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  • Birthday November 10

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    Northeast Ohio
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  1. Room temperature probably is the factor here. The topic of butter made me think of something that I had heard. You can leave salted butter out on the counter for several days. The salt has a preservative effect on it. But unsalted butter will go bad quickly, and should be kept in a cool location.
  2. I generally don't worry about the word "sugar" in bacon ingredients if the carb count still reads "zero" on the nutrition label. They add a little bit to the solution that the bacon soaks/cures in. Most of it rinses off. Whatever amount of sugar or sugar residue that might remain is probably trivial, thus "zero" on the label.
  3. Welcome @Farid Khan. I just saw this post. Sorry for the delay. Sure. Here it is... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK224634/
  4. I will have 4 eggs along with some breakfast meat. But if I am out of breakfast meat, I will bump my egg count up to 6-8 instead.
  5. I've had covid twice but it didn't affect my taste or smell. It did for some of my friends. One guy could eat an onion like an apple, the potent kind that would make you cry, and not even taste it. He said it was the weirdest thing. Another friend and his wife thought their ketchup had gone bad, so they threw it away and bought another bottle and it was also bad-tasting. Turned out the ketchup was fine, it was their taste that was off. I've sometimes been hungry but not very motivated to "eat another steak" lol, but I had to or else it was going to go bad. I try to mix things up from day to day to break up the monotony.
  6. Welcome aboard, both of you. 90 days of carnivore as an elimination diet is a great plan. Then afterwards, you can slowly add in one thing at a time to test how your body will react to it. For me personally, I've made a vow to never eat anything I couldn't eat in nature right off the vine and not get sick. So that rules out almost all grains (which need milled), most legumes (which need cooked), and most nuts (which need roasted/boiled), etc. Basically, what could I, as an ancient hunter-gatherer, consume without fire, lol. I was super strict for a solid year. Now I am strict most of the time, but there are a couple times a month now where I am in a situation where I will "cheat" with something natural - while still sticking to my vows. And then when the wife and I celebrate our anniversary, I do have some wine and a bite or two of the free desert were usually served.
  7. I finally got around to watching this all the way through. I will say that I am going to have to rewatch it, especially the first half, so I can fully grasp some of the more techinical aspects of the presentation. But some easy points to pick up on were.... 1) Low carb diets often show improvements in kidney function. 2) A low carb diet is just as safe as a Mediterranean diet on kidney function. 3) Improvements in kidney function is likely mediated by weight loss, which improves insulin sensitivity and blood pressure. 4) A low protein diet does NOT protect the kidney, and in fact may lead to sarcopenia in older individuals. 5) Higher protein intake was associated with lower all cause mortality. 6) Modern medical advice for managing kidney disease is contradictory and confusing, lol. I do like the suggestion that all these individual diseases need to be though of as one single disease with multiple symptoms or expressions. CKD, DIabetes, Cardiac diease, and high blood pressure, can all be thought of as CKM - Cardiac Kidney Metabolic Syndrome.
  8. Congratulations go to @Carburetor! I will send you a PM about how you can claim your prize. Here is the drawing. The size of your pie slice was based on the number of entries you earned throughout January.
  9. About to devour this top sirloin...
  10. Yes... but... if... lol. Orweller is correct in that if you eat high protein, low fat, then your body will convert the protein into glucose. You want to eat a moderate protein, high fat diet. A good place to start is 1g of fat for every 1g of protein. This gives you that 70/30 fat to protein ratio (calorically speaking). By way of example, I can eat a fatty ribeye for dinner, late in the evening, go to bed and wake up the same weight I was the morning before. But if I ate a few chicken breasts, which are low in fat, then I am up a couple pounds the next morning. Now poultry IS carnivore and is okay, but keto and carnivore work due to the focus on getting enough fat in your diet.
  11. My body needs salt. If I don't get salt, I start having twitches and muscle spasms. But I have kidney disease and struggle with electrolyte balance anyway. I imagine it takes work for me to hit 2000 mg in a day these days now that I have cut out most junk food and restaurant foods.
  12. Based on that nutrition label, I would keep it to 2 servings or less. That would be 500 mg of magnesium when the recommended max for supplementation is 400 for men and 320 for women (if I recall correctly). You could consume extra salt, as that is an electrolyte. And that product is doing nothing with regard to potassium so you could find one with some added potassium as well. If you can, test your electrolytes from time to time.
  13. I picked up some beef kielbasa at the local meat store that was actually quite delicious. I had it last night and then again for lunch today.
  14. Just look up "Carnivore Talk" in your YouTube app if you're on a tablet or phone.
  15. We talked about the carnivore lifestyle, or carnivore way of eating. I try to be careful how I use the word diet, because I don't like the word. I don't want to infer that this is something that we are just going to do temporarily. I constantly call it a lifestyle. Yes, it's a diet in that it is a way of eating, but it's a permanent diet. Tiktok version: https://www.tiktok.com/@carnivoretalk/video/7473226850475576622 Watch the Full Video Here: SUBSCRIBE to the channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeAwaxsqfNEK4ZtfWX3Dz3g?sub_confirmation=1 Join me and my keto-carnivore friends over at https://www.CarnivoreTalk.com Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Contact me using this form... https://carnivoretalk.com/contact/ DISCLAIMER: The Carnivore Talk website and its audio and video content is for general informational purposes only. The use of the information found within our content or from materials linked to from our content is at the user’s own risk. The content published by Carnivore Talk is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their health care professionals to obtain medical advice and to diagnose or treat any condition.
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