To start with, lack of vitamin C does not cause scurvy. Those who spread that myth know nothing about nutrition and human physiology. To add to what Bob said, yes meat has vitamin C in small quantities but when you are metabolically healthy your body doesn’t need very much C. The myth about getting scurvy from not eating fruit comes from the ocean faring sailors of old having to eat limes while at sea to prevent scurvy. But the real reason they got scurvy was because they ate grains and slave food ( porridge, grains and such) and had no access to fresh meat. They were not metabolically healthy. There are tens of thousands of people that have been eating carnivore for their whole lives and many here in the States that have been carni for 10,20 ,30 years and none of them have ever contracted scurvy. Keep calm and carni on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk