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Everything posted by Geezy

  1. The strips and breath meters are almost worthless because they are only measuring the excess ketones that are being expelled, not what’s being used in your body. You could have plenty of ketones being used in your body but not any extra and the strips would show almost nothing. Our bodies make all of the glucose we need without adding anymore to it and that can show up on your tests. More so in the mornings if I remember correctly. Eating meat can raise your blood sugar readings as even meat does have carbs in it to a small degree. Add to that, the smoked brisket you bought had a rub on it. What was in the rub? Many restaurants will use sugar based rubs on their meats, especially if it’s pork but they will do it with beef also. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I hear you. You just have to do what you can do. Start small and build up to it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Walked a mile and a half yesterday. Today I’m fixing to go clean my hunting gear off of my weight bench and lift some weights. Going to be interesting to see how weak I’ve gotten. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Been there done that. You are right. It’s tough but it can be done if you really want to succeed. That’s an excellent idea. The tape is a better metric than the scale. I scale out every day just to track trends but I done rely on it for my progress. The tape is the true metric. You can stay at the same weight but still lose inches. while I was losing I only used the tape measure once a month. It showed more dramatic changes that way. I kept a journal daily as well and it really helped to keep track of what was happening in relation to what I was doing. PERFECT! That’s how you do it. Improvise and overcome. You might also keep some meats cooked up and in the fridge so you can grab a quick bite if you need to suppress a craving. Bacon, sausage, hard boiled eggs, hamburger patties…all good choices.
  5. Dang, that’s rough John. I can’t imagine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Well then that should tell you something…plants are poison. That’s great, progress over perfection. Well this is a high fat dietary lifestyle so that’s good as long as your bowels can handle it. Personally I wouldn’t change a thing as long as it’s working for you That’s also a good thing. Fat is what satiates and satisfies the cravings especially those carb cravings. Just a cautionary warning, setting goals or having expectations can lead to disappointment and discouragement and ultimately quitting. This is not a weight loss diet but a lifestyle of eating that you should do for the rest of your life if you want to maintain optimal health. So try not to worry about achieving goals so much as just focusing on eating properly and let your body heal and let your body do what it’s going to do.
  7. Tony is some good people. In the past there was a lot of backlash against doctors who encouraged the carnivore diet. Dr. Baker had his license suspended for a time because of it. I believe the tide is turning though as carnivore becomes my mainstream.
  8. Yes. It happened to me back in the 90’s when I did Adkins. My wife was 100% against me doing that diet. She was brainwashed like we all were but Dr. Adkins book just made so much sense to me that I was determined to try it. She stayed mad at me for months. But after a year she began to understand. When I started carnivore back in 23 her mindset was totally different. She knew I did the research and trusted that I knew what I was doing. After a year and a half as a carnivore lodge is a firm believer and supports me 100% but she doesn’t do it with me. She will be meat centric but if she wants to eat a bag of Cheetos with her wine then she’s going to do it. Oh well, not much you can do about it. We have grandkids so when they come over there’s going to be all kinds of snacks and foods that I will never touch. When we have a bbq or a dinner party there’s going to be lots of food that I won’t eat. When we go on a trip or eat out it can be a challenge to eat properly but I manage to get it done. You see, even if your wife isn’t carnivore it doesn’t mean you won’t face challenges. They are always going to be there. From the beginning of my carnivore journey there has been cokes in the pantry, bread or tortillas on the counter, fruit in the crisper, candy in the gum ball machine and ice cream in the freezer. There was then and there is now. I have never cheated in the last 670 days. My advice? Check your why. Why are you doing this? What’s the most important thing to you? A fleeting moment of taste on the tongue or having good heath and feeling great for the rest of your life? I just made my choice and that’s why I’ve succeeded. I’ve even had people try and talk me into cheating “just this one time, it won’t hurt”. I am motivated to succeed. I refuse to fail. Once I start something I cannot be stopped. I am a carnivore warrior. Stay motivated by immersing yourself into the carnivore lifestyle and community. Watch videos from carnivore doctors and influencers. Listening to podcasts about carnivore. Pay attention to the success stories. Read books from those in the carnivore community. Continuously educating yourself on the ins and out of this lifestyle. Treat this as a lifestyle and not a diet. It all boils down to YOU and no one else. This is your journey, your path to travel alone. We can give you support but it’s still your quest. So what is your why?
  9. Thanks Bob. I take that as an expert opinion. [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Ain’t hit a lick yet unless you count wrestling grand kids. Lol. Been out of town for a few days and just got home. I’ll start up Monday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Welcome to Carnivore Talk Mike. Since people with kidney disease can have trouble removing phosphorus from their blood they may need to limit their phosphorus intake. Foods that can be high in phosphorus and you might consider cutting out are , Chicken, pork, sea food, organ meats and dairy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Well that’s too bad but this isn’t the first time I’ve gone through this. A bow hunting forum I’m a member of went through that mess you’re talking about. Our bow hunting site (TexasBowhunters.com) is a very big talk forum and most of us in there really liked the ease of using TT the owners of TT started pulling some shenanigans and the owners of the talk forum dropped TT and moved on. I just happened to still have the app when I found y’all. I did a search for carnivore forums one day and Carnivore Talk popped up. Been here ever since. I guess I’ll just archive Tapatalk again or maybe just delete it. I’m on just about all the forums I can handle now. I haven’t even the Ketogenic forum in months now. I like the ease of using TT but you gotta do what you gotta do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I’m in. Need to get back into the habit of walking again. I’ll include some light weight training and chair exercises. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Way too many factors going on to know for sure. Nursing a baby. Hormonal changes from childbirth. Hormones in general. Recovery from childbirth. Any or all could be the culprit. Woman often have trouble in the beginning of carnivore just because of their hormones. Look up Kelly Hogan on Utube. She didn’t start losing weight until she was six months on carnivore but she was in it to heal so she stuck it out and it paid off for her. My advice would be to just keep eating a proper human diet as it’s best for the baby’s nourishment and give her body more time to heal at least until she’s no longer nursing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. This is my version of “Whole Hog”. [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The reason the medical profession worries so much about your LDL level is that studies have shown a a very strong correlation between lowering your cholesterol by taking a statin and the annual pay bonuses of pharmaceutical company executives. (Cynical? Moi?)
  17. I’ve only gotten one steakhouse to let me order ala cart and the price difference was negligible so not worth it. So now I ask who wants my sides or I’ll bring them home to my dogs or chickens.
  18. Slow smoked pork butt for me today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Now see those and smoked oysters I can still eat without crackers. I’m still putting hot sauce on them though. I can hurt myself eating oysters and raw ahi tuna fresh caught.
  20. I got this from Dr. Jason Fung This is a normal process. When you fast, insulin levels start to drop and this triggers a surge of counter-regulatory hormones, including noradrenalin and growth hormone. This is normal, and meant to pull some of the stored sugar from the liver into the blood. If your liver is full of sugar, it may release lots of sugar into the blood, causing the blood sugar to rise. So, yes, blood sugar may rise during fasting. The most important question to consider, though, is where this sugar came from. If you are not eating, the rise in blood sugar may only come from your own body. You are simply moving sugar from the liver to the blood. It means that there is too much sugar stored inside your body and you need to empty it out, either with LCHF diet or intermittent fasting Dr. Jason Fung
  21. We are only limited by our imagination.
  22. Oh yea. That meat is so tender you can just shred it up for a soup or chunk it for more of a stew. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I hear you about sardines. I used to like them but I always ate them with crackers but since I won’t eat crackers anymore sardines have just lost their appeal to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Well I can’t speak to the accuracy of that chart but I was going by what Dr. Berry says. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Oh I can definitely understand that. I have trouble maintaining my weight sometimes. Right now I’m 7 pounds underweight. I guess for people in our position eating dairy is probably the most nutritious way to keep weight on. I’m with you, if anyone knows a better way I’m open to suggestions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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