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Everything posted by meljel1

  1. You know the funny thing is that people really have been eating this way since the dawn of time, thousands and thousands of years, Protein and fat has been their main thing they consumed. Indians and many others including traders in the 1800's and so, people who built this country ate primarily a protein diet. They did have gardens and farms, but you are talking about an era that there were no real contamination of pesticides and chemicals the way we have it today. Everything basically today is man made, with dangerous toxins and chemicals to the point are poor bodies cannot handle any of it. They are reacting back, first time in history all of us are in serious trouble because of this era. Which really makes no sense to me at all, we seem to know it all, but apparently, we haven't learned much, because if we don't remember where we came from our past, we are doomed. The other thing we allow toxins and different chemicals in our food and environment WHEN other countries in Europe and well many others, will not allow it in their food or environment. Like roundup, they still sell it to this day when they know it has a link to cancer and there was a huge lawsuit over it. Just makes no sense at all. This makes sense, people who traveled and walked on foot for miles and miles, people who lived outside 24/7 in tents and igloos and teepees, and cabins. People who built this country, if they didn't die by freezing to death, animals, war or some other personal clash or accident, they lived and thrived. American Indians and the Eskimo people are a living testament to this today. They lived off of the animal, every part, and in winter, like south Dakota and other areas there was no vegetation to thrive on and if there were, it was frozen over or covered. Some of these Indians lived well into their 90's and above, even today some Okinawan's elderly have lived over 120 years, they eat a lot of protein and thrive. Now here's the sad part, some on the mainland have started to eat a western diet, and now many of them are also becoming obese and have a diabetes and other diseases.
  2. Hello and good afternoon, I hope you all are having a nice Saturday. I have a question for you all, I have noticed since starting this that when I eat, sometimes for a long period of time I am not hungry (it can be many hours or all day) or that I think I ate enough when in reality I did not get enough of protein, but I am full and don't feel I need to eat. Now to make sure I am eating enough protein I have been eating more and more frequently even if I don't feel really hungry. I went one day almost all day (8) hours or so but only had 2 eggs and a good-sized hamburger patty, sometimes even steak and eggs, but that still is not enough of protein that I need for the whole day. So, what is your thoughts on eating just when hungry? or eating more because you know you didn't eat enough for the day. I have heard both. Do any of you count the grams of meat protein you eat? I started and then stopped and just eating now. Thank you, I appreciate you input on this.
  3. Absolutely love the woods, great picture.
  4. Bob, thank you for posting this. This is something that I have been dealing with for years. They put me on medication, and I noticed within 24 hrs. of the first meds I had severe heart palpitations. I did not have this before, I immediately took myself off of them, and actually through the bottle away. Two days later I was watching the news, and they had a recall of the medication Nationwide because people were having heart attacks from this medication. I was also told like you, that diet did not affect it, but when I went away from certain foods, I got better. I tested it and when I went back, even lightly to those foods, it came back. Other foods also were a contributor, I slowly started to eliminate certain foods in my diet and have gotten much better. I have been one, I don't just listen and do as much of our society does, just because certain people in our government say it is so, does not mean it is so. People need to be diligent and check and research thing's out. For me that Is what I have done. This lifestyle makes a lot of sense. I have always had low blood sugar, fast metabolism and people have always told me keep candy or something in your pocket or with you if it goes down, I always thought was stupid to be honest. I would run and get something that had the quickest protein I could find to bring it back up, like a hamburger or steak, something like that. It would work, every time. It always made me wonder, because of my own experience with this issue. So, eating more meat products, I feel much better, and have felt clearer and more focused than I have before, and lighter too...lol Since starting this, I have noticed that tummy issues are much calmer, though I am having one issue that I know will subside in time.
  5. Here is a picture of my dog Finn,
  6. Thank You! Have a great weekend.
  7. I will, Thank You!
  8. Alot of people are looking for that easy fix for their life(body)problems, the thing is there is no easy fix. What we put in our body's makes all the difference. Life is hard work, the magic bullet doesn't (exist) or work, these scams just want to waste your time and $$$. People are very gullible, common sense and logic has been thrown out the window years ago.
  9. Thank you all for helping me with this, I think for now I will keep the one cup of coffee (3x a week or so) and eventually get rid of it. For now, I am just focusing on keeping the right amount of protein and fat in. I appreciate you all for the sound advice. Melissa
  10. Hello and good evening, the one thing that I love is coffee and tea, even know that I just started, I have noticed that I do feel like I am dragging the next day and over tired. I have heard from some videos I just recently watch that some can take coffee, and some can't. And also, what do you put in your coffee, sometimes the cream may be the culprit too. I thought about that after watching one of the videos from the Drs. IKD? For me it is hard, I love the taste of coffee, I have never liked pastry's and such and now well I wouldn't eat it even if I could, didn't before butt know I won't but the coffee, the one thing is I tried adding butter today, and it was creamy, but added a tad of sugar, decided today maybe I should just stop with the coffee and acclimate to this and try again or just give it up. Will see, but would like to read and find out more too.
  11. They look very good, planning to try them
  12. Hello everyone, very glad to be here and find this community. I have been looking into Carnivore for quite a while, pretty much understood what it is a lifestyle. I started last week, so almost a week, and adjusting my eating habits throw-out as I go. I gave up soda and all that 15 years ago, have been drinking lots of water since then. One thing I was doing was having Dunkin donuts coffee bottled mocha. I haven't had one in almost a week, and the cravings for chocolate and coffee are going away. I absolutely love steak, meat all that and with the butter, but I do like salads (not given in to eating the vegetables or lettuce). Just simple, meat, eggs, butter, and water and of course salt. I have been watching Dr Barry, Dr Shawn Baker, Dr letterman, Old Guy Carnivore and much more. For me a lot of this make sense, I love history especially the past, and I know looking back humans did not eat the way we eat today, especially with all the additives and progression of the food industry. I am excited about my new journey, and I already am starting to see some changes, sleep, headaches and most important is my low blood sugar, I usually have to eat every so often, they always tell me always take candy with you in case your busy and it goes down. But I never would I always just run for protein, like a burger, chicken, chicken tenders, or something like that, and of course I felt better, so for me this made sense. I also have an issue with IBS and I have noticed that recently my tummy is much better. Thank you, nice to meet you all. Do you all have a group's that meet up? Melissa
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