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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. The ground beef could be contributing to the overflowing of your histamine bucket. I think the calcium citrate can help bind the oxalates. It also seems to slow down the transit time, a side effect of citrical is constipation.
  2. Horrible sleep last night, included a Charley horse, and this morning is food hangover from hell. Don't do it guys,it's not worth it.
  3. Congratulations on getting off your meds! Sometimes when I get ibs-d I take extra calcium...I read it in a forum somewhere along the line and it does help. Sorry to hear about the rash, I wonder if drinking more water would help?
  4. I have been eating non food items today. It wasn't really planned and mostly out of boredom. The farts are out of control right now. Lord have mercy. I am gonna fast longer tomorrow. I am going to make pizza for my family for dinner and I am going to have chuck eyes on the grill. Btw a yellow jacket is trying to build it's nest in our grill.
  5. Yesterday I impulse purchased prepackaged "sweet Lebanese bologna" it looked like salami. It tastes like teriyaki jerky. I won't be getting it again two slices has 7 grams of carbs if that tells you anything. It is definitely feeding the sugar seeking lizard brain. The jello made with orange essence seltzer and vanilla is also contributing to some sugar seeking. I am going to have to save it for an occasional treat.
  6. I ate some American cheese yesterday and paid for it...and am still paying for it. It's amazing when you eliminate something, your body is so glad that when you add it back it screams: no dummy! I had burger patties, steak and hard boiled eggs. Today I made jello with orange flavored seltzer and vanilla with electrolytes. I am excited to find out how it will be.
  7. This week I sprinted on two different days. 2-3 times each day. I have also been looking for things to hang on so I can build up to a pull up.
  8. Lunch was steak sausage patties and bacon Dinner was Chick liver nibbles, steak bacon, kimchi, and Jello
  9. Mayo was my favorite condiments. I loved it so much. I have tried to make it but it's just not the same. But now I know why I used get such horrible upset stomach at the summer BBQs as a kid. I always thought I was heat intolerant, turns out I was ODing on Mayo laden noodle and potato salad, oily potato chips and dips.
  10. Yesterday was another omad: 4 medium boiled eggs 4 Bacon One chuck eye One blade steaks Jello
  11. @GeezyI get that we should do our own research. But I am not trying to make a living to explain to people why they should eat properly. The more I talk food science with people the more they tune out. I just don't have time to sit and read scientific literature and also tract down the money. I will leave that to someone else and trust the process that seems to be working in this n=1. I will focus my time on how to properly teach my 8 year old his multiplication tables and how to navigate this crazy world instead. I guess what angers me the most is that the "anointed" as Thomas Sowell calls them, are leading the masses down the primrose path without actually reading the science or having the ethics to recognize or care that the scientific process has been corrupted.
  12. Omad: some nibbles of cold chicken liver. Turkey deli meat Cold leftover chuck eye. 3Medium boiled eggs Lemon electrolyte jello
  13. Hi @Moomba, welcome to the community! You are not alone, I live with carboholics that eat frequently and rely on me to prepare most of their meals.
  14. I'm not surprised, as your Texas roads probably do not get treated with salt as often as northern New England roads do.
  15. Also, that little drizzle of sesame seed oil I used for flavor the other day has caused mild discomfort in my midsection and I am patiently waiting for that to subside. I am going to throw it out, so I won't make that mistake again.
  16. Thanks for sharing this. I was surprised to see that these oils increase the appetite and why. It has now been solidified in my mind that eating this stuff is the same as smoking. If only I could get my husband to understand this. He would not read that if I sent it to him. This quote from the article irked me a bit: "My advice to you is to do your own research. Learn how to read a research paper, how to check on the authors, whether they have competing interests and who funded the studies. Then have it and find out for yourself." Sir, I already have two fulltime jobs as a working homeschooling mother/wife. And it really steams me that the people that should be taking care of the research (the "healthcare" workers) are letting us down.
  17. You have reminded me, I haven't had chicken soup in a while. I prefer to boil a pack of drumsticks for a few minutes to get the scummy foam to rise. Skim that off. Let it simmer on low for two hours. Let cool. Fish out the legs with tongs. Debone. Put meat back in broth. It shreds itself. Very fatty because of skin and very tasty because of bones.
  18. Not exactly weather related but, I have noticed the grey squirrels have been licking the road alot this spring. Perhaps they always have and I just now saw it.
  19. Green peppers and green beans gross me out. Also too much marinara on my pasta. I hated Americans chop suey so much when I was a kid, I can remember sitting at the table after everyone was done trying to choke it down and literally threw up on my plate. Weirdly it was served with a side of green beans. I have always had an aversion to foods that have odd texture like peach fuzz. I can't stand skin on produce.
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