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  • Bob

    Oozing Cholesterol on the Carnivore Diet? Saturated Fat Overload?

    The news media is blaming the Carnivore Diet for a man from Tampa, Florida, who developed xanthelasma, a condition where yellowish, fatty deposits form under the skin. His alleged diet was admittedly extreme, which involved consuming 6-9 pounds of cheese on a daily basis, as well as multiple sticks of butter, and hamburgers with extra fat mixed in the minced meat. Apparently his cholesterol levels skyrocketed to over 1000 mg/dL, significantly higher than the normal level of less than 200 mg/dL2.

    Is this story true? Could other underlying conditions be at the root of his xanthelasma? Was he REALLY following a true carnivore diet? Is the carnivore diet safe and beneficial. We touch on all these questions and issues in this video.



    Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Contact me using this form...


    Robert Angle
    Carnivore Talk
    PO Box 1367
    Stow, OH 44224

    The Carnivore Talk website and its audio and video content is for general informational purposes only. The use of the information found within our content or from materials linked to from our content is at the user’s own risk. The content published by Carnivore Talk is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their health care professionals to obtain medical advice and to diagnose or treat any condition.

    #xanthelasma #xanthoma #hypercholesterolemia #hypertryglyceridemia #dyslipidaemia #palmarxanthoma #carnivore #carnivorediet #ketodiet #keto 

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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • I consider in its own food group and it lands up high on the pedestal of things to eat. Maybe even at the top.  Scott
    • I remember when mine hit 4.8 and I remarked to my nephrologist about it being above the high range, and he said he wasn't worried about it. He said the risk for osteoporosis doesn't start until at least 5.5 and up. After 6 months on my carnivore diet mine was up to 5.3 but he still wasn't concerned and was happier about some of the other small improvements I was experiencing. Then, after the fenofibrate debacle that I talked about in the video you watched (which was prescribed by my PCP, and my nephro said get off that stuff immediately), my phosphorous was up to 9.2. I stopped drinking dark colored sodas (which contain Phosphoric acid) and went a month without cheese and brought it down to 8.3. I'll be testing again this week. So far, nobody has mentioned taking a phosphate binder, but the thought has been bouncing around in the back of my mind. The problem is that meat is heavy on the phosphorous. But DAIRY contains the most concentrated phosphorous of them all. The only way to lower it is to excrete it through the urine. The tricky juggling act is to try not to consume it faster than the kidney can expel it. Start with cutting out dark sodas if you are still drinking them. In fact, read the labels of any food or beverage and make sure none of the ingredients have the letters PHOS in them. If you can bear it, try to cut down on or eliminate cheeses and dairy. I don't think this applies to butter and ghee. This page and the food chart at the bottom is pretty helpful... https://www.kidney.org/kidney-topics/phosphorus-and-your-diet
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    • When I started my health journey, I was keto. I would try and make dinners that the whole family would enjoy and not complain about. The wife was on board. The kids couldn't bear it and started making their own food or ordering out. They were raised on processed garbage. I tried to fight it, but "mom" would always cave in and play short-order cook and placate them with whatever they wanted. When I went carnivore, my wife would eat the dinners I made - usually steak. But currently she's burned out and is boycotting steak, lol. I'm eating steak and shrimp, and she's eating DiGiorno pizza's. They also keep trying to get me to take them out to dinner more than usual lately too.  .... "Oh, I have a great idea... let's go to .... " lol. 
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