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Everything posted by Geezy

  1. I raise the lambs myself. We have cattle, sheep, a goat, horses and chickens. We are selling off our sheep though and we kept three lambs back. Two of them were ready for slaughter and the third one will be ready around May. After our lamb meat supply starts getting thin then we’ll just buy one from someone local and feed it out. I like raising them but I’m tired of fighting the coyotes over them. And yes, I am a hunter. In fact, the picture in my avatar is from when I was down in south Texas bow hunting javelina. The majority of the meat we eat is from something I’ve raised or something I’ve hunted. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Love me some oysters. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yep, a touch of Tabasco. That’s one thing I’ll never lose is my love for hot sauce. But these days I make sure there’s no sugar in them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Got back two lambs from the processors today. Freezer isn’t completely full yet. Gotta save some room for venison too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Salmon and cheese four egg omelet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If you’re carnivore you can leave out the garlic if you want and just go dirty carnivore with the seasoning. Just make sure the seasoning has no sugar in it. I use Fiesta brand. Taco Pie Ingredients * 1 lb ground beef * 3 tablespoon taco seasoning * 6 large eggs * ½ cup heavy cream * 2 cloves garlic minced * ½ teaspoon salt * ¼ teaspoon pepper * 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese Instructions * Preheat the oven to 350ºF and grease a 9-inch glass or ceramic pie pan.
 * Brown the ground beef in a large skillet over medium heat until no longer pink, about 7 minutes, breaking up clumps with the back of a wooden spoon. Stir in the taco seasoning until well combined, then transfer the beef to the prepared pie pan. 
 * In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, cream, garlic, salt, and pepper. Pour over beef in the pan. 
 * Sprinkle with the shredded cheese and bake 30 minutes, or until the centre is set and cheese is browned. Remove and let sit 5 minutes before slicing and serving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I prefer smoking low and slow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Pan seared lamb steak and scrambled eggs cooked in the fat left over. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Because I have a heart condition (AFib) they always put me on a “heart healthy) meal plan. I was ignorant back then but I’m not now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I can’t stand white meat in poultry. It’s only tasty if made into some type of salad or in a sandwich slathered in Mayo. If for some reason I find myself having to eat white meat I’ll drown it in butter to make it palatable and healthy. I’ll also eat the skin with it. To me it has no flavor and is dry. It’s dark meat for me all the way. As far as duck goes, domestic duck is fantastic and a beautifully roasted duck with nice crispy skin is da bomb. I’d eat a whole duck once a week if I could afford it. Now wild duck is a totally different animal. It’s not nearly as good and is very gamey, has a liver taste to me. If I kill it, I’ll eat it though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I’m a “lob off its horns, wipe it’s butt and bring it out here to me” kinda guy. I like mine rare. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Yes he did. That’s how I got started on carnivore. He explained to me about the toxins in plants and why they have them. He went on to explain why seeds and seed oils are so bad for us. He gave me several resources to study for myself and make up my own mind and when I did it all made sense to me. Perfect sense. I figured I’d try it for 30 days and see what happens. I had so many improvements in that 30 days that I did another 30 days. It just kept getting better so I continued for 30 more. After 90 days I was healed of nearly every ailment that had plagued me for decades. Now 162 days later I know for a fact in my most inner being that this not only the right way to eat but it is the only way I will ever eat. I told my wife the other day, that I’m so committed to this lifestyle now that if I’m ever in the hospital again that she’s going to be kept busy bringing me food to eat because I’m not eating the “heart healthy” food they try to shove on us. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. This is funny because I just answered your question over on the Ketogenic forum. [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787] I’m not going to type it all out again other than to say that I think you’re doing great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. So, a conversation with my son, who started me on carnivore for my health. Son: “Dad, why do you eat vegetables?” Me: “Well, because they’re good for you and I like them. “ Son: “Well they’re really not all that good for you but we’ll discuss that in a minute. So let me ask you this. Have you always liked vegetables?” Me: “No, I hated them as a kid but your mother helped me learn to like them.” Son: “Is there any vegetable you can eat without putting something on it or can you eat just like it is?” Me: “No, I don’t think I could eat any of them just by themselves.” Son: “So what do you like to put on them?” Me: “Oh you know, butter, cheese, salad dressing, bacon, lots of seasonings.” Son: “So what your saying is, it’s not the vegetables that you like, it’s what you put on the vegetables that you like.” Ding,ding,ding,ding,ding went the bell in my head. The majority of the toppings that I used on veggies was an animal product or sugary and that was the only way I could make them palatable. My awakening is that if I can’t eat it plain without putting something on it to make it palatable then my body doesn’t need it. As I heard Old Guy Carnivore say, “Food is no longer for pleasure and entertainment but is now for nutrition and health. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It is a common theme. Some of the biggest proponents of carnivore where former vegetarians/vegans. Many of them start out looking for better health and when they don’t find it they end up here and thrive.
  16. I also see that you’re on Ketogenic Forum also. Small world. Cool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Eating out can be a challenge for sure depending on where you go. A friend of my wife’s invited her and me out to an Italian restaurant. I looked up their menu online and saw nothing I was willing to eat. Not willing to compromise I asked my wife if she would mind if I didn’t go. She had no problem with it. I have determined though that if I’m in a situation where there is nothing I’m willing to eat I’ll just fast and drink water. I’ve been carnivore long enough now that I don’t have any problems with just fasting when others are eating. I rode 573 miles on my motorcycle down to New Orleans with some friends last week. Along the way we made many fuel stops and the guys would snack during those stops from the convenience stores. Not much there I’m willing to eat so I just fastened and drank water. It was not a problem. The rest of the time in New Orleans I had no problem finding clean food I could eat. Just an example : 1 lb of andouille sausage, 1 lb shrimp, 1 lb crawfish. Of course I did not eat the corn or potatoes.
  18. I had taco pie today. Not strict carnivore but just a little dirty. I can handle some seasoning as long as there’s no sugar in it. So the pie contains ground beef, some taco seasoning, eggs, garlic powder, heavy cream, salt, white pepper and cheese. Pretty tasty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. To start with, lack of vitamin C does not cause scurvy. Those who spread that myth know nothing about nutrition and human physiology. To add to what Bob said, yes meat has vitamin C in small quantities but when you are metabolically healthy your body doesn’t need very much C. The myth about getting scurvy from not eating fruit comes from the ocean faring sailors of old having to eat limes while at sea to prevent scurvy. But the real reason they got scurvy was because they ate grains and slave food ( porridge, grains and such) and had no access to fresh meat. They were not metabolically healthy. There are tens of thousands of people that have been eating carnivore for their whole lives and many here in the States that have been carni for 10,20 ,30 years and none of them have ever contracted scurvy. Keep calm and carni on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Thanks Bob. Are you also on Kiltz’s Mighty Tribe? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. If you count OMAD as intermittent then yes I do. From what I understand OMAD fits the description. I started doing OMAD when I decided it was silly of me to eat by the clock rather than just eat when I’m hungry. I usually only get hungry once a day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I don’t believe so. A “right” is more of a necessity of freedom whereas something like the internet is just a platform that should enable the user to exercise the “right” of free speech but the platform itself is not a right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Just found this forum and since I’m a carnivore and love the science behind it I thought this would be a good fit for me. Been carnivore for 150 days now and have experienced miraculous healing due to this lifestyle change. I look forward to getting to know y’all and learning from everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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