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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • Tomorrow will mark 9 months eating Carnivore. At nine months I still call it the Carnivore Diet. I'm working my way toward it being a lifestyle. This far no real issues. I made light of my nearly $200 boots no longer fitting but mostly because I have heard tons of weight loss stories and tons of diets. Keto, Atkins, Jenny Craig, Weight watchers and I never remember anyone showing off the fact their feet got smaller. Totally caught off guard on this one.  I have not taken any medicine for pain nor inflammation since May/June of last year, maybe 4 weeks into the diet. Although I was expecting a bit more progress as the weight fell but over the last four months or so my LDL dropped by 35. I was sort of happy with it holding steady for the first four or five months, then after some reading, I sort of expected it to inch up some as I am eating a lot of fat and using fat for energy. Another carnivore surprise, it dropped by 35. I stalled on the weight loss in the low to mid 80's for more than a month. I'm eating more than ever trying to hit the protein per pound for muscle growth. I have found getting close to 200 grams is sort of hard to do as I have found I'm a 'right around one meal per day person'. The second meal at times can be a chore. And even though I feel like I am eating a five gallon bucket of meat a day this morning I hit the 90lb loss mark. I weighed in at 306 in May and hit the scales at 216 today. Ten pounds per month average over the last nine months. Not too shabby. A big thanks to the board and its members. I pull older threads and read as I am interested in people's personal stories more so than studies and clinical findings. I like to compare the experience of others to my own and usually learn something along the way.  Scott        
    • I didn't McGee's point,   If diet had improved them in any way they would not have been destroyed.  Sounds like he believes God sent the flood because of vegetarianism.
    • Good job Joanna. Being your own N of 1 is the way you’ll find your path. 
    • Mankind were all vegetarians before the flood. We didn’t become meat eaters until after the flood. 
    • I do the same butter condiment thing. And because I eat some salads,I pour the rendered fat on the salad as dressing, say, bacon and egg salad.
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