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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. I am sorry to hear you're not enjoying fatty meat. What cuts have you tried so far?
  2. Oh that guy, his comments section can be pretty brutal. He is so arrogant. And cringe worthy.
  3. Professor google say "tea leaves also contain tannins and a chemical called theophylline, which are said to have dehydrating effects on stools as they pass through the intestinal tracts. This can hinder the passing of stools."
  4. Have you tried drinking hot water? I vote for butter as fat of choice.
  5. Is this 4lbs in a week or two? Either way 2 lbs a week is very good!
  6. I am one of those people with bread, produce, canned goods and a pile of meat in my cart. I do look at the carts of healthy looking people to see if they are carnivore,but haven't found any yet, just people who still have there youth and genetics. I think the UPF should carry warnings like cigarettes, but under the current situation they would likely put the warnings on the red meat rather than the fruit loops.
  7. This. The boots on the ground are just following orders. They were trained by a corrupt system.
  8. I can't get this idea out of my head that, in the area of health care and education that there is a sort of planned obsolescence of "wisdom" Explaining it is complicated. When my daughter was in grade school I couldn't help her with math homework despite being a stellar math student. At that time they were teaching some convoluted new math. I felt it drove a wedge, made me look dumb in her eyes. Then when I think of childbirth and how my mother's generations wisdom was outdated as was my grandmothers when I was born. Heck in the 15 years between my two children being born thing were turned upside down again. It didn't always used to be like this. I feel like it's intentional somehow, because if you don't feel like you can rely on the wisdom of your elders, than you have to rely on the "annointed" forms of wisdom.
  9. I have been getting 7 bone chuck steaks because that is what my store carries in abundance and cheap. They are awkward but tasty. Everytime I sit down to eat one with the family I can't help feel the old childhood conditioning. Maybe this was just my family because perhaps my dad had an aversion to fat and connective tissue in the meat, but I was taught one way or another that eating the fat and wiggly tough bits is basically rude. I can remember wanting to eat the fat on the steak when I was old enough to cut the meat myself. I would cut it so I got some of the fat, but leave a bit for evidence of compliance. I know he has an aversion to fat because I never tasted lamb until I left home. He wouldn't let Mom cook it because when he was a child, every Monday after a Sunday lamb roast he got cold lamb sandwich and it grossed him out. All that cold waxy fat that I now relish! So does anyone else here feel any amount of shame for not leaving a healthy pile of fat trimmings on their plate? Just curious, do you deal with people in your life who can't keep their on there own plate?
  10. Thanks I didn't know that. So what's the difference?
  11. Sometimes I mix coffee with plain seltzer. It's good.
  12. Figures, just like every thing else nutrition science...a shot in the dark, but don't you dare question it or else be cast into the bucket of deplorable radicalized morons.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRikmKKCjCE&pp=ygUZYXBwbGUganVpY2UgaW4gc29kYXN0cmVhbQ%3D%3D
  14. I think you are only supposed to carbonate water because other liquids have fats and other molecular structures that make a mess. I watched a YouTuber that carbonated a variety of different things like milk and applesauce, to see what happens and milk made a huge mess.
  15. Either would be delightful. I have seen people make it black and add the half n half or cream. But when I made this I just mixed all together and it was good.
  16. We like Nathan's too. Or Hebrew.
  17. My cast iron pans often leave little black specks on my fried eggs. I scrub them with a cloth and use either a scrub daddy or steel wool to get off stubborn bits. I rinse well and wipe with dish towel. If there is black on the towel I re wash it until the towel is clean. Yet I still get these bits. My husband insists that we need to coat the pan with seed oil to avoid this. We have two separate cast iron pans of the same size for frying eggs. What are these specs? Iron, burnt food? Does it matter. Should I be worried about carcinogens?
  18. I have had them (before carnivore) and reported them to my Nurse practitioner. She wasn't concerned. From what I have read they are associated with anxiety and also thyroid issues. I feel like mine came about from the mask mandates. Breathing through the mask caused me physical anxiety symptoms. I didn't have any full blown anxiety attacks, like when I was teenager. But I believe that's a mind over matter thing.
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