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Everything posted by Geezy

  1. Not to mention that more biological life is killed to produce her food than the death of the animals we eat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I think you should. When your body starts producing ketones your kidneys will start flushing out fluids and minerals and it’s easy to get depleted. I personally take LMNT unflavored. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I know that carnivore really helped my back. Between getting rid of the inflammation and weight I feel like a new man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I believe you are incorrect because as I said earlier, when you are methodically healthy your body doesn’t need nearly as much vitamin C and what you do get from meats is enough. There are thousands of carnivores out there that have been eating this lifestyle for decades and none of them have ever gotten scurvy. There is not one documented case that I’m aware of and that the carnivore doctors are aware of where anyone contracted scurvy because they are only fresh meat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. By eliminating the glucose stores from your body then it must turn to your fat stores for energy. As you use the fat energy the weight comes off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Ketosis is a built in function of your body to help out when you have no stored glucose available for energy. It is a function which burns stored fats instead which results in ketone bodies being released into the body. Energy from fat is more sustainable that energy from glucose. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. None whatsoever. You must be really bored tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. They are economically damaging to household income when I have to buy a whole new wardrobe. But that may be offset somewhat by my lower grocery bill. It can be really dangerous when your body becomes so metabolically healthy that the medications your taking for previous ailments start having negative effects on you. The general economy can be greatly affected when enough people are eating this proper human diet that pharmaceutical companies lose money because so many people become so healthy that they no longer need their meds. Big food takes a big hit because everyone only buys real food instead of that fake crap they push in the stores. The only thing bad about how we eat is the big corporations who would be losing billions because nobody would be eating the poison they produce and the pills they sell to hide the symptoms of the poison’s effects. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Carnivore and keto don’t fit in at all because they are pretty much polar opposite of all other diets. That’s because they are not trends nor are they fads. They are lifestyles and not diets. They are not mainstream because they debunk all of the so-called nutritional science out there and there’s no money in them for big food and big pharma. What we can learn is that for decades we’ve been lied to and misled about health and nutrition. We also learn that there is a way to heal without medicine but with real food. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. If you really want to eat carnivore to heal your body then just do carnivore. Eating fruits and vegetables is not carnivore. At best you might be able to call it ketovore. It may sound like semantics or hair splitting but it’s really not. You are only a week into this way of eating and already looking for a way off of it. Set your goal. Then set your plan to reach that goal and then don’t deviate from it for at least 90 days or until you reach that goal. First heal yourself. Don’t complicate it or overthink it. Fatty meat, salt, water. It’s simple. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. As already mentioned, my arthritis and inflammation is gone. IBS and Crohn’s disease cured. Blood pressure got so low that my cardiologist had to take me off of one of my meds because I had brought it down naturally and the meds were taking it down too low artificially. I’m noticing that my dandruff has cleared up after nearly fifty years. My heart palpitations have reduced greatly. My energy is way up. And I’ve lost 45 pounds. I feel better at 67 than I did at 50. I will never eat any other way again because I know, without a doubt, that this is the way we were meant to eat. I no longer have any desire for anything that is not a nutrient dense meat product. Food is no longer for pleasure and entertainment but is now for nutrition and health.
  12. Yes, I think you’re doing fine.
  13. What I eat, in order of nutrition, is beef, lamb (I raise my own), venison (I hunt a lot), eggs (from my chickens or from neighbors), pork (both store bought and wild boar I hunt), liver, omega 3 rich fish, seafood (shrimp, oysters,etc), chicken. I generally drown my chicken in butter. If any of the meat I’m eating is lean then it gets covered in butter. I cook with only ghee, butter, tallow, bacon fat or lard. I have some olive oils and avocado oil but I only use it when I run out of animal fats. I primarily use sea salt or pink salt but will use any salt if necessary. I do occasionally use some other seasonings but very sparingly. They do not cause any issues in my body. They may affect others though. I will not eat any sugars or sugar substitutes. I will not eat anything that has any kind of foods that have added sugars or sweeteners of any kind. I will not eat anything that has any kind of grain or nut in it. I will not consume and seed oils. I will not eat and fruits or vegetables. When my body stabilizes at its optimal level I may, on occasion try introducing a little onion, garlic or mushrooms in my cooking because I do love those flavors but if It affects me it any way then it’ll be gone forever. I drink one cup of bulletproof tea in the morning and then it’s plenty of water throughout the day. For supplements I use LMNT electrolyte mix everyday and take a D3 vitamin, CoQ10, a 500mg magnesium capsule (for bowel issues) and I have one heart med that I have to take. It used to be two heart meds but my diet has improved my metabolic heathy so well that my cardiologist took me off one of them. That’s all I can think of right now but as you can see, I have a lot of variety in what I eat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Coldstomp, as I’m sure you know, statins are worthless and do more harm than good and most doctors are incredibly ignorant when it comes to cholesterol. I am amazed at how different everyone’s bodies can be so different. When I started carnivore I was at 225 and 6 feet tall. My 38 inch jeans would not button without laying down on the bed and using a button extender. I don’t know how you did it at 300lbs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I’ve been keeping a weight diary just to see the pattern and mine almost mirrors yours. A few days of loosing then stop. Gain a little. Stall for a while then lose some more and then start the cycle over again. I don’t do anything to try to change it because I know the weight itself is meaningless. It’s all about the inches. I just keep eating the same every day and when my body is adjusted and ready to continue going down then it’ll do it on its own. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. What’s the name of the Cajun seasoning you’re using? All of my favorites have sugar in them starches of some kind so I won’t use them anymore. The only one I found so far that’s fairly clean is Slap Ya Momma. Their hot sauce is clean too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. At 26 I was in a bad car wreck that left me with career changing, lifelong injuries so I can definitely empathize with you. Sleep apnea. From what I’ve seen from going to my sleep doctor, most of the patients are overweight. With you being lean I don’t know if any of what I say will apply to you but this is what it’s done for me. I was put on a bipap machine for my “moderate/severe “ apnea. I’ve been a carnivore for 171 days now and I believe it has helped my apnea. Going into the settings on my machine I’ve turned the inhale way down to we’re I hardly notice and have done the same for the exhale. It feels more like normal breathing to me now and is much more comfortable. My hourly incidents are down to .4 or less. Some nights even zero. At my next appointment with my doctor I’m going to see if I can get another sleep study done and see if I can get off this machine. Your pain. I feel for you. I’ve had many injuries and surgeries in my 67 years and I won’t go into great detail on them all but suffice it to say, there’s been so many that I have a hard time remembering them all. I’ve had a protruding compressed disk in my back since I was in my thirties and then in my fifties I developed spinal stenosis. I end up having surgery for both issues. While it definitely helped it left me with massive inflammation and throughout my back. It got so bad that I couldn’t walk a hundred yards without support. I had so much pain in my right knee that I couldn’t get anymore shots in the knee and the doctors were taking replacement. My right hip was so full of arthritis they were talking about replacing it too. My left hip was replaced in 2000. I was a mechanic for 41 years and my right hand hurt so much that I couldn’t close it to make a fist and holding onto my tools was difficult. Within one month on strict carnivore most of my pain was gone. Within 6 weeks I was walking 2.5 miles briskly with no pain. My inflammation and arthritis are gone. I can make a fist again. That’s the up side. The downside, carnivore will not fix the disk that is still compressed and protruding. I will always have to be careful of how I use my back and it can still get to hurting pretty good if I overuse it but the difference between then and now is nothing short of miraculous for me. While carnivore will definitely help with inflammation I don’t believe I will fix damaged joints but it is a massive improvement. My knee doesn’t hurt anymore and neither does my hip. I can’t speak on your warts but I’ve heart that it some people have had positive results. Whether you’re overweight or normal weight, this carnivore is lifestyle way of eating that is meant to heal your body and make it metabolically healthy. It is the way we were designed to fuel our bodies. Man was never meant to eat sugar, grains and seed oils. Fruits and vegetables were only meant to be used as starvation food. Animal products are all the human body needs to function properly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. More holes in that study than a Texas oil patch. It’s all total BS. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I’ve plateaued so many times that I got curious if I could see any kind of pattern. So I started weighing myself every day and recording the weights. I changed nothing in my diet but I noticed that I would plateau for one or two weeks, even gaining some weight back. At one time I plateaued for a full month on the second month. Then all of a sudden I’d just start dropping pounds. One or two a day and once even three pounds in one day. This would last for a week or so and then plateau again for a week or so. This is the cycle I’m caught up in. I’ve learned to not let it bother me and just keep on keeping on. I’m in my lifestyle of eating. That will never change and sometimes my body may have to go through adjustment periods but it’ll straighten itself out on its own and I don’t feel the need to “shock” it or do anything different. I don’t even have a weight loss goal because this is a weight optimization diet and my body will decide when to lose and how much to lose and eventually stop where it’s supposed to and I’ll just keep eating the way I’ve been eating ever since I started this carnivore lifestyle of eating. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Bob is spot on more than likely. Most of us go through an adjustment period that can last from two weeks to a month or more. I believe the more you were addicted to carbs, especially highly processed carbs, the rougher it can be. Mine were very mild compared to some. The cravings weren’t much of an issue because I was totally committed to doing this but I did experience headaches and diarrhea. The diarrhea lasted a month and the headaches, off and on, for two months but during that time I saw so many fantastic improvements in my health that I never once thought about changing anything. When I’m committed to something it’s really hard to detour me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Sauces can easily be triggers that can cause one to stray. If I feel the need for some kind of sauce I’ll just use butter. Sometimes I’ll add a little hot sauce to the butter but hot sauce doesn’t bother me and it’s not a trigger for me as long as there I no sugar, sweeteners, soy, grains or seed oils. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Got a couple of my lambs back from the processors and decided to celebrate with smoking one of the quarters. Two hours into the smoke. After 8 hours later. Mmmm, fall of the bone tender. Yum. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Do you need to? What does your body tell you? I personally don’t count anything. For one thing my brain isn’t wired for numbers, they just don’t make sense to me. And that’s what I love about eating carnivore. It doesn’t require that I count anything. I eat what my body needs, meaning I eat to satiation and only eat when my body tells me it need fuel by giving me hunger signals. Now I’m losing weight and not trying to gain weight but from talking to those who eat carni for weight gain the principles are the same. Eat as much fatty meat as you want and to satiation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. It would be nice to see those tri’s down a the Hdl up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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