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Everything posted by Orweller

  1. Welcome to the club.
  2. Still after all these years, I have to translate to Celsius to see how freaking cold that is! Ohio has multiple personalities. Snow already gone but my roof is about to come off due to high winds.
  3. I use pasteurized dairy. In small amounts. In fact I prefer it. I see no problem with it. I use heavy whipping cream for my coffee and cheese when I need a quick snack or some extra fat. Pasteurized. The carnivore police hasn't arrested me yet lol. I know it can be a controversial topic, but I just don't feel like chasing perfection, in such manner, that it will make me lose the plot. We eat carnivore to be healthier. Milk, or cream, or cheese in small amounts should be no problem.
  4. 4 seasons in 1 day in Ohio. Crazy.
  5. Lunch meat you put on a piece of wood, and eating it with pinky up, laughing at the peasants toiling in their fields.
  6. I think it's the combination of fat with sugar, that causes problems on a metabolic level. So fat can play a role, in combination of a high sugar diet. It makes sense.
  7. That's what they told me! Never came back after all these years!
  8. I just had andouille sausage for the first time. Packaged of course. I am still quite unsure about some of the sausage and their ingredients.
  9. That's because I grew up by the North Sea. Fish markets galore. I make do with the resources I have. 40 days into carnivore and still going strong. Salmon from the store but I make sure it is Alaskan.
  10. It's the sea food that I find lacking here in (north west) Ohio, where is the mackerel, herring, eel, where are the fish markets other than getting my fish in a box? It would mean going to a restaurant or eat salmon once again. I was spoiled all those years in a coast town by the sea. I did find a good braunschweiger for my liver needs. Also plenty of venison from my hunting friends. I try not to consume too much cheese or yoghurt at the same time. Thanks for the reply.
  11. It's for me vitamins and protein shakes over the years I fear have done their damage. No only target supplementation for me. My remaining concerns on this diet are calcium, vitamin E, vitamin A. Not highly concerned, but watching it.
  12. Another idea I'll blatantly steal from you.
  13. Talking about a game changer. You won't regret it.
  14. Is he in ketosis? and still have withdrawal issues? I have to admit that I have missed the crunchy foods, but not necessarily the flavors.
  15. First of, avocado is amazing. I think both macadamia nuts and avocado can be useful as a supplement. So long as your body responds favorably to it. For some nuts still antagonizes or encourages inflammation. The question really is, whether you have an auto-immune condition, etc. If you don't, a "dirty" carnivore diet can do no harm, it still beats the standard American diet, or average western diet by miles. Only be a purist if you have to, if you indeed have an extreme auto-immune response to plant based foods.
  16. I think the rules for supplement is, don't take multi-vitamins. Target your needs with specific vitamins that you lack in your diet, no more. Some vitamins can turn toxic. And then we have to consider the quality of such vitamins, bio-availability, etc. Food tends to do the thinking for you.
  17. Government in health has never showed any improvement. And yes, slippery slope.
  18. Agreed. But I am a moron when it comes to cooking. I have spend more time in the kitchen than ever. But you know what? I don't mind it. It feels better, more satisfying to prepare your own food. And I do meal prepping, but then I leave a mess that goes with it haha. I am going to learn how to grill when the summer comes. Don't have that Texas blood in me, nor American for that matter lol.
  19. Japanese culture for ya. They've always had harsh guidelines for employment, insurance etc. I think they don't want the crisis we have here in the US. Healthcare that financially ruins you, and preys on you, and lies on you, while over saturated with the sickest people in the world, the US.
  20. I'm gonna do this egg and butter thing, so simple yet I didn't think of it. Carnivore forces one to get creative because all the food you eat is prepared in the kitchen. Normally that would be a pop tart on the way out.
  21. Moderation it is then. My wife made me a keto soup with several greens in it. I couldn't refuse because it was a token of support. And though delicious, a fatty and meaty soup, the bloat and gas came back in the morning. I felt a clear response, even though it was low carb.
  22. A good source for potassium, but maybe high in oxolates?
  23. I'll stick with stevia, since it is actually cheaper and you can actually taste it. All the other natural sweeteners were expensive, and quite frankly, you couldn't really taste them. It's only for my coffee that I use it. 1 packet of stevia per cup, dash of salt, tbsp of butter, and tbsp of heavy cream. Heaven in a cup I tell ya!
  24. I am sure they both can cause an insulin raise, spike? depends on whether you have insulin resistance, etc. Stevia does have more flavor, is also sweeter, and is actually carb free, while allulose not entirely. I see no harm in either, in small amounts.
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