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  2. We will be making changes to the one feature of the Carnivore Talk Community that allows unregistered Guests to post in specific forums. The reason for this is that we are tired of the SPAM. @Geezy and I delete a dozen or more posts per day that look like this... When you take a look at the Guest forum and sort the posts by Start Date, you can clearly see how underutilized this forum actually is. MOST of our activity comes from members who have registered accounts. We have only had 22 topics/questions from unregistered guests since our community's inception in August of 2023, with only 15 of those being within the last 12 months. If you want to participate in this community, you can register for an account. It's completely free, and we don't sell or give away your information. We're just a band of brothers and sisters, a tribe of fellow supporters who are interested in diet, nutrition, and health, and not some mega corporation. If you just want to ask a single question, but do not want to interact, participate, or respond to others, you can leave a voicemail. A transcription of your voicemail will be posted for others to read and respond to, and/or your voicemail may be used and answered in a YouTube video.
  3. Welcome to the Carnivore Talk Community. Record your message below, and we will post a transcript of it on your behalf for our members to comment on and assist you. We may also use this question and recording in a YouTube Video or Livestream.
  4. Today
  5. We also need to be careful about what we we think of as "energy". A lot of people who go on a proper human diet, whether that's low carb, keto, ketovore, or carnivore lose weight, see improvements in their health, and boast about all this "energy" that they now have. But this is in contrast to how slugglish and drained they felt when eating the standard American junk diet and they were unhealthy and possibly overweight. If you were fairly healthy to begin with and ate fairly clean, you might not notice such a drastic change from always wanting to be glued to your chair to having the energy to actually be productive. In short, the more UNhealthy you were prior to starting your health journey, the more "energy" you feel like you gain. It's easy to see the contrast, and for some of us who used to be really unhealthy, this contrast is a major motivator that keeps us living this lifestyle. Since fat is your energy source, make sure you are not skimping on the fat. Eat until you are comfortably stuffed. Drink enough to satisfy your thirst, and you could try a little electrolyte supplementation. This is usually needed early on in your journey, but not so much after a year or so.
  6. I started my fast last night around 8:30 or so. I am basically 12 hours in and it is nothing more than a normal night shift. I had morphed into OMAD as of late I have been eating a lot more to hit protein targets. We will see what it is like tonight at around the same time after 24 hours. I got the glucose monitor going this morning. I'm at 113 which is my highest number I can ever remember. Prior to carnivore I would wake up early in the morning with numbers in the upper 80's to low 90's. I had a couple in the upper 90's over the years but never broke 100 til carnivore. I have seen some 105's here and there but this morning was 113. I will check it again this afternoon and then probably on the 12 and 24 hour marks going forward. I also bought some ketone strips to test along the way as well. I felt pretty good after the last 48 hour fast and the 71 hour fast made me feel better up until the last hour. I crashed but felt really good once I re-fueled/re-charged. We'll see, Scott
  7. A big part of the reason I became fascinated with this subject is..... Our school district received a huge grant to strip out all of our existing lighting and convert everything to LED. That work was done last summer and we have been living with those LED's for the past 6 months. Causing the main Science Teacher and I beginning to read and research, we have noticed an uptick in Student sickness and a significant uptick in reported headaches. We live in western Colorado and during the winter, our students are inside and under those lights 8 hours a day and rarely go outside for natural sunlight. Now, couple this with vast increases in screen time of smart phones and computer screens....... https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side LED blue light exposure If blue light does have adverse health effects, then environmental concerns, and the quest for energy-efficient lighting, could be at odds with personal health. Those curlicue compact fluorescent lightbulbs and LED lights are much more energy-efficient than the old-fashioned incandescent lightbulbs we grew up with. But they also tend to produce more blue light. The physics of fluorescent lights can't be changed, but coatings inside the bulbs can be so they produce a warmer, less blue light. LED lights are more efficient than fluorescent lights, but they also produce a fair amount of light in the blue spectrum. Richard Hansler, a light researcher at John Carroll University in Cleveland, notes that ordinary incandescent lights also produce some blue light, although less than most fluorescent lightbulbs.
  8. I found this article fantastic regarding Carnivore and Intermittent Fasting. Better than most I have read, they cite a lot of research. https://www.allthingscarnivore.com/intermittent-fasting-best-practices-on-the-carnivore-diet/#google_vignette Conclusion In summary, based on available evidence, the characteristics of the best intermittent fasting pattern are: Avoid eating immediately after waking up or very early in the morning. Spend sometime in the sun and let your body slow down melatonin production and increase insulin sensitivity accordingly before eating the first meal of the day Consume most of your calories earlier in the day, ideally around mid-day which is when your insulin sensitivity is at its peak Avoid eating late in the evening or into the night when melatonin levels increase and your insulin sensitivity declines. You should finish your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime to allow time for complete digestion before you fall sleep A 6 to 8 hour feeding window should give most people on the carnivore diet enough time to fit in two meals a day and accommodate social engagements Adhere to a consistent eating pattern including during weekends. Every time you shift your feeding window, you experience metabolic jetlag equivalent of traveling across timezones If you need to adjust your feeding window, transition to the new feeding window gradually rather than suddenly to give your body time to adjust Engage in gentle exercises post meal to help your body get into the deep fasted state quicker Consume most of your caloric need earlier in the day to support fat loss Consume most of your protein intake earlier in the day to support muscle hypertrophy.
  9. Then stop getting speeding tickets!
  10. "Natural flavors" indicate that the source of the flavor is entirely natural, as defined by the FDA. It is what is legally accepted as natural by the FDA. It doesn't mean that they are factually natural. First and foremost, "natural flavors" is a marketing term, no more no less. Natural flavors is also a loophole. Often these are extracts, oils, and yes, chemicals. It means that to derive a certain flavor, they take short cuts to obtain a certain flavor, which could be entirely different from the product it means to taste like. Natural flavors could cover a list of 100s of chemicals -yes, found in fruits and plants, etc. The term natural flavors thus covers a long list of ingredients. Often this helps to hide a trade secret, or recipe. The term natural flavors covers: The recipe/trade secret It's the cheapest way to achieve a flavor It's what is deemed natural BY THE FDA, in their OPINION To avoid having a long list of ingredients on the label The term Natural Flavors is also sexier sounding as cyanide, ethyl acetate, propenyl guaethol, etc. At the end of the day, natural flavors really mean that it is not derived from petroleum products. I think this stems from the 1970s when people were put off when they found out where their flavors truly came from. Should you quit the stuff? I think that is entirely your decision. Gather information and make that decision accordingly.
  11. Seltzer water or carbonated water is fine on carnivore but “natural flavors” are not. The reason being is that there is no regulation on what “natural flavors” can consist of and the ingredients don’t have to be listed so they can be just about anything. Often those “natural flavors” are sugar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Good job man. I aways keep some meats cooked up and in the fridge that I can grab for a quick fix if I need to. My favorite is to keep a pound of bacon cooked up. It’s handy to have in a pinch. Hard boiled eggs are good to have on hand. Hamburger patties cold with a smear of butter on it works good too. Some people find that a pinch of salt under the tongue works for them or eating a little cold butter. Keep up the good work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I agree with the blue light theory. I’ve considered getting the blue light blocking glasses. I have a setting on my phone that I can set to turn down the blue light every day at 7:00 pm and not turn back on for 12 hours. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Yeah I can only get mine down to 100. It’s hotter than I’d like and it dries quicker but it still came out good. Ain’t it the truth.
  15. I don’t think a dehydrator would stink the place up but if you did it in the oven it might.
  16. It is much easier and cheaper than the store bought stuff and you can control what’s in it. I won’t eat store bought jerky because most of it has sugar in it and soy sauce. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Ok, so pay attention to what Max was saying. Key words “in the beginning”, “given time it will go away”, let it solidify” and “fully fat adapted”. What he is talking about is something almost all of us go through. When we try to switch our gut biome over to digesting fat instead of carbs our bodies take time to adjust and it can cause diarrhea. As he said it can last two weeks in some people and others longer. It lasted 30 days for me. He’s not saying that you need to drain off all of the fat that your meat is cooked in and he never mentioned steaks in that reference. He’s just saying be careful of how much liquid fat you ingest IN THE BEGINNING. If you want to have some of the rendered fat then let it solidify first. It has nothing to do with letting your meat cool off before eating it. Butter in its liquid state can, like any liquid fat fun through you faster and thereby produce loose stools but once again, this only apply in the very beginning of carnivore. But with all of it he’s just talking about eating the liquid fats in large quantities. Solidified fats are just easier on our system than liquid fats IN THE BEGINNING of the diet because in a liquid state they tend to run through you faster. And this isn’t the same for everyone. For some it never bothers them. As he also said, once you are fat adapted then it’s no longer an issue. Now I didn’t know anything about liquid fat vs solid fat when I first started and I just poured the rendered fats over my meats like a sauce and maybe that’s why I had diarrhea for 30 days but it was no big deal because when I became fat adapted then it all went away. Now I can eat my fat in any condition it’s in and I have no issues whatsoever. Now even if you're fat adapted you can get loose stools by eating too much fat in either form depending on your system. If you were to drink a cup of rendered tallow like a cup of coffee you’d probably regret it. As you progress in carnivore you will learn when you are eating too much fat by paying attention to your body. If your stools are packed and gravel then you aren’t eating enough fat but if you are loose then you’re eating too much. I would also like to add that the whole point of #10 was to help new comers not to become discouraged and quit if they do experience some diarrhea and just show them a way to help avoid it in the beginning.
  18. I must admit, I have done a lot of intermetent fasting the past couple of years. It certainly helped my health and I am a fan. When I was eating carbs, I found it easy to OMAD, even 2 to three days in a row. Today I awoke to the wife cooking the homemade breakfast sausage and scrambled eggs. At 6am I ate two sausage patties, but could not eat the eggs. Then I fasted Lunch, not eating dinner until 6:30pm. I was hungry around 1pm and again at 4pm. It was hard..... Tomorrow I will skip breakfast, but eat lunch at 12 noon and dinner at 6om, giving me 18 hours of fasting. .........
  19. Like I said, I don't do well with plans. There is this force from elsewhere that always seems to scrap my intentions (and al lot of times it is me) I started the fasting tonight. I planned to go heavier on the red meat the last couple days but that ended up being pork chops the last two nights with about 8 eggs the last two days. I just finished off my last meal around 8:30 or so. I shot myself in the foot as I bought a glucose monitor this afternoon and I mis-read the box. I thought I read ten test strips were included but they were not. I wanted to do a pre-last meal and post-last meal just to see and then track glucose levels along the way. I stared at the ketone strips, my brain said pick them up and for whatever reason I walked away from the aisle and made my way to the register. Instead of eating at 7, it was almost 9. Instead of getting some pre- and post- numbers I'm going to get nothing for tonight. I wanted to check ketones to see how they move pre- and post- but again, shot myself right in the foot. I guess I can pick up in the morning and be 12 hours in. LOL I'm not a good planner. They tell me we are having 4-6" of snow starting tomorrow. I sort of open the door in the morning and go from there. LOL Scott
  20. I use cheese on occasion. Not a lot but here and there. I did eat quite a bit when we made the carnivore pizza a few weeks ago. I'm not sure where it landed on the weight loss, a fall or a stall, but it did back me up some, followed by being really loose in the bathroom. I will try to watch video in its entirety later tonight. Scott
  21. Looks good. We tried with our electric some years back and it was hard to get down below 100 on the Masterbuilt. We ended up using the pig cooker and I built a hanging rack on one side, covered the other side so it was a make-shift off-set. It worked OK but didn't ever hit quite right. The only thing I don't like about good jerky is that there is no 'saving it' or stocking up'. if we want to discuss addictions........ Scott
  22. Blue lights never ended very well for me. Especially the flashing ones that make siren noises. Scott
  23. Yesterday
  24. keep meat snacks in the fridge. plan your work, work your plan. good to read the above post.
  25. Yeah the electronics are toxic
  26. I’d like to make my own beef jerky but I live in a very small apartment. It would probably stink the whole building up if I had a food dehydrator drying beef, right? im tempted to buy a mini fan and build a dehydrator on a shoe string budget. To make a HUGE load of beef jerky.. and store it in sealed containers like 2-3 pounds worth would be sweet
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