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Meathead last won the day on December 11 2024

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About Meathead

  • Birthday 10/21/1967

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  • Start Date
    June 6 2024

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  1. Unfortunately sous vide is no where near boil temp for med rare steak. I'm too much a control freak I prefer grilled steak, stove top and finish in oven. Plus I spent so much last year I can't afford sous vide
  2. There's managing then there's over the top in some cases. Myself I'm surprised my balls aren't plastic eating from plastic like I have I never believed in the nonstick bs. Too old to care how I vacuum seal
  3. Keep it simple. What's your WHY?? Fat = energy Protein can spike your blood sugar if you eat too much. Keep in mind NO ONE ELSE especially government cares about your health like you. Lastly welcome home you're family.
  4. I use cheese sparingly as I'm not a FAN of the texture and smell. I'd rather smell dirty Sox than cheese
  5. Here were required to get a fkn permit to have chickens and give them plans for your coop and run. Just another way to tax/control every part of your life. People aren't required to get educated for procreation and they need to So I guess I'm not raising chickens until we move.
  6. Today just announced a win regardless if it's keto not carnivore. https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/steak-n-shake-cook-fries-beef-tallow-authentic-way
  7. Please take time to watch this video.
  8. I posted to rfkjr on x the biased malicious intent vs butter fiasco.
  9. IMO these cuck companies should have their products recalled like the butter. Biases left and right. Recall the poison containing red dye making the companies EAT the loss and 6 months of reformulated shit, not 2 years.
  10. Dr. Darren Schmidt finally did it. Definitely a win. Kickin big Pharma in da nutz.
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