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Everything posted by Orweller

  1. I survived, had excellent lamb meat, they made extra for me. The only sinning I did was a few spinach leaves and some onion. But All the sweets were left standing.
  2. I am going to a Christmas party tomorrow and I am afraid to fall off the wagon. I did already eat 2 cookies, but they were keto-cookies. My carbs came up to 47gr that day. I am not particularly worried about that number for a day, but rather afraid of the slippery slope. I made these cookies myself, I used all the right products, but they tasted super sweet to me regardless. If I can make it through tomorrow I'll be set. Now I am thinking of what I could bring for myself to get through, I should've bought some cheese sticks at least... The first day I fell off the wagon, really. But still in Keto, I do not feel carb crazed or anything, no fog, no cravings. I don't aim for perfection, but I aim for continuality. Is that a word? English is my second language, pardon me. I am 23 days in and very satisfied with my symptoms (auto-immune disease). I never had the keto-flu either. And I lost 4 pounds, though that is not even my goal. I feel this little bump does little to keep me from quitting the carnivore.
  3. It's kinda like who is the greatest boxer, Mayweather on paper for sure?? Then you look at Chavez, Marciano, etc. Same goes for MMA. You see these newest fighters put on fantastic records, but who are they fighting vs, the greats from the past (GSP), whom fought legends to get where he ended up. As for soccer, yeah we can look at Ballon D'ors which is nothing but a popularity contest, politics, really. Messi is a fantastic player, possibly the best yes, I still put Pele and Maradona in the mix though. It's for me what they've done in the times they played, and in the amount of time they achieved it as well. That said, yes, Messi is a magician on the field. Who is the greatest right now? Yes Messi. But GOAT means of all times. Some of these calls they made on the field at the world cup were definitely slanted. It's of course in the interest of soccer as a sport, and FIFA to have someone like Messi win his last cup.
  4. Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs - chopped up in a bowl 2 TBSP - Keto mayo (Avocado based) Salt and pepper to taste. Not entirely carnivore, but it gets the fats in. A little different from bacon and eggs in the pan for once.
  5. I put my coffee in the blender, with a teaspoon of butter and, bingo! It tastes delicious. Thanks for the tip!
  6. Maybe? I'd be delighted to see how it's made. Liverwurst or paté is quite rare around here.
  7. It's got so much to do with culture and how you've been brought up. I've eaten raw meat, raw fish, liver, horse meat, tongue, etc. when I was a kid. Moving to the US, it was less common to see these foods. I stick with liver these days. It can absolutely freak some people out, I believe that.
  8. Wish I could make my own Paté. Or liverwurst for that matter.
  9. I think vitamin D supplements are not a problem. 42% of adults in the US are vitamin D deficient. Especially during the winter time, it's a must. Though, never overdo it, as vitamin D can turn toxic, much like vitamin K. But for vitamin D it's highly unlikely to overdose especially if you keep the doses small. For liver, I eat liver-worst. Braunschweiger wurst. Slice it and eat it. I do supplement in the meantime (C, D, Magnesium, Potassium, Fish Oil, K), and as I broaden my diet into organ meats or salmon, etc, I will taper off accordingly. As for Keto snacks, overpriced, and redundant. I write down what I take so I can keep track.
  10. I will take that in consideration. I have purchased a keto mayo based on avocado in the meantime.
  11. No I am not getting fat. And that's a problem, I think. I am on carnivore not to lose weight, but to address an auto immune disease, reduce sugar and processed foods. I have been at it for 2 weeks now and I feel like I don't get enough fat. I've tried eating straight butter but I can't. Brown butter bites did not work for me either. Not very skilled cook here. I am 145.5 Lbs. lean, and at a healthy weight with muscle definition. This is an example of a daily intake over the last 2 weeks, I'll pick a random day: Calories: 1836 Carbs: 26gr (5%) Fat: 143gr (68%) Protein: 125gr (27%) Sugar: 11gr, Fiber: 6gr I would like to have at least 70% of fat, but on the days I do really good on no carbs this seems to be an issue. My protein quickly approaches 140gr or more, and I think that may be a bit much for my body weight? I am considering avocados to fill in the gaps. Any ideas or input is welcomed. Just spit-balling here.
  12. I'm going to be honest here, the first week in I was literally waiting for that heart attack. This is going against everything I have ever been thought. Now exactly 2 weeks without fiber! I have always eaten fairly disciplined, greens, fiber, whole foods, grains, oatmeal, etc. It is normal and okay to be in the state you are right now. Every diet or lifestyle requires a healthy amount of scrutiny. It's your body and health on the line after all. I went into this just to see what it does for me in a month, and see from there. I can quit, or go more towards keto-vore, or even keto. One thing I haven't eaten in those 30 days is, refined sugar, processed foods, seed oils, fast food, that can't be that bad. I eat pretty much anything, but lambs brains would have me gagging too. I applaud you for trying it. Please, do not feel ashamed.
  13. I think it's prevalent in the US. Iced coffee, iced tea, etc. Also when you go out to eat, they fill that glass half full of ice cubes. Had to get used to that when I moved to the US, but quickly decided I'll do without the ice. Again, it's a preference. If it doesn't bother one, one should have that choice. Carnivore is limited as is. But from a health perspective; streamlining healthy behaviors for optimal health, it's worth the consideration.
  14. To your defense, you are in Texas after all, it gets hot. I have always been told not to drink cold water, and in a restaurant I never get the ice, because I know those ice-cube machines are nasty, used to repair those back in day. Even after a run in an Ohio summer, I would drink normal temp water. Still works!
  15. Perfect for it! Stainless steel and cast iron, do it! Though mind the surface of the stove! I would start with stainless steel, and that has a learning curve if you are used to non-stick.
  16. Mainly digestion. Cold water contracts the blood vessels and may restrict digestion (constipation, etc). On carnivore it seems to me to have more importance. Especially in the beginning. I have always drank my water at room temp. It also lowers heartrate, which has a shocking effect on the body.
  17. I have nothing but stainless steel and cast iron, it's a pain at first but it's clean cooking. Especially cast iron, you could get a griddle for the meats, etc.
  18. There's plenty of natural solutions out there, I for one use a goatmilk/charcoal soap bar. As for tooth paste, I am far less concerned. It needs fluoride at least for me. Staying away from sugar, processed foods, get all the plastic out of your kitchen, no more Teflon pans, clean kitchen with vinegar, find a natural deodorant, no more fast-food, and remember to get fresh air and sunlight! Cold showers are even better, drink room temp water, stretching or yoga, get good sleep habits, try a fast!
  19. Those are kind of cool to use, but mine broke. Didn't find them as handy, but I may have to reconsider!
  20. Thank you for this. I will try to blend.
  21. I stir it like a gentleman. With a teaspoon lol. I never considered putting hot coffee in a blender, though I got a Vitamix, those things will blend bricks into a creamy soup. MCT oil I was advised to stay away from so early into carnivore. I will integrate it in my diet at a later point. 12 days in and zero diarrhea, zero keto-flu, and a minor bout of constipation.
  22. I've tried to put butter in my coffee but it makes me think of soup. A pinch of salt is no problem. I probably should try coconut oil?
  23. Well, I just made brown butter bites will taste later!
  24. They would be right! lol Excellent suggestion. Any idea what could be used as flavor? Again, I only started cooking when I went carnivore... I am a moron in the kitchen. Another thing: my kitchen stinks like Outback's Steakhouse which has my wife up in arms. But I digress. Thanks for the suggestions.
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