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  1. Like
    Nowler reacted to Miranda in Best Type of Salt   
    It's ancient sea salt that is free of plastic and other pollutants. Celtic salt is supposed to be good to. But I think the mined salt is more clean.
  2. Like
    Nowler reacted to Miranda in Best Type of Salt   
    I prefer Redmond's out of Utah. I used Dante ferrigno's discount code to order. They have some tasty flavors too.
  3. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Well, riding the Pan American Highway is on my list of things to do, so if I find myself in your neck of the woods then I'll definitely take you up on the offer bud!
    Regarding the testi's, in the meantime a buddy of mine said that he cooked some up before and has said the same thing as you. Soft and actually quite nice.
    I'll add it to the list of things I need to try then 😎 along with liverwurst

    Thanks for the info
  4. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Sounds awesome!
    I'd love to hunt my own food!

    Back in Ireland I went rabbit/pigeon hunting (shotgun) a few times and that was a great feeling knowing that I was going out to earn my dinner.
    Unfortunately it was only a few times and now where I am in the UK I have absolutely 0.
    I'm currently trying to figure out what my next move will be in life - I've no missus or kids, so provided I have enough bank roll saved up I am free to wander.
    Maybe I should prioritise my next adventure to include easy access to hunting... I've always wanted to go rifle hunting (deer or whatever).
    Regarding the organs, I've not tried most but liver is ok on occasion.
    It's a bit strong tasting and really I only eat it for the nutrition - but as you said, if I am eating right then I dont need it.
    I should try the others at some point soon - part-organ sausages could be a game changer!
    I'm one of those that winces at the thought of eating testicles haha
    Does it actually taste nice?
    Can you post a picture of it next time you cook some up? Show me the inside.
    I'd try it for sure, but I'm already tensing up at the thoughts haha
  5. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Nice. That works out to $8.84/lb (USD) which is much lower than you will find in your average store or market.
    He posted this pick of the testes on the grill the other day...
  6. Haha
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Sounds awesome!
    I'd love to hunt my own food!

    Back in Ireland I went rabbit/pigeon hunting (shotgun) a few times and that was a great feeling knowing that I was going out to earn my dinner.
    Unfortunately it was only a few times and now where I am in the UK I have absolutely 0.
    I'm currently trying to figure out what my next move will be in life - I've no missus or kids, so provided I have enough bank roll saved up I am free to wander.
    Maybe I should prioritise my next adventure to include easy access to hunting... I've always wanted to go rifle hunting (deer or whatever).
    Regarding the organs, I've not tried most but liver is ok on occasion.
    It's a bit strong tasting and really I only eat it for the nutrition - but as you said, if I am eating right then I dont need it.
    I should try the others at some point soon - part-organ sausages could be a game changer!
    I'm one of those that winces at the thought of eating testicles haha
    Does it actually taste nice?
    Can you post a picture of it next time you cook some up? Show me the inside.
    I'd try it for sure, but I'm already tensing up at the thoughts haha
  7. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Hey mate,
    Yeah, I got a few butchers close to me but would never get the sort of deal I mentioned above!
    I struck gold finding the place I found.
    I do need to speak to a local butcher to see if they can make me some minced beef with 10% or so organ to boost the nutritional profile.
    Anyone here ever tried doing that?
    Good? Bad?

    I'll be eating natures vitamin tablets (eggs) regularly too and will have salmon and prawns once a week each, so in terms of nutrition I probably dont need the bit of organ added to my mince would I?
  8. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    I found a FANTASTIC place online where I got a great deal on an amount of meat that would make PETA weep 😅
    - 4kg/8.8lbs of Ribeye Steaks
    - 4kg/8.8lbs of Sirloin Steaks
    - 1.8kg/4lbs of Whole Sirloin (because I want to cut some Thicc Boi steaks lol )
    I assume I can name the place I got it since nobody has said otherwise since I made this thread...? Sorry if this is breaking rules.
    Cost me £150 GBP / $191 USD over at The Fat Butchers website (UK) - crazy daily sales!
  9. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Hello!   
    Congrats on the great weigh-loss!
    I sometimes miss alcohol, but I know I'll make some bad diet decisions when under the influence lol
    However, I got back to Ireland in a few weeks for a party, so I'm surely I'll have some then 😅
  10. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in Hey!   
    Glad you are getting great benefits!
  11. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Hell yeah!
    I was yearning for a burger a few weeks back and just put some egg white and cheese into a yorkshire/muffin tray.
    The "buns" came out too dense due to not whisking it and apparently after seeing this, I should have added some baking soda too.
    Definitely going to try this next time I get that hankering for a hamburger.
    Thanks for sharing!
  12. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    According to several carnivore doctors and influencers if you are eating enough of the right meats and fats then you don’t need to supplement with organ meats.
    It’s mainly just a preference thing. If you like them fine, if you don’t, fine.
    Personally I believe they are good for you and boost your nutritional profile but I only eat them about once a month. I raise or hunt many of the animals I eat and I don’t waste the organs. I’m pretty much nose to tail. For me it’s not so much about the nutrition as much as it is just food.
    If you want get into organs then having it ground or minced with other meats is a great way to do it, especially if your not fond of the taste. You could also purchase a grinder and do it yourself if you’d like. You could even make it into sausage. Could talk to a butcher about that as well.
    What I do is with liver I make a pate or liverwurst. Heart, kidneys, spleen, sweetbreads, testicles, they all get grilled over a wood fire.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Hey mate,
    Yeah, I got a few butchers close to me but would never get the sort of deal I mentioned above!
    I struck gold finding the place I found.
    I do need to speak to a local butcher to see if they can make me some minced beef with 10% or so organ to boost the nutritional profile.
    Anyone here ever tried doing that?
    Good? Bad?

    I'll be eating natures vitamin tablets (eggs) regularly too and will have salmon and prawns once a week each, so in terms of nutrition I probably dont need the bit of organ added to my mince would I?
  14. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    Glad you found a place. Do you have any butcher shops in your area? They can be a good source.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Miranda in (UK) Where do you source your meat?   
    I found a FANTASTIC place online where I got a great deal on an amount of meat that would make PETA weep 😅
    - 4kg/8.8lbs of Ribeye Steaks
    - 4kg/8.8lbs of Sirloin Steaks
    - 1.8kg/4lbs of Whole Sirloin (because I want to cut some Thicc Boi steaks lol )
    I assume I can name the place I got it since nobody has said otherwise since I made this thread...? Sorry if this is breaking rules.
    Cost me £150 GBP / $191 USD over at The Fat Butchers website (UK) - crazy daily sales!
  16. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Hell yeah!
    I was yearning for a burger a few weeks back and just put some egg white and cheese into a yorkshire/muffin tray.
    The "buns" came out too dense due to not whisking it and apparently after seeing this, I should have added some baking soda too.
    Definitely going to try this next time I get that hankering for a hamburger.
    Thanks for sharing!
  17. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Geezy in Hello!   
    Congrats on the great weigh-loss!
    I sometimes miss alcohol, but I know I'll make some bad diet decisions when under the influence lol
    However, I got back to Ireland in a few weeks for a party, so I'm surely I'll have some then 😅
  18. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Hell yeah!
    I was yearning for a burger a few weeks back and just put some egg white and cheese into a yorkshire/muffin tray.
    The "buns" came out too dense due to not whisking it and apparently after seeing this, I should have added some baking soda too.
    Definitely going to try this next time I get that hankering for a hamburger.
    Thanks for sharing!
  19. Like
    Nowler got a reaction from Michael123 in Hello!   
    Congrats on the great weigh-loss!
    I sometimes miss alcohol, but I know I'll make some bad diet decisions when under the influence lol
    However, I got back to Ireland in a few weeks for a party, so I'm surely I'll have some then 😅
  20. Love
    Nowler reacted to Michael123 in Hello!   
    Hi everyone. New to the forum. Been on carnivore now for 3 and a half months, but been on and off low carb for years. Have lost 4 stone in the last 6 months, so making good progress. Been pretty strict with the food, but I'm still drinking alcohol (gin so that it's zero carb at least). Hope everyone is doing well,
  21. Love
    Nowler reacted to beefd4life in Hey!   
    Hi everyone! My name is Mikenna, and I’m one month in. I’m a mom of two kids, have epilepsy for most of my life, and thanks to the SAD, I’ve also felt horrible most of my life! Haha I’m feeling really great on Carnivore, and plan to stay with it (which is a big deal for me!) I usually get bored quickly, but this is different. Glad to be here!!
  22. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It's Open Mic Night. Here's my dinner, along with my monthly bourbon...

  23. Like
    Nowler reacted to Geezy in One month carnivore   
    Interesting perspective.
    I’m curious, how old are you? I ask because for the majority of us who are up there in age and have numerous physical and metabolic issues carnivore is a miracle drug.
    It is truly a healing diet.
    Many younger people who have yet to wreck their bodies through hard living and poor nutrition don’t see as much benefit except in the weight loss area.
    What they will benefit from is proper nutrition that will stave off the pain and suffering that we went through util we found this WOE.
    One month isn’t very long to see much change if there’s not much wrong with you. I saw enough change in 30 days to encourage me to go for 60 and then 90 and now I’m 392 days carnivore and will never turn back to the poison in my old life.
    As far as variety goes you are only limited by your imagination. I find plenty of variety eating carnivore. Just look up what I eat on a daily basis on the “what did you eat today” thread. You’ll see that I never get bored.
    We don’t really eat less at all, we just eat what we need. There is a difference. That average person today over eats but the beauty of carnivore is that it satiates you so well that you stay satisfied for much longer. Most carnivore’s end up only needing two meals a day and the rest, like me, just eat once a day.
    I only eat when I’m hungry because that’s my body telling me it needs fuel.
    Food is no longer for pleasure and entertainment but is now for nutrition and health.
    Carnivore for us is not just a diet. It’s a lifestyle. It’s not what we eat, it’s what we are.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Like
    Nowler reacted to Bob in One month carnivore   
    Was this a previous commitment to the carnivore diet or was it a different diet?
    This is true. There is no way I could have intermittent fasted on any previous diets that I tried. But filling up on fat and protein with meat can make me feel full for way longer, making it easier to fast if I want. 
    If you are in good physical health, I generally do not see the harm in occasionally having a single ingredient whole food that nature provides, whether that makes you "keto" or "animal-based", provided you remain carnivore-centric.
    On the other hand, keep your eyes on @Geezy's posts around here. He might just be our most strict carnivore among us and he finds a way to keep shaking things up for variety. 
  25. Like
    Nowler reacted to Another Meat Head in One month carnivore   
    Hey all, taking it in increments I hit one month. Feel no different. I am not certain whether I will continue for two month milestone. I am for the time being. I experimented once in past full on diet just to see if doc noticed between exams. Resulted in a number of effects but the doc did't catch any even though I lost 35 lbs in the three months. The mental benefits were due to what I had accomplished. The discipline and subsequent benefit of managing rest, diet and activities was more powerful than what I was eating. An advantage carnivore has is that although you can eat as much as you want (stopping at full) the menu is limited and it is easy to eat less or skip it altogether....... just my thoughts currently. 
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