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    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Quick Stats update:
    Starting weight (April 2024): 410lbs
    Current weight: 374lbs
    Change: -36lbs

    I still feel great!
    I'm sleeping better too which is definitely in no small part due to less pressure on my throat/airway and it now being easier to twist and turn in bed.
    Before (and probably still but to a lesser degree) I would wake myself up when turning in the bed due to being so fat. 

    Regarding my eating, I am eating beef steaks most days. Probably 400-450g beef steak in a meal, cooked with some butter.
    I often have a 3 egg omelette with bacon and cheese also in a week.
    Around once per week I'll have 400g of prawns in garlic butter and also try to have 230g of salmon with a dash of lemon juice on it.

    I am trying to leave the house more which apart from the exercise element, it's going to be better for my mental health.
    Truthfully, I have not left the house in 10 days apart from putting the trash out but on that day 10 days ago I walked into town and chilled outside a coffee shop for a few hours and just listened to music and have a think about things before walking back home again. It was quite enjoyable though!

    I've been highly unlikely to leave the house during the week as when I am finished work (I work from home [employment actually ends next week]) I am tired. The weekends are where I am more likely to leave the house, but as you can see, that's certainly not as frequent as it should be BUT it's a lot more than before. Previously I wouldnt even entertain the idea of leaving the house - I just buried my head in the sand by gaming or getting busy with my interest in financial markets. However, now I am more open to leaving the house - I just need to ramp up the frequency of it.

    I cease employment next week due to companywide redundancy and plan to take the month of July off before jumping into a new job.
    The plan is to head back to Ireland next week for a family party, but when I get back a week later then the plan is to leave the house most days since I dont have a job for a month or so. I'm hoping to use this time building up my physical/mental fitness before getting back to the work grind.

    Anyway... that's enough update for now!
    I'll update again at some point in the near future! 😎
  2. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Decided to have an extra piece of beef steak today and also decided to season it with a "steak seasoning" I recently picked up. It's got salt, pepper, garlic, coriander (100% natural)... stuff like that, so not a pure carnivore meal of course but I am completely fine with this for me.

    Garlic butter added towards the end on a lower heat.

    Man I love meat!

  3. Love
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Quick Stats update:
    Starting weight (April 2024): 410lbs
    Current weight: 374lbs
    Change: -36lbs

    I still feel great!
    I'm sleeping better too which is definitely in no small part due to less pressure on my throat/airway and it now being easier to twist and turn in bed.
    Before (and probably still but to a lesser degree) I would wake myself up when turning in the bed due to being so fat. 

    Regarding my eating, I am eating beef steaks most days. Probably 400-450g beef steak in a meal, cooked with some butter.
    I often have a 3 egg omelette with bacon and cheese also in a week.
    Around once per week I'll have 400g of prawns in garlic butter and also try to have 230g of salmon with a dash of lemon juice on it.

    I am trying to leave the house more which apart from the exercise element, it's going to be better for my mental health.
    Truthfully, I have not left the house in 10 days apart from putting the trash out but on that day 10 days ago I walked into town and chilled outside a coffee shop for a few hours and just listened to music and have a think about things before walking back home again. It was quite enjoyable though!

    I've been highly unlikely to leave the house during the week as when I am finished work (I work from home [employment actually ends next week]) I am tired. The weekends are where I am more likely to leave the house, but as you can see, that's certainly not as frequent as it should be BUT it's a lot more than before. Previously I wouldnt even entertain the idea of leaving the house - I just buried my head in the sand by gaming or getting busy with my interest in financial markets. However, now I am more open to leaving the house - I just need to ramp up the frequency of it.

    I cease employment next week due to companywide redundancy and plan to take the month of July off before jumping into a new job.
    The plan is to head back to Ireland next week for a family party, but when I get back a week later then the plan is to leave the house most days since I dont have a job for a month or so. I'm hoping to use this time building up my physical/mental fitness before getting back to the work grind.

    Anyway... that's enough update for now!
    I'll update again at some point in the near future! 😎
  4. Like
    Nowler reacted to Orweller in Nowler's Story   
    We've had decades upon decades of food propaganda, I am not as surprised. We've been conditioned since we were young. 
  5. Yum!
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Love me some corned beef but I’ve never had it from a can. I’m thinking I need to cook one up now.

    Spent all morning mowing on my father in law’s place then all afternoon cooking.
    Got a half gallon of yogurt started. That’ll be done tomorrow.
    Then I started smoking 12 pounds of bacon and a couple of baby back ribs.

    The bacon is being chilled for slicing tomorrow and the ribs were fantastic.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Hey buddy!
    Why do you eat your meat raw?

    I can't imagine that it tastes even close to when cooked.
    As far as I know there's plenty of nutrients in cooked me (as long as not overcooked).

    I'm curious now and tempted to try it 😁
  7. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    MASSIVE overlap for sure!
  8. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Cheers for the words of encouragement bud!
    You are right, the more I progress the more I'll be able to do.
    Where I am/was was a vicious cycle which fed on itself. What I need to do it get a healthier and more active cycle going and let that feed on itself 😎
    Lose fat = being able to move more, feeling better and be healthier
    Being able to move more, feeling better and healthier = lose more fat.
    Rinse and repeat!.

    It amazes me how far off the beaten track we've gotten in regards to what society deems to be an acceptable diet...
    Hopefully I keep going and can show other people close to me what putting down the carbs can do for you!
  9. Haha
    Nowler reacted to Scott F. in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Yesterday bacon and eggs from the tallow I made last week. For dinner we cooked New Tork strips (they were on sale at Sam's a week or so ago). They turned out nice. 
    I was on the Mountain Dew for a week, and during that first week I had two small tabs of ice cream. Since that point I have toed the carnivore line and not broken away from just 'carnivore approved' animal meats, with eggs and butter. 
    Last night was my first cheat. I added a 1/2 teaspoon of Heinz 57 on my plate. It was so funny. I think I did it out of a life-long habit as we were talking as we made our plates. I don't think I actually looked down and said, "I bet that would be good on this strip". Just habit. 
    I decided not to waste it so I indulged. I am hoping a 1/2 teaspoon of Heinz does not become my gate way drug. LOL
    I normally walk from our house up the dirt road and over to the next road which is 1.3 miles so 2.6 when I get back home. This morning I tacked on the other.2 miles to get a total of three miles. 
    I'm not sure if that counts as 'forgiveness' or not, but it was the best offering I had up to the carnivore gods in the sky. 
  10. Like
    Nowler reacted to louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Hi Nowler. I am loving the raw beef! If you try it, let me know if you like it! 
    Today I had a few raw beef steaks. 
  11. Haha
    Nowler reacted to ol_hilly in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I had salmon tonight.  Wednesday I went to the big city and visited Aldi's and got some exotic food, ie, the lamb and salmon. And of all things, I forgot the paffle maker at Wally world. I didn't write it down cause I would remember that.... uh huh. 
  12. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Hey buddy!
    Why do you eat your meat raw?

    I can't imagine that it tastes even close to when cooked.
    As far as I know there's plenty of nutrients in cooked me (as long as not overcooked).

    I'm curious now and tempted to try it 😁
  13. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Hey buddy!
    Why do you eat your meat raw?

    I can't imagine that it tastes even close to when cooked.
    As far as I know there's plenty of nutrients in cooked me (as long as not overcooked).

    I'm curious now and tempted to try it 😁
  14. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    MASSIVE overlap for sure!
  15. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I worked at Papa John's Pizza, Marco's Pizza, and East of Chicago Pizza as well as a local place called Guido's Pizza back in the 90's and none of them ever used oils on their pizza.
    Now, with that said, shredded cheese has some fillers/anti-caking agents in it, but it's pretty benign. My son picks the cheese off his pizza and I in turn gobble it up, lol. I'll occasionally get a "pizza bowl" if the wife is buying pizza for everyone else that night (complete with the tomato sauce).
    I personally do not fund pizza purchase, lol 😄
    I've become very fond of lamb. I'll get ground lamb, lamb chops, and the lamb ribs. Sam's sells a 5lb leg of lamb that I haven't got yet, but should. I just think I need a bigger knife first, lol.
  16. Like
    Nowler reacted to Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I had a partial bag of salad shrimp earlier this week. After thawing and straining I heated them up in some melted butter and placed them on a paffle. It was so rich I could only eat half. So I chilled the rest and it was still good as a cold h'ordourve.
  17. Like
    Nowler reacted to Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I can confirm Dr Chaffee's warning  about coffee and sore muscles. Yesterday at the cookout I drank black coffee for "dessert".  My legs and back are aching from yesterdays sprint. I had not had this type of recovery soreness from sprinting when I was just drinking decaf.
  18. Like
    Nowler reacted to ol_hilly in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I had a pound of ground lamb for the first time tonight. 
    We had sheep when I was a kid, for the wool. But never ate any. 
  19. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Baked Striped Bass.
    I’ll post the recipe in the recipe thread.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I have a bag of shrimp in the freezer. I just might get those out for tonight.
    This morning was eggs and sausage (my staple). For lunch I went to Duma's Meats and got some beef jerky....
  21. Like
    Nowler reacted to Miranda in Nowler's Story   
    In my mind I compare junk food to smoking also.
  22. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in Nowler's Story   
    First of all, THANK YOU for sharing your story and putting yourself out there like that. That took a lot of courage I'm sure. Your successes with Keto PROVE that your health and weight loss goals are something that you CAN accomplish. So keep doing what you are doing, and don't return to your former habits. In the end, our secret is taking control of our food, choosing real food, and deciding that we are no longer going to be slaves to the processed junk pushed on us by Big Food coorporations. 
    Awesome. Those short walks add up, so keep doing them. Just do what you can. As you lose weight and build endurance, you will naturally be able to accomplish more and more. But don't hurry up and hurt yourself. Be smart about it. As you progress, you will only feel better and better, both physically and mentally.
    Smoking is a good analogy, btw. We know processed food is bad for you. Smoking is bad for you and detrimental to your health. Paul Saladino has some videos where he compares the carcinogens in processed food with those found in cigarettes, and it's pretty darn gross, lol. Basically, eating certain processed foods is equivalent to smoking packs of cigarettes. Amazing... and alarming.
    If the good Lord didn't already prepare it in some edible form, it's best to stay away from it.
  23. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in Nowler's Story   
    This is what mine looks like.

    At 44 years old I was too young to get the glue in model and the latest model just wasn’t available yet so this was the best available at the time.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Hell yeah man!
    You getting it done and getting back in the saddle is huge!
    I can only imagine how difficult/impossible it might be to do all that before your replacement. I've never ridden before but I'd imagine it's very heavy on the hips.
    I was told at the time that it was a pretty new model they gave me and nobody had gotten to the end of theirs yet.
    However, the model I got was in the news back then due to a fault in it which meant it had a high failure rate!
    Thankfully mine didn't fail but I do have to get metals blood tests (chromium and cobalt) and a scan on it every 2 years (it was 3, 6, 9, and then 12 months for the first few years, but now every 2 years).

    My model is the DePuy ASR and if you are not one of the unfortunate failures then the general consensus now is that people should see 20 years or even more - I'm 18 years into it so hopefully I can get to the 24 years you have, or more (fingers crossed).

    The one you have sounds pretty cool. I didn't know there was one where the bone grows into it!
    I guess they couldn't give that one to me since the sepsis had killed the hip bone, so growing may have been compromised... I dont really know enough to speak on it but sounds logical.

    Hopefully you can get another good spell from it mate!
  25. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Hell yeah man!
    Glad to hear you feel so much better after the hip replacement!
    It was the ball of my femur too that was the cause of my pain (sepsis killed it off).
    Having that lingering pain disappear essentially overnight is better than any drug out there! 😁

    How's the hip fairing now?
    Any idea when you might have to replace it again?

    I got mine done in 2005 I believe and its still going strong!
    Though, I have noticed a pain or 2 in it over the past year or so - but could be more to do with my bad lifestyle rather than the hip itself (hopefully)
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