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About Meathead

  • Birthday 10/21/1967

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    June 6 2024

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  1. Starting off right since wife said no eggs until I heal from surgery. 1.25lb or 750grams 80/20 burgers
  2. Thanks brother. Pain is manageable but putting fuel in and exhaust is plugged has me concerned
  3. I've used under 40 lbs of pellets for smoking 28 hrs, grilling steaks octopus and burgers tastes better than propane. Since it heats up fast, I don't empty hopper cooking every day. The electric is minimal. Empty hopper is a 30 minute preheat.
  4. Hi and welcome aboard. Your question and background is VERY vague. With the information provided it's difficult to think about answering. More detailed information provided the easier to get an answer. From googling..... Mucus in stool can occur due to a number of possible reasons, including: Normal amount A small amount of mucus in stool is normal and helps keep the colon lubricated. Intestinal infection A large amount of mucus in stool, especially when accompanied by diarrhea, could be a sign of an intestinal infection. Infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites, and can lead to other symptoms like fever, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Food intolerance or allergy Food sensitivities can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to excess mucus. Dehydration Dehydration can cause excess mucus in stool, but it usually goes away on its own. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) This functional gastrointestinal disorder can cause changes in bowel habits and mucus in stool. Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis These inflammatory bowel diseases can cause mucus in stool, and bloody mucus or mucus with abdominal pain may be a sign of a more serious condition. Colon cancer A noticeable increase in mucus in stool, especially if accompanied by other symptoms, could be a sign of bowel cancer. If you're concerned about the amount of mucus in your stool, or if you're experiencing other symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Hope this helps.
  5. Well today's surgery went well and unfortunately forced to take pain medication and antibiotics via IV. I did learn they have to manage pain even though you're unconscious as they're on 2 different spectrum of each other. Regardless hospital staff were a breath of fresh air especially @ 5 am. Pain meds from hospital wearing off and pain is a bit annoying like when your insides gurgling before you have explosive diarrhea. Once I heal up I'm going back to flat stomach.
  6. Hello and welcome aboard. I compare your statement to giving heroin addict Narcan so they can keep doing heroin. You're on the right path starting carnivore. 1. Electrolytes = Redmond real salt,Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt mixed with your water daily. 2. Fatty meats as fat is where you get most of your energy. 3. Eat until you don't want to put more food into your body. 4. Keep plenty of meats yes even hotdogs,spam something you can snack on just in case. 5. Rinse and repeat. Don't worry so much about supplements or anything until you have blood work done (thorough).
  7. Exactly, but remember what works for you or myself may not work for others. Some of us are fortunate enough to have the willpower, mindset others may need support but it doesn't make us better or them weaker. We all have to support one another and help each other with our short comings.
  8. 4 am 6 eggs and 4 strips of bacon. 3pm 3 1/3 lb 80/20 burgers 16 oz ribeye for supper. Tomorrow's surgery.
  9. Chicken wings and thighs have most fat content. Grilling season has not ended lol.
  10. You have a rare commodity. I had tons of improvements, blood work was great, only (triglycerides & hdl) need improvement but I did improve in 90 days went from 350ish in triglycerides to 230ish. No praise or positive input only to tell me to lower my Ldl and stop worrying about my triglycerides. I'm tenacious especially when I get looked down on due to my education. I'll school in a nice way but I'm putting him on notice.
  11. You could try eating alot of protein before fasting. I never thought I would make it not being hungry past 3 hours. Just before my 90 days doing carnivore I did a 60 hr fast, I broke it because I was super bored and 60 hrs was a milestone for me.
  12. I think a dbl blind control study with same age grp, similar/same health grp of 25 m/f ,vegans and carnivore. Total 50 men 50 females. Do cognitive as well as physical testing for 1 year.
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