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Everything posted by Orweller

  1. I'm going to be honest here, the first week in I was literally waiting for that heart attack. This is going against everything I have ever been thought. Now exactly 2 weeks without fiber! I have always eaten fairly disciplined, greens, fiber, whole foods, grains, oatmeal, etc. It is normal and okay to be in the state you are right now. Every diet or lifestyle requires a healthy amount of scrutiny. It's your body and health on the line after all. I went into this just to see what it does for me in a month, and see from there. I can quit, or go more towards keto-vore, or even keto. One thing I haven't eaten in those 30 days is, refined sugar, processed foods, seed oils, fast food, that can't be that bad. I eat pretty much anything, but lambs brains would have me gagging too. I applaud you for trying it. Please, do not feel ashamed.
  2. I think it's prevalent in the US. Iced coffee, iced tea, etc. Also when you go out to eat, they fill that glass half full of ice cubes. Had to get used to that when I moved to the US, but quickly decided I'll do without the ice. Again, it's a preference. If it doesn't bother one, one should have that choice. Carnivore is limited as is. But from a health perspective; streamlining healthy behaviors for optimal health, it's worth the consideration.
  3. To your defense, you are in Texas after all, it gets hot. I have always been told not to drink cold water, and in a restaurant I never get the ice, because I know those ice-cube machines are nasty, used to repair those back in day. Even after a run in an Ohio summer, I would drink normal temp water. Still works!
  4. Perfect for it! Stainless steel and cast iron, do it! Though mind the surface of the stove! I would start with stainless steel, and that has a learning curve if you are used to non-stick.
  5. Mainly digestion. Cold water contracts the blood vessels and may restrict digestion (constipation, etc). On carnivore it seems to me to have more importance. Especially in the beginning. I have always drank my water at room temp. It also lowers heartrate, which has a shocking effect on the body.
  6. I have nothing but stainless steel and cast iron, it's a pain at first but it's clean cooking. Especially cast iron, you could get a griddle for the meats, etc.
  7. There's plenty of natural solutions out there, I for one use a goatmilk/charcoal soap bar. As for tooth paste, I am far less concerned. It needs fluoride at least for me. Staying away from sugar, processed foods, get all the plastic out of your kitchen, no more Teflon pans, clean kitchen with vinegar, find a natural deodorant, no more fast-food, and remember to get fresh air and sunlight! Cold showers are even better, drink room temp water, stretching or yoga, get good sleep habits, try a fast!
  8. Those are kind of cool to use, but mine broke. Didn't find them as handy, but I may have to reconsider!
  9. Thank you for this. I will try to blend.
  10. I stir it like a gentleman. With a teaspoon lol. I never considered putting hot coffee in a blender, though I got a Vitamix, those things will blend bricks into a creamy soup. MCT oil I was advised to stay away from so early into carnivore. I will integrate it in my diet at a later point. 12 days in and zero diarrhea, zero keto-flu, and a minor bout of constipation.
  11. I've tried to put butter in my coffee but it makes me think of soup. A pinch of salt is no problem. I probably should try coconut oil?
  12. Well, I just made brown butter bites will taste later!
  13. They would be right! lol Excellent suggestion. Any idea what could be used as flavor? Again, I only started cooking when I went carnivore... I am a moron in the kitchen. Another thing: my kitchen stinks like Outback's Steakhouse which has my wife up in arms. But I digress. Thanks for the suggestions.
  14. About 67% of my calories comes from fat, about 3% to 8% comes from carbs. I've seen a lot of talk about butter, and I see why it's an amazing tool to increase fat on one of those days it seems challenging to come up with the right amount of fat. My question is; eat the butter right out of the package? I've tried this and I just can't. Or does it mean, add more butter in the frying pan? Any tips on how to use butter to increase fat intake without having to eat it straight from the package? Or, any advice on how to eat it from the package? I just want to know how butter can benefit me most, and make more accessible as a tool for me.
  15. I've been at it for 10 days and lost a pound. Eating three times a day. I am feeling good.
  16. Take a vitamin C every other day, problem solved.
  17. Avocado probably the best fruit to add first. Good fats.
  18. I agree, as a starter, as strange as it sounds, it can be quite confusing because we've been taught a certain eating pattern throughout our lives. I was in Walmart looking at the meat like "ok, now where the hell do I start?". I did start with eggs, bacon, and mozzarella cheese sticks for support. Since they are all high in fat.
  19. College tuition increased 1500% since 1971. Is education better now? Nope. We have instead a crisis of student debt that will impact US economy for years to come.
  20. No. And it will never be settled with so many candidates.
  21. Soccer (football for the rest of the world) and field hockey. But that's in the past. I lift weights now and I run.
  22. I do not think it needs to be punished, unless of course it's an indoor public area where it's strictly prohibited, for obvious reasons. I don't think smoking should be banned either, because, what's next? And we should have the personal choice to consume a product. It comes down to decency, and manners. Here in Ohio there are laws, can't smoke in front of a store -I hate having to go into Walmart, and in front they're puffing away. Can't handle the smell, it sticks with me for hours. I have smoked for 22 years myself, I stopped about some 12 years ago. I detest the smell now. As a smoker I always considered people around me. If you have the slightest of self-awareness and manners, this would not be an issue. But I am fiercely against banning it. Personal choice, so long as you don't affect another person.
  23. I may clarify, I do not have any weight loss goals. I am on target for 10 years now, a lean 18% body fat. I work out as well. I've always been eating for optimization -rather disciplined, in fact. But I have an auto-immune condition that had me walking with a cane a few years back. Not anymore. But, inflammation is still a concern, and I can honestly say I've tried everything else. Heard about Carnivore some 5 years ago, but I wanted to wait out initial results. So, no weight loss goals, a little sugar won't get in my way. Though I want to rid myself of sugar entirely, and Carnivore is one way to do it. Go big or go home, am I right?
  24. This is already in full effect in Europe. Many protests in the last year there.
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