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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.
  2. From my personal experience I started eating when I was hungry until I felt full. Chuck roast in slow cooker drinking the juices was dinner, 6 eggs with 4 strips of thin bacon added some cheese for filler and taste. Water with Redmond real salt for electrolytes all day/night. This kept me satiated and feeling healthier. I've moved onto 1.5 lbs 73/27 ground beef only 1 meal a day with my electrolytes. Don't give up as I've had stalled weight loss but so many positive things have happened since I've started this lifestyle.
  3. I thought I was the same until I put 1 tbsp of butter in my coffee. It's a game changer.
  4. Forgot I eat 50g of Natto for the health benefits. Trying to get off bp meds, kicked my sugar medication for good.
  5. Hi, I'm new to this lifestyle due to health issues and choosing not to get on ozempic for obvious reasons. So far my journey has been a smooth transition from processed foods to meat and dairy to just meat, coffee with butter.
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