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    Meathead got a reaction from ol_hilly in 10 week carnivore   
    I'm new to this lifestyle due to health issues and choosing not to get on ozempic for obvious reasons. 
    So far my journey has been a smooth transition from processed foods to meat and dairy to just meat, coffee with butter. 
  2. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in I cant do it!   
    I thought I was the same until I put 1 tbsp of butter in my coffee. 
    It's a game changer.
  3. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Weight loss.   
    From my personal experience I started eating when I was hungry until I felt full. Chuck roast in slow cooker drinking the juices was dinner, 6 eggs with 4 strips of thin bacon added some cheese for filler and taste.
    Water with Redmond real salt for electrolytes all day/night.
    This kept me satiated and feeling healthier. 
    I've moved onto 1.5 lbs 73/27 ground beef only 1 meal a day with my electrolytes. 
    Don't give up as I've had stalled weight loss but so many positive things have happened since I've started this lifestyle. 
  4. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. 
    Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. 
    After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. 
    Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.
  5. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from ol_hilly in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I too complained to several drs about numbness in my feet and how it hurt constantly up to my knees. 
    Not one addressed this but kept prescribing pills for cholesterol and blood pressure. 
    After 3 weeks of carnivore I noticed less pain and tingling in my legs and feet. 
    Now 10 weeks in and there's slight numbness in my toes now.
  6. Like
    Meathead reacted to rpavich in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I'm CONVINCED that there is and was a collusion in the food/drug industry to keep folks from eating like this. I've watched so many videos explaining the connections between the drug companies, the sugar and junk food industries and where the money-trails are....it's no accident that the diet advice from the powers that be have been wrong...it's not by accident...it's a calculated move to keep us coming back for pills and surgeries.

    I don't think that they think of it that way exactly...but human greed being what it is...I think that they smell money to be made and we are the guinea pigs.
  7. Like
    Meathead reacted to rpavich in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Ok...I just realized something else...my 5x urinating a night has stopped. I can go a whole night's sleep and only pee 1 or 2 times....no emergencies.....
    Normally if I have to pee...IT'S ON! I was driving home a couple of weeks ago and peed my pants because I couldn't hold it....now...I can say " I have to pee..." and if I don't immediately run to the bathroom...it's no big deal....

  8. Like
    Meathead reacted to rpavich in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    OK, this is too weird, this might be a coincidence but you won’t believe this
    I’ve had neuropathy in both feet for several years now and no doctor could tell me what’s going on and why it’s happening or how to fix it so I’ve just lived with it.
    for several years now and no doctor could tell me what’s going on and why it’s happening or how to fix it so I’ve just lived with it.
    I realized a day or two ago that I could feel my feet, and just now I realized I can feel myself tickle my feet and it makes me jump, the only part that’s really numb now is the toes and they’re not even really that numb.
    and just now I realized I can feel myself tickle my feet and it makes me jump, the only part that’s really numb now is the toes and they’re not even really that numb.
    It feels funny to walk because it feels like I’m walking on pillows, I can feel the bottom of my feet now
  9. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I have chronic constipation. I’m not one of the fortunate ones who have great BMs on carnivore. I don’t know if it’s because I had IBS for over 30 years or because I don’t have a gallbladder or maybe my liver just doesn’t function the way it should.
    Meat doesn’t stay in your intestinal track for months. That’s impossible. To test that out just take a laxative and you’ll see that there is not a months worth of waste in your bowels. The majority of all the meat you eat is absorbed into your body. That’s because it is so nutrient dense. According to Dr. Berry and Dr. Chaffee what we are expelling shed cells and bodily fluids. Actually, people who eat only meat tend to produce less waste, so they might find themselves pooping less or less frequently, but it isn't usually a sign of constipation.
    Constipation on the carnivore diet can occur for different reasons. When you switch to this diet, your body has to adapt to digesting more proteins and fats, which can be challenging and may lead to constipation.

    Also, there's often a significant loss of water as your body uses up stored glycogen, and this decrease in hydration can affect bowel movements. So, you need to drink enough water to prevent dehydration and constipation.

    The change in your diet also alters your gut bacteria. When you move from a high-carb to a low-carb diet, the types of bacteria in your gut change, which can slow down the movement of food through your intestines.

    Additionally, imbalances in essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium, vital for intestinal muscle function, can cause constipation. Consuming electrolyte drinks and taking supplements - after consulting a physician, of course - can help.

    Certain foods common in the Carnivore diet, particularly processed meats and dairy, can induce constipation, especially if you're intolerant or allergic to them.

    It is all because meat takes longer to digest than plant foods, so your bowel movements will probably be less frequent but regular and predictable.

    What I have learned to to do is eat a lot of fat. My morning beverage is bulletproof with butter and MCT oil. Then everything is cooked in tallow or bacon grease. Any meat that is lean will be slathered in butter and or the grease it was cooked in.
    Upping my fat intake has helped but hasn’t been a cure yet. So I was taking a magnesium citrate and that turned my stools into a peanut butter consistency. Better than constipation but far from ideal. So I’m now taking a magnesium complex supplement that has citrate in it. So far it it working ok for the most part. I’m hard but not constipated.
    On those occasions when I feel like I’m going to be constipated I’ll use a suppository to get things moving. It generally works within a couple of hours and doesn’t go overboard. If it was looking like it was going to be severe then I would take a tea called Smooth Move. It contains Senna. That will clean you out.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in Weight loss.   
    Two good responses.
    One of the primary things to understand it is a process of elimination. (I was 6'3" 306 and as high as 320, so not pointing fingers). I made all the "right" decision to get to 320 if 320 was my goal. Since I started carnivore it has been much more about what I am not eating than what I am eating. Eating animal products, drinking water and adding salt works but the objective is to eliminate all the things that helped me get to 320.
    I would take the advice from Bob Geezy, as both are solid. Then look at what has been eliminated and what still may need to be eliminated.
    As far as the scale, although I have dropped a lot of weight there were times when it stalled. During the stall times I was still cinching up the belt every so often. 
    And before the weight was seriously falling, I came off meds for ped/inflammation from NMOSD (auto-immune disease). 
    There are positives other than the scale. Recognize and celebrate those when you can.
    Best of luck.
  11. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Weight loss.   
    Well to start with it is unusual to have lost nothing in six weeks. Most people will lose water weight if nothing else.
    The first thing I’d look at is my diet. Have you eliminated everything from your diet except animal fats, animal proteins, salt and water?
    Are you emphasizing eating a high fat and moderate protein diet? The fat to protein ratio is important.

    Next thing is to be aware that this is first and foremost a way of eating to obtain optimal health. It’s not a weight loss diet. All “diets” fail.
    As your body heals there will be weight loss but that is a side effect not the primary effect.
    For some people it can take longer than others before their bodies heal enough to shed the fat. Look up Kelly Hogan. It took her six months before she started losing weight. In fact she gained weight in the beginning but look at her now. She stuck with it because she wanted to be healed and saw the changes that were happening in her body. She had the mindset that she wanted to succeed.

    She and possibly you are prof that we are all methodically different. What works for me may not work the same way for you. The principals are the same but sometimes the methods may need tweaking for the individual.
    This is not a cookie cutter, one size fits all, diet.
    You may need to find your own path on this journey and the place to start is at the beginning.
    Make sure you are eating a 70-30 percent ratio of fats to protein. Eat only when you are hungry and then eat until you are comfortably full.
    Drink only water and use salt liberally.
    Give it plenty of time, two weeks or longer. If no change then try upping your fat intake and give that some time to see what happens. You may have to experiment by adjusting your fats an protein to different ratios until you find what works for you. Just give it enough time in between trials.
    This is not a race so try not to be impatient. If you are doing this for the right reasons then you’ve got plenty of time to figure this out…a lifetime.
    Good luck.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in 10 week carnivore   
    I'm maybe a 100 or so days in and it has been more than amazing for me.
    Best of luck.
  13. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Robert, you are an addict. An addict must abstain from their drug of choice. It don matter if it’s alcohol, heroin, tobacco or sugar.
    I once quit dipping snuff for two years but I though just one dip wouldn’t hurt. Bam! I was hooked all over again. It was nine years before I tried quitting again. I’ve been clean of tobacco for 18 years now but I know that I can never allow tobacco in any form ever touch me again or I’ll be hooked all over again
    There’s no such thing as moderation. An alcoholic can’t just have a beer. A heroin addict can’t just smoke a joint.
    You are a sugar addict so you should abstain from not just sugar but everything that’s sweet including all artificial sweeteners and milk products.
    Be aware that there are 75 different names for sugar so read your food labels carefully for those hidden sugars.
    There are those who are not addicts and can moderate but if you can’t then you must stay away from it.
    I can drink one beer and not touch another one for several years. It doesn’t bother me but I’m not an alcoholic. I just choose not to drink anything that is loaded with carbs.
    Make your choice what is best for you and your health. My choice was no sweeteners whatsoever. I don’t need the temptation.
    If you’ll give it at least 30 days I think you could kick the addiction. I’ve heard some do it in two weeks.
    Who’s stronger, you or the sugar?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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