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Sherry last won the day on January 23 2024

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  1. I stop and get hot dogs at convenience stores when I'm on the road. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing, but I think it's better than the alternative. Just a hot dog or sausage dog, no bun.
  2. Interesting. Well, I learned something new today.
  3. O.k. Thanks. It looks good. I've been thinking about getting an air fryer.
  4. Since you were diagnosed with diabetes, it might be the problem. It could make you a slow loser. I believe that's what happened to me. I suddenly started gaining weight a few years ago and it didn't matter what I did, I just kept gaining weight. Anyway, I got on keto and then eventually carnivore and the weight started to very slowly come off. I would stick with carnivore and eliminate the nuts and see what happens. But give it time. You may have to make this a permanent way of eating to become healthy.
  5. What is the cooker that you're cooking it in?
  6. How do you cook it? Because that looks perfect to me. I like how it's blackened on the outside and pink in the middle.
  7. I had a ribeye today with butter and parmesan for lunch. Also 2 coffees with heavy whipping cream. I'm planning on making another ribeye for dinner. I also had a hunk of cheddar this morning.
  8. Ribeye and T-bone on sale at Winn-Dixie today and Saturday and Sunday. 4.99lb. I thought that was a good price. I don't know if it's in your local area, but I thought I'd share.
  9. Yes, that's why I said dark meat is my favorite and then added in, "also wings". That was to show you that I loved dark meat and the exception was wings.
  10. Btw, dark meat is my favorite. Also wings.
  11. Yes, me too. I loved Usenet. I'm also glad to have found this forum. I hope it grows. I used to love lowcarber.org, but I can't get back in. I can't remember my name and password and when I try to register again, it doesn't allow it.
  12. I like raw milk(and pasteurized) and I was buying it for a while. I didn't like it as a kid, but I've grown to like it. I had to quit drinking it though, because it does nothing for me when it comes to losing weight. Here in Florida, they have to label it as food for animals.
  13. Same with me. Last year, when I was making all these diet changes, I was told that giving up seed oils, causes you to not burn in the sun. I'm a professional face painter in Florida, so the sun has always been a big issue. I have as a requirement that I need some type of overhead shading if the event is outdoors. Anyway, I decided to test the theory of not burning in the sun anymore. I didn't burn after an hour in the sun, so there seems to be some validity to this. But that was just my little experiment, so I wouldn't want to steer anyone else wrong.
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