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  • Bob

    Oozing Cholesterol on the Carnivore Diet? Saturated Fat Overload?

    The news media is blaming the Carnivore Diet for a man from Tampa, Florida, who developed xanthelasma, a condition where yellowish, fatty deposits form under the skin. His alleged diet was admittedly extreme, which involved consuming 6-9 pounds of cheese on a daily basis, as well as multiple sticks of butter, and hamburgers with extra fat mixed in the minced meat. Apparently his cholesterol levels skyrocketed to over 1000 mg/dL, significantly higher than the normal level of less than 200 mg/dL2.

    Is this story true? Could other underlying conditions be at the root of his xanthelasma? Was he REALLY following a true carnivore diet? Is the carnivore diet safe and beneficial. We touch on all these questions and issues in this video.



    Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Contact me using this form...


    Robert Angle
    Carnivore Talk
    PO Box 1367
    Stow, OH 44224

    The Carnivore Talk website and its audio and video content is for general informational purposes only. The use of the information found within our content or from materials linked to from our content is at the user’s own risk. The content published by Carnivore Talk is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their health care professionals to obtain medical advice and to diagnose or treat any condition.

    #xanthelasma #xanthoma #hypercholesterolemia #hypertryglyceridemia #dyslipidaemia #palmarxanthoma #carnivore #carnivorediet #ketodiet #keto 

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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • Welcome aboard Ashley! If you don't mind, what are the medications you are taking and what conditions were they prescribed for? Good choice with the pasta and the rice. They have got to go. Cheese on the other hand is a toss up. It's generally considered safe and healthy on a keto, ketovore, or carnivore lifestyle. However, there are individuals who are addicted to cheese and can easily overeat cheese. Cheese is a dairy product - that is, made from milk, and milk is designed to fatten up a young mammal during it's formative years. So basically, if you can't control your dairy consumption due to addiction, it could be a roadblock to weight loss. Many of us though enjoy cheese just fine, we just treat it as a condiment and not the main course. Generally speaking, you want to fill half your plate or more with fatty meat, and the other half or less with low carb veggies. Eat 2-3 meals a day with no snacking. Avoid all grains and refined sugar, which completely axes processed food. And then avoid or minimize seed oils as much as possible - the biggest obstacles being mayo and dressings, which are soybean oil based. You don't have to obsess over this, as a little here and there won't kill you, especially since you cut out all the seed oils from processed foods. But if you can, look for avocado oil based mayo and if you are a salad gal, find some true pure olive oil and vinegar. Start there, and we will help you along the way.
    • There is a lot of theories to this, and unfortunately the Bible doesn't elaborate. I actually plan to do a video(s) on this topic in the future. But here are some speculations. One or more of these could be correct. They all could be correct. They all could be wrong. I may or may not personally believe in all of the things I am about to type... A) Notice the sudden drop in lifespan after the flood. This implies at least a couple things... Man was closer to perfection before the flood.  Conditions on earth were different before the flood To elaborate on #2, many believe the Bible speaks of a water canopy that was suspended above the earth. This canopy allowed more temperate climates around the whole globe, including in the poles, thus serving as an explanation on why certain mammals have been found fossilized in the far northern and southern extremities of the planet when they normally would not be well-suited to inhabit those areas. Much of the flood waters is the result of this water/vapor canopy collapsing.  That canopy may have also protected us from harmful radiation from the sun, thus the longer lifespans. Without the canopy there, we are more susceptible to aging, harm, and mutation. Much of what we ate before the flood may no longer exist, and meat would fill that void. OR, because of that harmful exposure that we would now be subject to with the canopy gone, the nutrition found in meat would counteract those negative effects. B) BLOOD was set aside and designated for a symbolic purpose after the flood. After the flood, we see the first reference to eating meat. However, it was at the same time stated that the blood was sacred, represented one's life force, and belonged to the creator. It belonged to him and him alone, and so when you slaughtered an animal, you were required to bleed it to the best of your ability, pouring out on the ground thus returning it to it's rightful owner. Your blood is not yours to do with what you want. It's "on loan" to you, so to speak. All of this may have been because the spilling of blood would be used to atone for one's sins, and ultimately the spilling of Jesus blood would atone for the sins of all (believing) mankind.  C) We've eaten meat all along. The bit about blood in section B above could all still be true, but we ate meat all along. Only after the flood was it made clear not to eat blood because of it's sacred-use significance. After all, we have some questions regarding.... Why did Abel think killing animals would please God? God made Adam and Eve garments made from animal skins? And what does that imply? And then there is much evidence in the way of stone tools, cave paintings, etc, that depict humans being hunters way back in the distant past. Add to that, our intestines and digestive tract bears a design similar to that of carnivorous animals, and NOT that of herbivores. We have a limited capacity to digest plant matter. We thrive on meat and make almost complete use of it, but we struggle to digest plants, whether we are dealing with antinutrients, plant toxins, gas, bloat, and fiber that we poo out undigested. It's almost as if we were DESIGNED to eat a carnivore-centric diet with a little fruitage here and there. So either A) God designed us this way from the beginning, or B) the human digestive tract experienced rapid adaptation after the flood with the introduction of meat in our diets.   I still toss this one around in my noggin. I affiliate with a religious organization that teaches nobody ate meat before the flood. But humans aren't the brightest and have proven they will stick anything in their mouths. Plus I meander on the questions I brought up above. At the same time, it's not a salvation issue. My faith doesn't hinge on the "mystery" of finding an accurate answer to the above questions.
    • Last night we were invited over to my son's girlfriends house by her father to watch the Superbowl. The dad had made italian sausages in the crockpot, simmered in a tomato based sauce, which I enjoyed with a fork since I won't touch the hoagie buns. The girl made a buffalo chicken dip, which I had with pork rinds since I don't do potato chips or corn chips. My wife brought a fruit tray with strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon, with which I did enjoy some berries. Cantaloupe and honeydew melon are nasty though, lol.  
    • Agreed. Belief systems and habits.  There was a meme and maybe it was here, not sure. When you bring up Carnivore, standing in front of them in better health/lost weight, and they are eating a super-sized meal from a fast-food joint with a mongo sized soft drink, and all of a sudden, they become a nutritionist or a doctor. These will always be a hard sell. Scott
    • That is 81 % fat in calories.
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