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  2. And support you will get. Welcome. I am closing into a year of carnivore myself.
  3. This is another book on my recommendation list. He's been guest on several YT channels, also has a YT channel. The book was just really, a quick and pleasant read about his personal journey. Easy to read and an interesting story. Good advice overall, not too strict on things, but life changing suggestions for sure.
  4. I put my crispies in zip lock bags. They never last long enough to reach whatever their 'expiration date' would be. LOL I pour mine thru cheese cloth. It is somewhat slow but not the end of the world. Scott
  5. Today
  6. The fat we use to make fat bites out of is the solid fats from cuts of meat after we’ve rendered the liquid out. Those you can get crispy. The liquid fat you cannot get crispy and will always be liquid or if cooked down solidified as you’re witnessing. The only things you can do with that fat is drink it along with the broth, which you already said you don’t care for, use it for cooking such as frying meat or eggs. Be prepared though as that fat when using for frying will not be clean and the higher heat will case the impurities to sizzle and pop. Still tastes great though. To get those impurities out you could try filtering it through a coffee filter but that can be a slow and messy process. About the only other thing you can do with it is feed it to your carnivore pets if you have any.
  7. @Geezywhat is the process of taking the white fat and making it into a snack. How do you store it once it is crispy. I have made some bone broth and had about and inch of fat cap on it when it was chilled. I separated it because I don't like to drink the broth with the fat. What can I do with this fat, I hate to throw it out. Is there a way to make it clean so it doesn't have to broth residue on it. I wonder if I boil it in some water?
  8. Welcome, I am so glad you found us!
  9. Hah! My husband feels the same way. I can remember, back in the day, when my mom brought home that nasty blue skim milk. We were all kinda pissed about it, actually, but we got used to it I guess. I drink whole milk occasionally with dinner, but only in a small juice cup.
  10. A massive thanks to you all! After cutting out milk and cheese just this week i am alteady seeing the results!
  11. Ditto on the above post. Welcome. Tons of support here. Heck, I probably need your support as well. I just hit six months last week. Nothing but positives for me thus far. Again, welcome. Scott
  12. Those fat bites are great for a snack or mixed with some scrambled eggs.
  13. Welcome to our tribe Sportfan. Glad you could join us. We are definitely here to support you any way we can.
  14. I've been on the diet for about 8 months. I joined for support. Thanks.
  15. Eggs eggs cheese and leftover fats from making tallow. This stuff is like candy.
  16. Yesterday
  17. Elizabeth Bright Good Fat is Good for Women I just finished Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz
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