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Shawn M

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    Shawn M got a reaction from Geezy in Way Ahead of His Time   
    James H. Salisbury (1823–1905) was an American physician and chemist known for his advocacy of a meat-centered diet to promote health, and the term Salisbury steak for a ground beef patty served as the main course has been used in the United States since 1897.
    Just ran across this and thought that I would post it. I find it interesting that eating a meat-based diet was thought of back in the 1800's. Lived a long life as well.
  2. Like
    Shawn M got a reaction from Geezy in New Carnivore   
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, I appreciate it. Not all the way Carnivore yet, about 90%. My wife insists on making low carb veggies for dinner like green beans, broccoli and stuff like that. Not optimum, but not the worst either. From the time I get up until dinner I'm all Carnivore.
  3. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Scott F. in Way Ahead of His Time   
    Even n the 50's it was called the 'meat only diet' and some even called it the Stone Age diet'. "Carnivore" is just the newest name and this one markets incredibly well. I think Dr. Shawn Baker gets a lot of the credit for the name. He wrote a book and the name took off from there. But I am sure the diet has been used for years but with different names.
    Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Eric Berry and Dr. Chaffee offer some really good information on their You tube videos. The diet showed great successes with the Multiple Sclerosis community many years ago. It was called the "red meat and water diet" which would be a tough sell marketing wise. 
    Good luck as you move forward. 
  4. Like
    Shawn M got a reaction from Miranda in New Carnivore   
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, I appreciate it. Not all the way Carnivore yet, about 90%. My wife insists on making low carb veggies for dinner like green beans, broccoli and stuff like that. Not optimum, but not the worst either. From the time I get up until dinner I'm all Carnivore.
  5. Like
    Shawn M got a reaction from Meathead in Way Ahead of His Time   
    James H. Salisbury (1823–1905) was an American physician and chemist known for his advocacy of a meat-centered diet to promote health, and the term Salisbury steak for a ground beef patty served as the main course has been used in the United States since 1897.
    Just ran across this and thought that I would post it. I find it interesting that eating a meat-based diet was thought of back in the 1800's. Lived a long life as well.
  6. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Meathead in What Did You Eat Today?   
    You buying whole striploin/ribeye with cap? Hella cheaper than buying precut stuff and you customize thickness with or without fat cap.
  7. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Bob in carnivore and elimination   
    It will be interesting to see if the weight loss resumes after cutting out the milk again.
    It would make sense. Milk has lactose, a sugar. Having it at night before bed isn't a good idea, but I don't think it's a good idea to eat within 4 hours of going to bed either.
  8. Like
    Shawn M got a reaction from Geezy in New Carnivore   
    Good evening. After playing around with Low Carb and Keto diets for the last few decades I'm jumping into Carnivore starting tomorrow morning. I have done this in the past for several days to a week and felt great and like a fool, I let that slip. 
    I'm a 53-year-old man that is 20-25 pounds overweight. I train with kettlebells and do a fair amount of walking daily. I have horrible knees and need them replaced. I'm hoping that I can reduce the inflammation to the point my knees suck less.
    I'm here to learn from great people that have already started the same journey. Thanks for the great forum.
  9. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Geezy in The Carnivore Diet Surpasses Keto In Popularity: 5 Women Over 50 Explain Why and How It Worked For Them   
    Exactly right Bob. Adkins was very similar but after 10 years of being successful on Adkins I failed because it was allowing too much sweets and carbs in until it just took over.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Bob in The Carnivore Diet Surpasses Keto In Popularity: 5 Women Over 50 Explain Why and How It Worked For Them   
    True keto is pure as gold. Modern keto is absolute garbage.
    Real keto is fatty red meat and low carb veg, which is just fine. That's the way it originally started out. But then "keto" became bastardized by the Big Food companies who were missing the dollars from your wallet. They are the ones that came up with all these "keto" breads, tortillas, cookies, cakes, pies, bars, etc, lying to your face about the carb count, hiding it under the unregulated "net carb" moniker. I fell for it myself for quite some time.
  11. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Miranda in The Carnivore Diet Surpasses Keto In Popularity: 5 Women Over 50 Explain Why and How It Worked For Them   
    I could never get on board d fully with keto, because of all the frankenfoods that are acceptable in that woe. Cauliflower is cauliflower. Not pizza crust, rice, mashed potato, or any other abomination. Also all the oxalates on keto are terrifying, thankfully I only made the fathead dough a couple of times. I don't think it's healthy to try to re-create unhealthy treats and pretend it's healthy, when it's really just slightly less unhealthy. Don't get me wrong I love pepperoni on mozzarella and melted cheese on pork rinds, but that's about as far as I will go. I have been really enjoying plain beef with butter lately. And medium boiled eggs.
  12. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Orweller in Carnivore is a fanatical right-wing, male diet, right?   
    I am sure we all know that we are being conditioned to always be in strive, you'll be put in a category and expect you to defend that. Don't be in a tribe, don't identify yourself with what you eat. Just do what you do while being a universal mind, that can agree or disagree with a myriad of propositions, without becoming hateful. It is a distraction after all, this cultural thing. We live in a country that adds a TRILLION dollars of deficit every 100 days, we are witnessing a desperate attempt, to distract us from the notion, we are being goose stepped into a WW3 situation, to distract us from how recklessly our money was wasted for years to come, and how poorly we treat our veterans, distracting us from their attempts to poison us and our children. Do not place your selves in the trenches they are digging for you, keep spreading positivity, be the example. 
  13. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Geezy in Carnivore is a fanatical right-wing, male diet, right?   
    Fanatical Right Wing Male Diet?
    Ok, I’ll wear that badge proudly while I’m beating the snot out of some left wing little soy boy with pink and green hair wearing a mask.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Geezy in Only the rich were fat... once   
    So many slippery slopes in that article.
    First off a country that mandates what you can eat and not eat is not a free country.
    As much as I hate government interference I do applaud the British and European governments for not allowing certain types of food additives into their countries. We are way to lax on allowing Big Food to poison us.
    I absolutely agree that educating our children on nutrition is vital but…that is the responsibility of the parents and not the schools and even if the schools were to try that what guidelines would they teach from. I can pretty much guarantee it wouldn’t be from the perspective of The Proper Human Diet.
    Education begins in the home.

    Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, ESV)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Bob in Only the rich were fat... once   
    Fat people are costing us all billions. It’s time to get tough

    I used to think the obese should be left alone – but they’re beginning to crush us
    WILLIAM SITWELL | 13 May 2024 • 6:15pm

    A sphere projecting against a plane: Only the rich were fat....once CREDIT: James Gillray, 1792
    As I write, the 31st European Congress on Obesity is meeting in Venice. It’s the city that sinks, and it’s a metaphor for the world today sinking into ill-health and economic doom because of obesity.   Delegates to the congress are discussing a new report that shows how obesity hampers economic growth, specifically because obese workers are twice as likely to take time off sick. And as Britain is among the fattest of Europe – almost two in three British adults are overweight or obese – that means that huge numbers of British workers may be off sick because of weight-related issues; the worst of such ailments being diabetes or heart-disease.     Which means it’s no longer just their problem – the dilemma of the obese – it’s our problem too, because it’s our country and our economy.   Obesity costs Britain more than terrorism, it increases the risks of more than 30 types of cancer, it costs the NHS £6.5 billion a year, and it’s pushing up welfare bills. It is making our country inefficient: fewer staff means customers may spend longer waiting for companies to pick up the phone or to get their new passport processed. So is it time we intervened? Hell yes. When it comes to the British obesity crisis, I’m afraid we need to get illiberal.   How we got here is understandable. After the War, and rationing, adding a few notches to the belt felt like freedom. And in the ensuing decades, the transformation of our food culture represented extraordinary progress. As the War ended, kids passing grocery stores asked what those newly-imported bananas were. Now we can eat when we want, shop when we want and the world is our culinary oyster.   But with that fabulous choice has come the devil’s twin horns of the industrialisation of food (ultra-processing et al) and the bad decision-making and ignorance that accompanies that freedom.   And what has then turned that into a disaster is that those ultra-processed foods, (such as soft, white-sliced bread), fast food, takeaways and ready-meals are often cheap. They tend to be less nutritious and, when consumed without moderation, lead to obesity – especially if the consumers aren’t moving about as they should, let alone exercising.   We need to fix this. To do so will take courage and a long-term vision and, sorry politicos, short-term unpopularity.   But we have been here before, with seatbelts, with alcohol, with smoking. And we got through those pain barriers. We look back now aghast that it was once normal to light up in the office.   Taxing the firms who manufacture sugary drinks, restricting the sales of takeaways, putting 18-certificates on fast food, ushering in a new era of rationing might all seem impossible. We have already gone too far.   Well, there is a way. There is a route to compulsory good eating and to indoctrination. And that is through schools. By which I mean free school meals, in every school, and a very limited menu of choice. Were learning about food to become as much a part of the school day as a maths lesson, it would be the greatest social leveller of the 21st century. No more wretched, divisive (plastic) lunch boxes and generations understanding and appreciating a good diet.    Would it be expensive to implement? Of course. We’re talking billions every year. But it’s a revolution that would in time transform this country.   ARTICLE SOURCE: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/13/fat-people-are-costing-us-all-billions-time-to-get-tough/
  16. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Bossman150 in Mustard?   
    Pickles!!! Don't tease me lol that's one of the hardest things for me I am giving up.  I am not giving up my pickled eggs however....
  17. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Bob in Hot dogs?   
    Hot dogs isn't high up on my list of staples. nor that of tasty treats, lol. But, I will have them once in while if didn't pack a lunch and my options are limited. I've also attended some graduation parties or family reunions this year where hamburgers and hotdogs were the only meats present, to which I had my fill a'plenty. 
    Like Dr. Berry says, you technically CAN do this diet using hot dogs, vienna sausage, and other cheap forms of meat, and it would still be a whole lot better than the standard american junk diet.
  18. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Geezy in Hot dogs?   
    I looked up the ingredients list and I was surprised that they were much cleaner that regular cheap dogs.
    I wouldn’t eat them at home because at home I can control my diet and I’m pretty strict but if I was away from home and there was no other option I’d have no problem eating my fill of them.
    They do have corn in them and the “natural flavorings” could be a hidden sugar so for that reason they would only be one of those “less bad” meats that I would eat.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Laura in New Carnivore   
    Welcome, Shawn M!  As soon as I add back plant foods, I start getting arthritis pain again... Ankles, knees, low back, neck.  Pain goes away pretty quickly back on animal products only. This lifestyle is definitely anti inflammatory. 
  20. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Bob in New Carnivore   
    Welcome aboard @Shawn M 🙂
    You can do it. I'm 48 years old and down 58lbs. I'm a tile setter in real life so my knees used to kill me, but I feel much better. I would think the combination of losing some weight and reducing inflammation through diet will benefit you too. 
  21. Like
    Shawn M got a reaction from Miranda in New Carnivore   
    Good evening. After playing around with Low Carb and Keto diets for the last few decades I'm jumping into Carnivore starting tomorrow morning. I have done this in the past for several days to a week and felt great and like a fool, I let that slip. 
    I'm a 53-year-old man that is 20-25 pounds overweight. I train with kettlebells and do a fair amount of walking daily. I have horrible knees and need them replaced. I'm hoping that I can reduce the inflammation to the point my knees suck less.
    I'm here to learn from great people that have already started the same journey. Thanks for the great forum.
  22. Like
    Shawn M got a reaction from Bob in New Carnivore   
    Good evening. After playing around with Low Carb and Keto diets for the last few decades I'm jumping into Carnivore starting tomorrow morning. I have done this in the past for several days to a week and felt great and like a fool, I let that slip. 
    I'm a 53-year-old man that is 20-25 pounds overweight. I train with kettlebells and do a fair amount of walking daily. I have horrible knees and need them replaced. I'm hoping that I can reduce the inflammation to the point my knees suck less.
    I'm here to learn from great people that have already started the same journey. Thanks for the great forum.
  23. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Geezy in What's your Dr's thoughts 🤔   
    The majority of them are ignorant and it’s not really their fault. They never studied nutrition in school and never read the studies cover to cover just the title and the conclusion.
    I waited until my doctors were astonished and flabbergasted by the results and healing I received in less that one year and then I told them what had done to get there.
    It’s funny how they look at the results but deny the truth.
    My primary care doc loves what I’ve done but wants me on a statin and won’t listen to reason. We wants me to eat lean meats and doesn’t understand the human physiology and how fat works in the body. This is the same doctor that told me I was going to die because I refused to wear a mask and get “the jab”.
    He just don’t get it even when the proof is staring him in the face.
    My gastroenterologist, who was treating my Crohn’s disease with a high carb and high fiber diet, was killing me but when I when to him after eating strict carnivore for thirty days and told him I was cured because I did the exact opposite of what he told me to do he just said with a very huffy attitude “Well I’m glad you found something that works for you. You obviously don’t need me anymore.” Lol! I actually laughed and said “I guess you’re right” and we parted ways.
    My cardiologist has totally fallen in love with what I’ve done. He is convinced that I’m on the right path and praises what I’ve accomplished. He has slowly reduced all of my heart medication over a years period and finally took me off of the last of it and said “You’ve done more to heal yourself than anything I could have done for you and if you are still doing this good in six months I’m going to drop you as a patient.
    So it all depends on your doctors. Some are willing to look at things with an open mind and see the truth and others refuse to let go of their pride and look at the possibilities that they may be wrong and learn something from it.
    The only thing I advise is to be honest with them. It is constantly said that there have been no studies proving that carnivore works but I say we are the studies.
    Our doctors document every visit and if we are honest with them then our progress is being documented and tracked and some day all of this information may come to light and vindicate us.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Like
    Shawn M reacted to Scott F. in Carnivore changes continue...90+ days   
    Quick recap. 90+ days in and I stopped pain and inflammation medicine in May. No issues. I lost 54lbs thus far. My daily/across the board energy levels are higher than they have been in a lot of years. I'm getting to the gym and walking on my days off. I noticed sort of early on I was sleeping much better but maybe the big difference is when I wake up it is like a switch. Bam, eyes open ready to go immediately. Which leads to some weirdness.
    I was in the military and one of the things learned in the military is to sleep when you can. I can remember a 15-minute power nap feeling like an 8-hour snooze fest. You also learned to tune a lot out. I slept in a torpedo room on a nuclear-powered sub and slept thru firing torpedoes. I slept thru Hurricane Fran and walked outside to a different planet. My wife can vacuum in the bedroom, and I won't be bothered. But with that said, since those military days all you have to do is say my name and I pop tall ready to go. Since my 20's I have been able to sleep thru anything except my name. 
    Everything the same after carnivore except we had a dog emergency the other night and my wife was yelling my name from the living room, and I never heard it. She came to the door and did the same/ She said I never flinched. The next night she had to actually touch me to wake me up.
    I have been sleeping really well since the switch, but I didn't know I was a couple hairs away from a coma. LOL.
    I am not complaining but do find it weird.
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