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Everything posted by Laura

  1. Yep, they can send a person on many rabbit chases!
  2. Welcome, Alesop! Yes, the fat is so important!
  3. All so true, Geezy!
  4. Very true, Bob. Our example speaks the loudest. There was a Christian song many years ago, and one line said, "Rushing Helter Skelter to destruction with their fingers in their ears.". Most, sadly ,don't want the truth.
  5. I hope he's able to accomplish a lot. He needs our prayers. You
  6. This message is very important, with the holidays almost upon us. We need to remain steadfast, lest we drift back into sickness.
  7. Commitment and integrity will keep us in the right path. Thank you for that message, Geezy!
  8. Welcome, Nani!
  9. Welcome, Inky! Thank you for your service. I am taking about 800 mg magnesium glycinate, and 200 mg potassium glycinate in a day, and I salt my meat to taste with a good sea salt (Jacobsen'), which is harvested off of the Oregon coast. I believe the minerals in LMNT are citrates, which are produced from citric acid, which is produced from aspergillus niger (black mold), and could be GMO. I don't want anything that comes from black mold in my body. You may not need any of these supplements, as Geezy said. It makes me wonder how people survived in the old days without all of these pills and powders. I have just recently cut way back on the mass amount of supplements I've been taking for years, and am already starting to feel better. If you research how each one is made, it's pretty scary. Just chemicals made in a lab . I've gotten it down to the 2 I mentioned, iodine, beef pancreas, D3&K2 a couple of times a week, and a couple of bitter herbs. Lots of good folks here!
  10. That is awesome, Geezy! It's a shame that more people don't really want the truth in many realms. Truth sets us free. I believe God wants us to be the best stewards of what He has given us.
  11. Welcome, Saxguy! This is a great place for help and support on your Carnivore journey
  12. Welcome, Colene. I am also trying to heal leaky gut, and skin issues. I try to remember, that it took a long time, and many years of eating the wrong foods to cause the damage, and that healing won't happen overnight. I haven't been back on the diet that long, and am already seeing major improvements. I think the fibers in plant foods were causing the most issues for me. Now I am eating just beef for meat (80/20 ground beef, chuck cuts, beef ribs), some cheese, and whole milk plain Greek yogurt with a bit of raw green stevia. The fat is important, and helps with energy levels. Glad you are giving it another try. I don't think I can ever go back to a regular diet, knowing the effects of those foods, the toxins they carry, and the damage they caused. I listen to many Carnivore videos to help me stay focused. There are so many good people in this space, and in this community, as well!
  13. Welcome, Larry. This is a great group!
  14. I check in almost every day from my phone. I don't have a computer.
  15. Welcome back, Megan! This is the only way of eating that's helped me, and I've tried so many other ways. It gets rid of the inflammation, which is at the root of many conditions. Just take it one day at a time.
  16. Welcome, Thegreatburk! I'm sure you will find plenty of help and support in this community. I'm glad you've decided to give Carnivore a try, and I believe you can find healing through this way of eating.
  17. Welcome, Bluedagger65! Sounds like you have already come a long way on your healing journey. I know sometimes changing things up a bit can help.
  18. Thanks, Geezy. I probably need to do more fasting. I have removed dairy, and that seems to be helping some. My brother was visiting this week, so was off plan a bit, but not bad. The worst was fries one night at a restaurant, which made me feel quite trashy. The rest was only a small amount of veg. I am including a few dry roasted cashews, and a bit of cucumber, and the only meat is beef. I'm feeling much less inflamed since removing dairy.
  19. Aww. I bet he's cute!!
  20. Welcome, Shawn M! As soon as I add back plant foods, I start getting arthritis pain again... Ankles, knees, low back, neck. Pain goes away pretty quickly back on animal products only. This lifestyle is definitely anti inflammatory.
  21. Hi Tdyer07: Wow, you have been , and are going through so much! I'm sure the reduction in inflammation you get from doing Carnivore will greatly contribute to the healing you seek. The less poison, the easier it is for your body to hea II have a very simple diet, of ground beef, maybe some beef ribs, or chuck roast, mozzarella cheese, and some full fat plain Greek yogurt. No other meat works for me. I'm sure you will find a lot of encouragement, support, and good information here.
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