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  1. Like
    Nowler reacted to louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Namaste. Over the last few days I've eaten a lot of beef steaks and fat. 
    This evening I had the flank shown in the picture. 

  2. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Scott F. in What Did You Eat Today?   
    This morning I ate three ribs left from last night.
    I'm not sure if the pig seen it coming and tensed up or if he was a hundred years old. They were tough as all get out. I slow cooked them and the rack I fixed with the sugar/brown sugar rub were super tender. The rack I fixed for me was first cousins with shoe leather.
    Tonight, it will be rib eyes.
  3. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Just cooked up the last of that striped bass I caught.
    I need to go fishing again.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Well yesterday we had a pool party. In fact, we've had pool parties every evening this week because it has been absolutely ROASTING outside. Afterwards, my kids and their friends wanted to go to Mexican. I was just gonna throw a steak on the grill but then the wife said she was paying, lol.
    So I did have my ribeye, chicken breast, and shrimp meal again. Had a side of sliced avacado and gave the rice to my daughter. 
    Also, my cherry trees are in season (the same tree that broke my ankle this year), so we've been picking at them. Gotta keep your eyes open for worms though, lol.
  5. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  6. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Oh mama!

    That looks amazing bud!
    I've watched so many brisket smoking vids!

    When I move into my next place I am going to prioritise having a garden so I can get me a smoker.

    That brisket looks SOOOO good!
  7. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Prawns and Shrimp are pretty similar.

    Something I really want to experience is one of those community crawfish boils in Southern America!
    The food looks so good and the vibes look amazing!
  8. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Thank bud!
    I already feel less tried and lethargic than I used to!
    Looking forward to improving more!

    Regarding the job, thanks for the kind words.
    It's not actually a bad thing though as the company and I have an irreparable breakdown of relationship.
    I'm done with them and was just trying to see out my days until I got a decent redundancy pay out.
    To their credit, they let us know well over a year ago that this was coming.

    I believe it's also motivated me to get a move on with improving my situation as whatever job I get next will likely require me to go into the office rather than work from home. Working from home is great! But I personally need to start moving more, and this is going to force me to do that... or be homeless 😅

    A little aside, I have my eye on a paid government programme to become a Probation Officer which applications open up for in September. So I at best just need a job to keep me going until then. But it has to be a job that I don't mind doing in the event my application is unsuccessful and I have to wait 6 months for the next enrolment.

    I forgot to add in my update that I have decided to start driving again and have booked in my theory test for July 11th.
    I drove in Ireland for a few years on a provisional licence, but I then sold my car to help with Uni costs and haven't driven since. Since then my Irish licence is out of date and now that I live in the UK I have to start all over again.

    Looking forward to going off for a nice drive, pulling up somewhere and going for little walks or just chilling.
    I didnt realise how much I missed driving until I started thinking about it again (public transport over here is pretty decent, so I have been able to manage quite well without a car)
  9. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    I still have 4.5kg/9.9lbs of the 9.8kg/21.5lbs of meat I bought 2 weeks ago but I got a notification to say that my supplier has restocked enough Ribeye to reactivate the bulk order for that particular item!

    To make it even better, they have a sale where I can get an additional 2kg/4.4lbs of Ribeye for £25/$32usd 😎

    I ordered today but I had to choose Tuesday as the delivery date so I could make room in my small freezer, lol

    Not bad though, 10kg/22lbs for £155/$197usd!
    If I bought that at the supermarket where I used to buy it then I'm looking at an extra £74/$94usd

    I'm a sucker for a bargain! 🤣

  10. Yum!
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Oh my brother I could hook you up with a crawfish boil. We generally try to do at least one a year. I’ve been known to hurt myself eating them mudbugs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Like
    Nowler reacted to louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Namaste beautiful carnivore community. 
    Today I had a sirloin and a half and yesterday I had about four steaks. 
    Loving meat! 
  12. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  13. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Oh mama!

    That looks amazing bud!
    I've watched so many brisket smoking vids!

    When I move into my next place I am going to prioritise having a garden so I can get me a smoker.

    That brisket looks SOOOO good!
  14. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Prawns and Shrimp are pretty similar.

    Something I really want to experience is one of those community crawfish boils in Southern America!
    The food looks so good and the vibes look amazing!
  15. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    Thank bud!
    I already feel less tried and lethargic than I used to!
    Looking forward to improving more!

    Regarding the job, thanks for the kind words.
    It's not actually a bad thing though as the company and I have an irreparable breakdown of relationship.
    I'm done with them and was just trying to see out my days until I got a decent redundancy pay out.
    To their credit, they let us know well over a year ago that this was coming.

    I believe it's also motivated me to get a move on with improving my situation as whatever job I get next will likely require me to go into the office rather than work from home. Working from home is great! But I personally need to start moving more, and this is going to force me to do that... or be homeless 😅

    A little aside, I have my eye on a paid government programme to become a Probation Officer which applications open up for in September. So I at best just need a job to keep me going until then. But it has to be a job that I don't mind doing in the event my application is unsuccessful and I have to wait 6 months for the next enrolment.

    I forgot to add in my update that I have decided to start driving again and have booked in my theory test for July 11th.
    I drove in Ireland for a few years on a provisional licence, but I then sold my car to help with Uni costs and haven't driven since. Since then my Irish licence is out of date and now that I live in the UK I have to start all over again.

    Looking forward to going off for a nice drive, pulling up somewhere and going for little walks or just chilling.
    I didnt realise how much I missed driving until I started thinking about it again (public transport over here is pretty decent, so I have been able to manage quite well without a car)
  16. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  17. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Oh mama!

    That looks amazing bud!
    I've watched so many brisket smoking vids!

    When I move into my next place I am going to prioritise having a garden so I can get me a smoker.

    That brisket looks SOOOO good!
  18. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from ol_hilly in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  19. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's that day again folks!

    400g of Prawns with some garlic butter!
    (I bought 2 packs this week, so will be having more in 2 days time)

  20. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Miranda in Nowler's Story   
    Thank bud!
    I already feel less tried and lethargic than I used to!
    Looking forward to improving more!

    Regarding the job, thanks for the kind words.
    It's not actually a bad thing though as the company and I have an irreparable breakdown of relationship.
    I'm done with them and was just trying to see out my days until I got a decent redundancy pay out.
    To their credit, they let us know well over a year ago that this was coming.

    I believe it's also motivated me to get a move on with improving my situation as whatever job I get next will likely require me to go into the office rather than work from home. Working from home is great! But I personally need to start moving more, and this is going to force me to do that... or be homeless 😅

    A little aside, I have my eye on a paid government programme to become a Probation Officer which applications open up for in September. So I at best just need a job to keep me going until then. But it has to be a job that I don't mind doing in the event my application is unsuccessful and I have to wait 6 months for the next enrolment.

    I forgot to add in my update that I have decided to start driving again and have booked in my theory test for July 11th.
    I drove in Ireland for a few years on a provisional licence, but I then sold my car to help with Uni costs and haven't driven since. Since then my Irish licence is out of date and now that I live in the UK I have to start all over again.

    Looking forward to going off for a nice drive, pulling up somewhere and going for little walks or just chilling.
    I didnt realise how much I missed driving until I started thinking about it again (public transport over here is pretty decent, so I have been able to manage quite well without a car)
  21. Like
    Nowler reacted to Torsten in Nowler's Story   
    Hi Nowler,
    thank you for sharing this story - I think that Carnivore will help to transform you and change your life!
    To be frank I had various Ups and Downs in terms of body weight and lifestyle as well. It was the missing "WHY" that always led to loosing body weight and gaining it back again, eating healthy and then turn back to junk food. In 2023 I finally realized that there is so much to do and achieve in this life, which I will only be able to achieve if I life long enough. That's a very strong "Why" which motivated me to switch my Lifestyle completely. I lost weight from over 230 lbs to 187, I started doing sports which was never a thing going for me. I read several books on Health, Mindset and Success. I completely stopped drinking alcohol and of couse I live Carnivore.  However it was a long road to get there. I started Carnivore and did it for ~4 Months, then I started to walk up to 10k steps per day (starting with 2-3k per day), cutting out the Alcohol was the latest step and I don't miss it at all.
    What I want to encourage you is to look for and find your personal "WHY". The moment you have it, things will get much easier and with less effort. Of course you still have overcome your baser instincts regularly, especially when it comes to Movement and Training.
    For me living a long and healthy life is the driver for everything I am doing. There will be moments when you doubt and it will help to remember why you have started what you are doing right now. You will make it!!
  22. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Orweller in What Did You Eat Today?   
    That could only be made in Texas legally, I feel. 
  23. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   

    I sprinkle it on AFTER my meat is cooked because I only have a pan to cook my steaks in and if I use this on the meat before I cook it just burns (like pretty much all seasonings).

    Note: The grains of salt in this tend to be a bit bigger than I am used to with flakes or fine salts but it's a great seasoning and will definitely be buying more!
  24. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Decided to have an extra piece of beef steak today and also decided to season it with a "steak seasoning" I recently picked up. It's got salt, pepper, garlic, coriander (100% natural)... stuff like that, so not a pure carnivore meal of course but I am completely fine with this for me.

    Garlic butter added towards the end on a lower heat.

    Man I love meat!

  25. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in Nowler's Story   
    I had to look up what prawns are. I see they are crustaceans, similar to the shrimp we eat over here. 
    Thanks for the update. I look forward to hearing more and more about your continued progress 🙂
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