of "being hungry" is hard to get used to.....
    I have to consciously ask "Am I hungry?" and I'm finding out that frequently the answer is no.

    Sometimes the urge to snack before bed is so great I drink a cup of decaf with a 2 tbsp of heavy cream in it and before I'm halfway...the craving is gone and I don't finish...but having it ready makes me feel better.

    Last night I took a couple of boiled eggs and a couple of pieces of bacon to bed...I had skipped dinner because I just wasn't hungry...I had a burger patty with cheese about 3 pm and that did it for dinner.

    It's a new thing, thinking about ruining my dinner...I've never had to think about that...I could snack...and then power a huge dinner no problem...and then snack at bedtime.
  12. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    it feels weird to have most of my feeling back
  13. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from ol_hilly in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    it feels weird to have most of my feeling back
  14. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from XaqNautilus in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    it feels weird to have most of my feeling back
  15. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Meathead in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    it feels weird to have most of my feeling back
  16. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    it feels weird to have most of my feeling back
  17. Like
    rpavich reacted to Meathead in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. 
    Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. 
    After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. 
    Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.
  18. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Meathead in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I'm CONVINCED that there is and was a collusion in the food/drug industry to keep folks from eating like this. I've watched so many videos explaining the connections between the drug companies, the sugar and junk food industries and where the money-trails are....it's no accident that the diet advice from the powers that be have been wrong...it's not by accident...it's a calculated move to keep us coming back for pills and surgeries.

    I don't think that they think of it that way exactly...but human greed being what it is...I think that they smell money to be made and we are the guinea pigs.
  19. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Meathead in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Ok...I just realized something else...my 5x urinating a night has stopped. I can go a whole night's sleep and only pee 1 or 2 times....no emergencies.....
    Normally if I have to pee...IT'S ON! I was driving home a couple of weeks ago and peed my pants because I couldn't hold it....now...I can say " I have to pee..." and if I don't immediately run to the bathroom...it's no big deal....

  20. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Meathead in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    OK, this is too weird, this might be a coincidence but you won’t believe this
    I’ve had neuropathy in both feet for several years now and no doctor could tell me what’s going on and why it’s happening or how to fix it so I’ve just lived with it.
    for several years now and no doctor could tell me what’s going on and why it’s happening or how to fix it so I’ve just lived with it.
    I realized a day or two ago that I could feel my feet, and just now I realized I can feel myself tickle my feet and it makes me jump, the only part that’s really numb now is the toes and they’re not even really that numb.
    and just now I realized I can feel myself tickle my feet and it makes me jump, the only part that’s really numb now is the toes and they’re not even really that numb.
    It feels funny to walk because it feels like I’m walking on pillows, I can feel the bottom of my feet now
  21. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Carolyn in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    My name is Robert...I've been doing Carnivore for almost 3 weeks now and a question popped up that you might be able to help me with.

    I did Atkins Low carb for 5 years...I lost 80 lbs and kept it off without a blip on the radar....but a bite of pie derailed that...then 5 years of gaining weight...and then calorie counting and doing a LOT of bike riding and working out; weight came back down....then covid hit and my momentum died...I don't do a lot of exercise now...it's hard to get going.

    I noticed one thing about me....when I have the option to eat crap....the urge frequently wins....a handful of (even low carb) chips or other treat turns into a lot more ...the whole bag of chips...etc. I do better when there is a clear line that isn't to be crossed.

    So here is my observation/question:

    I frequently eat something sweet at the end of the day...sugar free jell-o with some reddi-whip (sugar free) on top or something similar, I have a craving for something sweet after all my meals.
    I also think that this isn't a good thing...somehow it's derailing me. I've gained a few lbs while doing carnivore and suspect that this might have something to do with it though I really don't know.

    Is it BEST to cut out all "sweet tasting" things while on carnivore? Does that inhibit ketosis and fat burning even though it's sugar free?

  22. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I'm CONVINCED that there is and was a collusion in the food/drug industry to keep folks from eating like this. I've watched so many videos explaining the connections between the drug companies, the sugar and junk food industries and where the money-trails are....it's no accident that the diet advice from the powers that be have been wrong...it's not by accident...it's a calculated move to keep us coming back for pills and surgeries.

    I don't think that they think of it that way exactly...but human greed being what it is...I think that they smell money to be made and we are the guinea pigs.
  23. Like
    rpavich reacted to Laura in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I definitely believe the entire system is corrupt, but many who are in it don't realize it. 
  24. Like
    rpavich reacted to Miranda in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    This. The boots on the ground are just following orders. They were trained by a corrupt system.
  25. Like
    rpavich got a reaction from Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I'm CONVINCED that there is and was a collusion in the food/drug industry to keep folks from eating like this. I've watched so many videos explaining the connections between the drug companies, the sugar and junk food industries and where the money-trails are....it's no accident that the diet advice from the powers that be have been wrong...it's not by accident...it's a calculated move to keep us coming back for pills and surgeries.

    I don't think that they think of it that way exactly...but human greed being what it is...I think that they smell money to be made and we are the guinea pigs.
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