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Susyn C_137

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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in Post a picture... Any picture   
    Winner, winner chicken dinner.

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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in 10 week carnivore   
    It’s still a soy bean and soy beans are not healthy. As a carnivore I don’t need probiotics since I’m fat adapted and my gut biome is completely adapted to digesting and processing the fats and meats I eat.
    The reasons that I find no benefit to eating soy or any plant for that matter is..,
    If good health is what you’re after, then soy is a terrible choice.

    Weed-killer in Soy
    Soy is a leading food source of glyphosate (the weed-killer Roundup).

    Glyphosate is a synthetic herbicide patented by the Monsanto Company and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products. Glyphosate has been associated with:
    • Cancer
    • Liver damage
    • Reproductive and developmental issue

    Soy is a Goitrogen
    Goitrogens are foods that interfere with normal, healthy thyroid function and cause goiter — or swelling of the thyroid.
    Goitrogens do this by interfering with iodine absorption in the thyroid. Iodine is required for healthy levels of thyroid hormone production. Without it, the thyroid cannot produce the T4 and T3 hormones.

    Soy and your Sex Hormones
    Soy is an endocrine disrupter - that is to say it interferes with hormones. I’ve detailed its action on thyroid hormone above but healthy function of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone can also be disrupted. Soy is a natural source of phytoestrogens, a compound that mimics human estrogen.
    Phytoestrogens have demonstrated the ability to:
    1. Disrupt of normal sex hormone levels and the female ovulation cycle
    2. Decrease sexual behavior in animal research
    3. Increase social, aggressive, and anxiety-related behaviors in animal research
    4. Ever heard the term Soy Boys? Too much estrogen in males. It causes a feminization in men.

    Soy is a Source of Lectins
    Soybeans, like all beans, are a source of lectins. Lectins are carbohydrate binding proteins designed to damage cellular communication.
    These sticky, carbohydrate-binding proteins function as a defense mechanism for plants. They are designed (by evolution) to cause a severe immune response in the animals that eat them (including humans) which ultimately results in paralysis.
    Lectins are associated with both mental and physical health problems. They bind nerve endings, cause blood cells to clump and also attach to viruses and bacteria. In some cases people with lectin sensitivity are more likely to get sick because of this.

    Now it’s my understanding that fermentation can reduce many of the toxins in plants but if one is eating carnivore there is just no reason to eat plants for nutrition since every thing you need you can get from meats. Even potassium.
    You do you but don’t fool yourself that you are being more nutritious by eating soy.
    Me personally, I will continue to avoid that stuff like the plague.

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    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Geezy in Best Fat Source to Avoid Constipation?   
    Butter works for me.
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    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Nowler in Best Fat Source to Avoid Constipation?   
    Butter works for me.
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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Laura in Meme   
    Good one, Susyn! 
  6. Haha
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in Meme   
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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Scott F. in Weight loss.   
    Two good responses.
    One of the primary things to understand it is a process of elimination. (I was 6'3" 306 and as high as 320, so not pointing fingers). I made all the "right" decision to get to 320 if 320 was my goal. Since I started carnivore it has been much more about what I am not eating than what I am eating. Eating animal products, drinking water and adding salt works but the objective is to eliminate all the things that helped me get to 320.
    I would take the advice from Bob Geezy, as both are solid. Then look at what has been eliminated and what still may need to be eliminated.
    As far as the scale, although I have dropped a lot of weight there were times when it stalled. During the stall times I was still cinching up the belt every so often. 
    And before the weight was seriously falling, I came off meds for ped/inflammation from NMOSD (auto-immune disease). 
    There are positives other than the scale. Recognize and celebrate those when you can.
    Best of luck.
  8. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in Weight loss.   
    Well to start with it is unusual to have lost nothing in six weeks. Most people will lose water weight if nothing else.
    The first thing I’d look at is my diet. Have you eliminated everything from your diet except animal fats, animal proteins, salt and water?
    Are you emphasizing eating a high fat and moderate protein diet? The fat to protein ratio is important.

    Next thing is to be aware that this is first and foremost a way of eating to obtain optimal health. It’s not a weight loss diet. All “diets” fail.
    As your body heals there will be weight loss but that is a side effect not the primary effect.
    For some people it can take longer than others before their bodies heal enough to shed the fat. Look up Kelly Hogan. It took her six months before she started losing weight. In fact she gained weight in the beginning but look at her now. She stuck with it because she wanted to be healed and saw the changes that were happening in her body. She had the mindset that she wanted to succeed.

    She and possibly you are prof that we are all methodically different. What works for me may not work the same way for you. The principals are the same but sometimes the methods may need tweaking for the individual.
    This is not a cookie cutter, one size fits all, diet.
    You may need to find your own path on this journey and the place to start is at the beginning.
    Make sure you are eating a 70-30 percent ratio of fats to protein. Eat only when you are hungry and then eat until you are comfortably full.
    Drink only water and use salt liberally.
    Give it plenty of time, two weeks or longer. If no change then try upping your fat intake and give that some time to see what happens. You may have to experiment by adjusting your fats an protein to different ratios until you find what works for you. Just give it enough time in between trials.
    This is not a race so try not to be impatient. If you are doing this for the right reasons then you’ve got plenty of time to figure this out…a lifetime.
    Good luck.

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    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Geezy in Meme   
  10. Haha
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from ol_hilly in Meme   
  11. Haha
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Bob in Meme   
    Lol. Makes me think of this meme...

  12. Haha
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Bob in Meme   
  13. Thanks
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Bob in 2 Months carnivore, still very fatigued, brain fog and irritable   
    Sounds like you are getting enough electrolytes, but to be sure you could get an electrolyte panel just to make sure. If you are in the USA, OwnYourLabs.com can get you all sorts of labs (through Labcorp) for bargain prices.
    A couple other thoughts that come to mind include 1) transitioning. Yes, some can adapt to a keto-carnivore diet and start using fat and ketones for energy within days. Most people it takes a few weeks. But there are some with whom it takes months, especially if they were very carb-heavy beforehand. Your cells might be saying "I want my glucose, I don't want these darn ketones" lol, but eventually you will adapt and they will prefer to use fat for energy instead of glucose.
    2) Have you tried isolating those foods? You mentioned ground beef with various amounts of fat, added beef fat, pork belly, and eggs. You could have a sensitivity to one of these. Try eating just the ground beef for a few days or a week and see how you feel. If you feel an improvement, then add back in the eggs for a week and see how you feel. Then add in the pork belly for a week, etc. Maybe you have a sensitivity to egg whites, or pork, both of which are usually due to the grains these animals are fed. You could even have a histamine-intolerance to the beef. Very rare, but if that's the case, we can deal with that as well. So I would rotate your food, just eating one at a time,  just to rule one of them out as a potential issue.
  14. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in 2 Months carnivore, still very fatigued, brain fog and irritable   
    As Scott said it is very individualistic. Great post btw Scott.
    At two months in you could still be transitioning so hang in there. You may need to keep a daily journal and start experimenting. Try upping your fat to protein ratio. I don’t know what yours is presently but I would go to getting 80% of my calories from fat and only 20% from protein. Eat that way for at least 2 or three weeks and see how you feel. If that isn’t working the change up the ratio to a 70/30 or even a 60/40 and see what happens. Just make sure you keep track of what your eating in your journal for reference and make sure you give each stage enough time to show results. If your not seeing any change then do the same thing with your sodium and electrolytes. Keep track of your adjustments and give each one time to show results. At least a couple of weeks each time.
    Then start tracking the foods you eat. Cut one out for several weeks or even a month and see what happens. Some people don’t do well on pork or chicken. Some meats, even though the may be from ruminants may affect you adversely such as ground beef. It can have histamines that you may be sensitive to. Some people may not do as well on lamb or goat as others do.
    Then again you may just need to give it more time.
    So find what works for you and document each stage and definitely give each one enough time to show results before moving on to the next one. Oh, and only make one change at a time.
    Good d luck to you.

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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Fraenky in Heart Palpitations   
    Hello everyone and thank you very much for your answers.
    Regarding the beer question: I meant whether it is possible to be thrown out of ketosis by drinking too much beer and to need a few days to "get used to it" again.
    Otherwise, I went to the doctor yesterday to have a blood test. I'll get the results on Monday. I also do a 24-hour ECG on Monday. The doctor said it sounds like it's stress-related. My blood pressure is very good and my heart sounds normal. I have to say that I've been very busy at work for the last few months and that's why I sometimes have depressive phases. I hardly had any problems with it during the first few months as a carnivore.
    I'm on holiday for three weeks starting the week after next and have to look after myself and my family a lot. At the moment I'm not noticing any more heart palpitations. For about a day now. I'll keep you updated.
    I don't think it's because of the carnivorous diet and I would find it a shame if I had to give up this diet. Up until two weeks ago, I was physically better than I have been in years. And I'm not bored with the carnivorous diet either.
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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Miranda in Heart Palpitations   
    I have had them (before carnivore) and reported them to my Nurse practitioner. She wasn't concerned. From what I have read they are associated with anxiety and also thyroid issues. I feel like mine came about from the mask mandates. Breathing through the mask caused me physical anxiety symptoms. I didn't have any full blown anxiety attacks, like when I was teenager. But I believe that's a mind over matter thing. 
  17. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in Heart Palpitations   
    I don’t see where there might be a correlation between the palpitations and the beer.
    This far into carnivore I also don’t see a correlation with the diet. Quite often when something out of the ordinary starts happening the first thing they look at is the diet and yes, early on I could very well be the diet but at six months in I doubt it. That’s generally the time frame when we start seeing some really good healing.
    From what you have described I would look at the electrolytes. I don’t know what your your taking or how much but you could be throwing you system out of balance. Like many of us when I first became a carnivore I stated taking electrolytes because everyone was saying that we needed to because on carnivore we would be flushing them out of our system. Well I’m my case a blood test, after a year on carnivore, showed that my sodium levels were too low, even though I salt my food fairly heavy and it was part of my daily supplement. Then on top of that the blood test showed my potassium levels were too high. High as in dangerously high especially for someone with a heart condition. So I stopped taking my electrolyte supplement and just upped my salt intake. Six weeks later my numbers were back to normal. I’m now a believer that if we are eating a proper carnivore diet then we shouldn’t need to supplement our electrolytes unless we are working on a specific issue.
    I took some electrolytes today because I knew I was going to be out in the hot Texas sun most of the day working on fence so I figured I could use the extra juice yo get me through the day and I believe it helped.
    And lastly I believe you should go see a doctor and get checked out. Get a blood panel done. An EKG and a general exam. You could be developing heart condition such as atrial fibrillation which is what I’ve got but carnivore has really helped mine.
    One final note. I’m usually a big proponent of being honest with our doctors and letting them know that we are carnivores but in your case I wouldn’t tell him or her just yet because I wouldn’t want to prejudice the exam.
    Good luck and let us know how things work out.

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  18. Like
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Bob in Whey protein and/or KetoChow   
    What do you guys think about using (clean, grassfed) whey protein powder occasionally for those who cannot eat enough protein for whatever reason? Also; for those having trouble getting enough fat, or on the verge of giving up because they're desperate for something other than meat, utilizing a serving KetoChow to stay technically Carnivore? 
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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Bob in 🧪 The Only Decent Fibre Study We Have   
    I had ulcerative colitis, and was told to eat a lot of fiber. I suffered for years. 
    Then I tried carnivore, and went months and months without even a gram of fiber, and my disease has either been cured or went into remission.
    Yeah, forget fiber, lol.
  20. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Carnivore Club in 🧪 The Only Decent Fibre Study We Have   
    The only decent fibre study we have showing complete remission of constipation-related issues when they removed ALL fibre:
    "Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3435786/
    It's an interesting read and a study we can cite when friends/family say what about fiber though. 
  21. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    The before and after pics.

    Six hours later…

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    Susyn C_137 reacted to Laura in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Went off plan slightly today at my sister's for BBQ prime rib.  Had a couple of bites of baked potato with butter, about 4 green beans, and a few mushroom pieces.  The prime rib was the best!  I've removed nuts again, and added back small amounts of mozzarella cheese, and full fat plain Greek yogurt. I need to cut back on food amounts to break this weight loss stall, as well as do more fasting. 
  23. Like
    Susyn C_137 reacted to Bob in Help us with a study on Carnivore!   
    I let this one through because I was unable to determine if this is legit or not, but I have some reservations. Be aware that DocSallyND.com is a parked domain. There is no website there. There is also no online presence or Google Map location for any business called "Mountain Apple Medicine". 
    There is a "Dr Sally Daughtrey ND" on this page...
    ... but our member named has the username SallyB.
    And some final thoughts....
    What is being tested, and what lab is being used? Several key labs are actually very cheap at the lab services we typically recommend.
    There is a plethora of information on the internet, from nutritionists, doctors, MD's and DO's, etc who have already done this research.
    My apologies for my skepticism in advance if this is legit, but I have a responsibility to protect the community.
  24. Like
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from XaqNautilus in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Whole milk yogurt with collagen and iodine drops, bacon, steak and a tiny bit of raw cheddar. Black iced tea to wean off oxylates. Pretty much the same thing every day. 
  25. Like
    Susyn C_137 got a reaction from Bob in Daily Exercise   
    I have been lifting weights 4 times a week, treadmill (walk nowadays, used to run) 6-7 days a week for 40+ years. I have added restorative yoga once a week for a couple of years. I run three or four 5Ks a year since 1999. The 50-59 female age group is pretty small, so I usually come in first. Exercise has never made the slightest impact on my weight, I do it to stay healthy and mobile as I age. 
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