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MG426 reacted to a post in a topic: What Did You Eat Today?
Healthy1 reacted to a post in a topic: Bacon burgers
started another fast today
Scott F. replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
I wish I could go in and delete the above post. I'm not sure how it reads to others but it sure sounds like an 'addict' when I read it again this morning. "It felt really good, and I am looking to get there again before I find out if it is healthy to go that route multiple times. Just get me back to that feeling". Doing the reading and the listening and trying to figure out what's the best route forward. It felt great but no need to hurt myself or my progress chasing something that can be spaced out. Scott -
What Did You Eat Today?
Scott F. replied to Geezy's topic in Carnivore, Ketovore, Keto, & Low-Carb Support
Two eggs laid yesterday, 2 from this morning and 1/2 of last night's ribeye. Maybe not the breakfast of champions to the masses, but I think "we" have some inside information. Scott- 1,616 replies
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Angie A. joined the community
What Did You Eat Today?
Geezy replied to Geezy's topic in Carnivore, Ketovore, Keto, & Low-Carb Support
Yes it was very satisfying. I have these hunger spurts sometimes. Even after that big meal I dropped a pound and haven’t regained it. I never would have thought that I’d be this light and struggling to keep weight on. There was a time when I could gain weight just by smelling food. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk- 1,616 replies
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Geezy reacted to a post in a topic: What Did You Eat Today?
Well Monday was a bust because I had to go out of town all day so I didn’t get to walk. Today was a bust for weightlifting because I’ve hurt my left hand and can’t put any pressure on the palm of my hand. Worked all day today tearing down saddles and cleaning them and buy the end of the day my right hip was hurting so bad that I had to use my cane to walk. It’s been a miserable evening. I’ll see if a good night’s rest brings my hip back to normal and maybe I can get a walk in tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Geezy reacted to a post in a topic: started another fast today
ketomonster reacted to a post in a topic: started another fast today
- Yesterday
started another fast today
Scott F. replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
Long thread that sort of got away from "carnivore" apologies. It is Tuesday evening and the 12 hour shift is winding down. Yesterday I was in the gym early, got more than an hour in and then did the 12 hour dayshift. The energy level is still high. I think I am sold on the combination of carnivore and fasting. I'm thinking a monthly 96 hour fast for the next couple months. The energy level on the two 72 fasts lasted four or five days. From 72 to 96 felt amazing and I am not sure if that means a quicker fall or being sustained another day or so. Now I am reading on the effects of multiple fasts during the month. Maybe fast for 96, wait for the energy level to feel 'normal' and then start another fast. Then I wonder is that too much. Still trying to figure some things out. I have blood work coming up next month and again in May. I will more than likely not double them up til after May. Pleasantly surprised. Scott -
SysAl joined the community
Adaptive glucose sparing
MG426 replied to MG426's topic in Carnivore, Ketovore, Keto, & Low-Carb Support
Large chicken breast...7 sausage links..5 eggs tea -
This is kinda sorta true, and kinda sorta not. It depends on what we consider a "mask". I previously said... Maybe now it's best to differentiate between a "mask" and a "respirator". The cloth mask by itself is useless. You would need to wear multiple ones. The recommendation was at least 3 cloth masks. The principle here was that it would not protect you from others, but would deflect your exhalation out the left and right sides instead of directly at the person in front of you. I spoke incorrectly about the surgical masks. They are even more useless than the cloth mask. They are designed to protect against droplets from both the surgeon's mouth to the patients wound, and from the patients fluids splashing towards to surgeon's mouth, but will be ineffective against aerosols and small particles. The N95's, which is a respirator, not a mask, offers the best incoming protection, but if it has a vent to make exhalation easier and to prevent moisture buildup inside the mask, then it does nothing to protect others from you. It's simply protecting you from others and doing a pretty damn good job of it too. But they are the most uncomfortable.
Bob reacted to a post in a topic: "MARCH with Motivation" - March Fitness Challenge & Daily Weigh-in!
Bob reacted to a post in a topic: "MARCH with Motivation" - March Fitness Challenge & Daily Weigh-in!
The mask is there to protect other people from you, not the other way around. There is basically no filtration from the outside in and only from the inside out. The biggest reason it works is that your breath is moist and wet. When you exhale the moisture binds to the fibers of the mask, your moisture provides the primary membrane for filtration as it builds. The mask does not provide much but the membrane you create stops you from spreading yourself to others. The mask is not the filter, you creating a primary membrane creates filtration. Scott
- Last week
Bob reacted to a post in a topic: What Did You Eat Today?
What Did You Eat Today?
Bob replied to Geezy's topic in Carnivore, Ketovore, Keto, & Low-Carb Support
All in one meal? Wow! That's almost 3 pounds in one sitting.- 1,616 replies
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Bob reacted to a post in a topic: What Did You Eat Today?
7 more days left in March - which is 7 more days to post in this topic and 2 more Monday night zoom meetings to get extra entries. I was a little MIA this last week. S Corp taxes were due last week so I was scrambling to balance my books. And then over the weekend I didn't feel so hot. I think I ate some meat that was a little bit past it's best-by date.
Depends what you mean by "work" - or rather, what you want the word "work" to mean for you. I find that people in the "masks don't work" camp have in mind the false expectation that the mask would be the equivalent of a bullet proof vest, as if you should be able to put in on and be "shot at" by viruses at point blank range and have you be invincible. In reality, a mask acts as filter to reduce the number of germs that you breathe in or breathe out. I work in construction and do demolitions, so I know a bit about masks. The effectiveness of the mask will depend on the size of the particles floating around in the air. In construction that could be asbestos. In this case, it's viruses. It's about risk reduction, not "protection". "Risk" is variable, depending on a lot of factors. For example, my high triglycerides put me at higher risk of cardiac disease. This doesn't mean I am guaranteed not to get cardiac disease. Likewise, a mask doesn't guarantee that you won't catch a virus. It's just a layer of risk reduction. And the type of mask effects that variability. The cloth masks by themselves were damn near useless. You would have to wear like half a dozen of them layered on top of each other. The surgical masks were slightly better (they are worn by medical staff for a reason), and the ever uncomfortable N95 were the most effective. Social distancing is also effective. It's common sense that if you sneeze in my face I will likely get sick. But if you sneeze 20 feet away from me, my risk of getting sick is reduced. I previously said... I want to add that this is in my congregation of approximately 100-ish attendees. Everyone in the congregation has caught covid at least once, most people 2 or 3 times or more. We even had an outbreak that affected almost everyone at the same time. But these individuals who mask up religiously have NEVER caught covid, 5 years and counting. They haven't had the flu, a cold, or even a sniffle either.
Valleyboy joined the community
started another fast today
Scott F. replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
My wife is not the biggest fan of the fasting. If I didn't have the NMO/SD she may not be as weary of the fasting. We both know how bad it was way back when and the last six years we were both happy with 'status quo', maintaining and not triggering another set back. Going carnivore was easy for me but she seen it as going out on a limb. The carnivore grew on her enough she has tried it off and on but she seems steadfast against the fasting....for me or her. LOL I'm right at the point I will say I am a believer. If I have the energy all next week like I did on the last two most anyone will be hard pressed to convince me otherwise. Scott -
started another fast today
ketomonster replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
congrats man, My wife would freak if I stopped eating. But she's OK if I'm omad. congrats again. -
started another fast today
Scott F. replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
Not sure about that, but thank you. I learned a the last few weeks reading/watching videos and then a ton more actually doing the fast. Maybe the biggest lesson was somewhat of a negative as I ate too much to break the fast. I got real loose later that afternoon and it has lasted into this morning. Lesson learned. I didn't lose much weight during the first two but this one was 7 during and close to 2 more by the day after. Last time the weight dropped a tad but it triggered a fall during the next week. The next few days will teach more about that part of the after-fasting. I was shocked at how much energy I had and how good I felt between 72 and 96 hours. I doubt anyone could have convinced me of that prior to as I would imagine it would be depleted and weak waiting for nourishment. Polar opposites. That was one of the videos I watched this past week. I wound up watching several he made. Great content. Scott -
started another fast today
Geezy replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
Came across this little tidbit from Dr. Tony Hampton on fasting. -
started another fast today
Geezy replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
That is so cool that you are reaping such benefits from fasting. I think it’s an inspiration to others to give it a try. You may not think that you’re much of a teacher but your experience is valuable knowledge. I’m curious to hear from people who are in maintenance mode to see if they fast and how it affects them. I’m actually a little underweight now and I’m not sure I can afford to fast. -
started another fast today
Scott F. replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
This fast is over and I can't believe how good I felt at the end. I read 'euphoric' is the word and maybe that is close but I just felt good, maybe even rejuvenated. I did eat a little too much coming out of the fast and my stools were a little loose yesterday afternoon. Lesson learned. Followed that up with one of the best beef tenderloins I have ever had. My son knocked it out of the park for my wife's birthday. The funniest part was the ketone meter came in just after the second meal from fasting. I don't do a lot of recommending and advising as I am a novice to most everything discussed in this forum, but the fasting is working wonders for me. Both 72's helped me thru the next week more than anything I would have imagined. I didn't sleep as many hours as I normally do but the sleep was deep/restful, and I woke up well rested and as if I had slept many more hours. I read where sleep could be restless and even some report insomnia while fasting, but it was sort of the opposite for me. Maybe working nights factors in, just not sure. Again, I'm not the preacher nor the teacher as I have much to learn, but the fasting has quickly become one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. Scott -
share your skin care tips please
ketomonster replied to ketomonster's topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
One month without shampoo. And my scalp feels better also ^. I use to have a couple of dry spots, they are gone. Weird how seeing commercials conditions you to shampoo every day. -
I think I grabbed one from the same seller! $4.40 from Illinois.
started another fast today
Scott F. replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
7lbs this time. 222 on Tuesday morning and 215 this morning. This fast was 3-4lbs more than the last two. I am not sure the difference between this one and the last two. Scott -
Tom B started following Carnivore, Ketovore, Keto, & Low-Carb Support
Tom B joined the community
started another fast today
ketomonster replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
whats the weight lose when you break the fast and the following days? -
started another fast today
Scott F. replied to Scott F.'s topic in General Health and Wellness Discussion
I am getting ready to break the fast at 96 hours. I can't really explain how good I feel right now. I have energy to spare and feel like I could easily have stretched it out another day. I have read so much the last few weeks as well as the last few days about fasting. I'm not all that smart but I can throw some scientific/medical terms around now, not having a complete understanding, but I think I am in the ballpark. Between 72 hours and 96 hours I had some autophagy going on, the ketosis was sending ketones at what feels like a hectic pace, the Human Growth Harmones are swimming around and even the stem cells are finding things to fix. Around 72 hours it was almost like my body grabbed another gear. It has been an amazing experience. I had a good workout Tuesday morning, ate just before lunch and then pulled the 12 hour night shift. The next two mornings I had really good workouts after two fairly hectic nightshifts. Last night was OT and it was a semi-rough shift. This morning I went to the gym and had a really intense workout, going to failure on most every set. I came home and walked just shy of three miles with 45 pushups along the way. Nothing to eat since Tuesday and I feel great right now. If it were not for plans with my wife I would ride this train another 24 hours or at least to something said 'this is enough'. If anyone had ever told me that after not eating for 96 hours, first I would say there is no way I could go 96 hours without eating and then I would say there is no way I would feel good after that, before they could finish I would say you must have fallen and bumped your head. My wife said I almost sound giddy talking about it. Maybe, maybe not but I am pleasantly surprised at how I feel this morning. Prepping my body with carnivore the last ten months or so, followed by a couple 72 hour fasts, and now this 96 hour endeavor is amazing. I'm looking forward to this week to see how the energy level lasts. Scott
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I'm still fasted since Sunday. I end my fasts on Fridays but this time I may push it until Saturday because my husband and I went on a getaway in the mountains over this past weekend and restaurants looked very.... Suspicious 😂 so I ate a rotisserie chicken from Walmart that my stomach did not agree with and it swelled me with unnecessary water retention as usual. I've always been sensitive to chicken and pork (except bacon and breakfast sausages) for whatever reason. Anyway, I need to push this fast an extra day if I can to help undo the damages. When I break my fast this weekend I will definitely be incorporating a small variety of fermented foods and drinks, that will also help me out.· 0 replies
30 How do you like your steak?
1. Which degree of doneness makes for the perfect steak, in your opinion?
Blue Rare
Medium Rare
Medium Well
Well Done
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23 White or Dark Meat - Which do you prefer?
1. Which do you prefer when it comes to poultry?
Chicken or Turkey White meat
Chicken or Turkey Dark meat
I like both
Goose or Duck Breast
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Wild Game Birds
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