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Everything posted by Qapla

  1. Since we have a well and our water tests as bacteria free and only high in lime and calcium, I will just keep drinking what we have coming out of our tap.
  2. Since you do not have your location listed, we have no idea where you are buying your eggs. In Mexico, they sell them at room temperature because they don't wash them. The same is true of other countries. In the US, "store bought" eggs are washed and stocked in the store refrigerated because the protective layer on the outside of the eggs has been removed, allowing bacteria to penetrate the shell. Even boiling eggs does not restore that protective layer, and you are taking a chance leaving them out. Maybe you have adapted to tainted eggs and meat and that is why you are not getting sick ... the rest of us will most likely bring our own food if you ever invite us to dinner.
  3. When it comes to blue and LED's - you might find the history of the blue LED interesting
  4. I have narrow feet. Have had them all my life. Only problem is ... most men's work boots come in wide. I have been working in wide steel-toed work boots for about 40 years. I eventually got used to the way they don't really fit and just put up with it. At my age now, I have gone to wearing my work boots without laces because I can no longer get down there to lace then correctly. Having the boots flop around a bit works far better than tripping over trailing laces.
  5. When cooking Sous Vide - the water bath is set to be whatever you want the finished temperature of the meat to be. Most people do not cook meat to an interior temperature of 212° F / 100° C.
  6. Yes, and the color of the cook will be consistent all through the meat. Two things to keep in mind: You must keep the meat dry while submerged in the water Sear it after it has fully cooked.
  7. The Quarter Pounder is the only McDonald's burger that is cooked fresh to order, rather than frozen McDonald's began cooking Quarter Pounders fresh to order in March 2018. The Quarter Pounder is made with 100% fresh beef. The burger is cooked on a flat-top grill. The Quarter Pounder is juicier and more tender than other McDonald's burgers Who knew ...
  8. I have cooked with both ... or maybe I should say all three - uh, all four Let me explain: I have a cast iron skillet that is at least 75 years old and has had the same seasoning on it for over 40 years. I use it often and prefer it for many things. When it comes to stainless steel, that video only covered one type of stainless cookware. He was cooking on an induction burner. That requires the bottom of the pan/pot to be magnetic. Good quality stainless (high nickel content) is not magnetic. So, an actual non-clad stainless pan will not work on the induction burner. Likewise, there is also copper bottom stainless cookware. Again, that will not work on an induction burner. The pan he was using was "clad" on the bottom, giving it a "heavy" bottom. The clad material has less nickel and can operate on the induction burner since the lower nickel content will allow it to be magnetic. Whatever that pan was clad with is what gave it the heat holding attributes, nit the pan being stainless. Cast iron is magnetic. For this test to be accurate, he should have used a gas burner and each of the three types of stainless pans as well as the cast iron pan. I have cooked in an actual stainless non-clad pan as well as copper bottom and clad stainless. I like stainless. I like it for browning and cooking ground beef as well as some other things. However, for cooking "flat meat" (non-ground) like a steak, I refer the cast iron.
  9. My girls surprised us with dinner at The Outback when we had our 44th wedding anniversary at the beginning of December. I had steak and baked potato ... we also had the bloomin' onion. I haven't been to The Outback for probably 10 years or so - I'm pretty sure they used to use a much bigger onion for that appetizer
  10. Yes, I agree - I was just sharing what works for me ...
  11. I could count on one hand the number of cups of coffee I have had my entire life even if that hand was amputated. Even though my parents were heavy coffee drinkers, they were of a mind that children should not drink coffee so I never drank any. When I was grown and tried it, a mouthful was plenty enough to spit out and know I didn't like it. I used to drink unsweet iced tea in vast amounts until I discovered the knotting I was getting in my arms and legs were from the tannins ... so I gave up tea and I never did drink wine. I am fine with the original drink with no sweeteners, colors or flavors added, natural or artificial, and I get it for free ... it comes right out of our well and my brother pays for the electricity to run the pump I find that if you don't dwell on what you can't eat or are giving up and dwell on what you can eat, it is much easier to eliminate various things from your diet.
  12. My cast iron has not needed re-seasoning for at least 50 years. Since the seasoning process causes polymerization of the oil/fat used it does not affect the food cooked in the pan. As for cleaning, there are several ways to clean cast iron. One is to put salt in the pan and use a cloth or paper towel to scrub the pan and then wipe it out with a damp towel. Salt is not abrasive enough to remove the seasoning. While water will indeed steam off most foods in a well-seasoned pan, it is possible to warp and/or crack the pan - even with boiling water. Instead of taking my screaming hot cast iron to the sink and running water on it, I leave it on the stove with the burner still on but reduced and "deglaze" it with hot water from the tap letting the pan continue heating the water. Just like it is a myth that you can't use dish soap to clean cast iron, it is also a myth you can't let a pan soak. If it is properly seasoned, the amount of water it can absorb is so minimal it won't hurt the pan at all. Like I said, my cast iron skillet has not needed to be "fixed" in over 50 years of use and, from time-to-time I have let mine soak with water in it to loosen stubborn food. However, I do not place my pan in a sink of water and let the whole pan soak. When the pan is clean and dry, wiping it with some oil or fat is a good idea so any rust can't form. While some may be wary of using seed oil, a couple things to consider are that the amount of oil left behind is extremely minimal and using avocado oil is not seed oil. Likewise, while bacon grease or tallow has been used by many generations to season cast iron, there is the risk of a fresh coat of non-heated grease going rancid. If you clean your cast iron correctly, you will not remove the seasoning. When properly seasoned and cleaned, you should not be getting any iron or iron flakes in your food.
  13. The amount of myoglobin in animal muscles determines the color of meat. Pork is classified a red meat because it contains more myoglobin than chicken or fish. When fresh pork is cooked, it becomes lighter in color, but it is still a red meat.
  14. That is some fine-looking bacon
  15. We used to have two pigs named Pork Chop 1 and Pork Chop 2
  16. That's why my daughter named her pigs "Porkchop1 and Porkchop2" ... that way you think of them as food instead of pets
  17. Dexcom's Stelo will cost around $90 a month The new device should add $31 million in sales this year after launching this summer. That's below Dexcom's guidance for 1% of sales, which comes out to about $42.5 million at the midpoint of the company's guidance. Conservatively, that could amount to $200 million in 2025 sales, or about 5% of total U.S. sales. It all depends on how Dexcom opts to promote the product. People with prediabetes will be the low-hanging fruit. But there are other metabolic health uses, including nutrition, weight loss and athletic performance. Dexcom stock has made a strong comeback since October as enthusiasm for the metabolic health space grows. Dexcom Stock Breaks Out As FDA Clears It To Enter A New Market: Obesity | Investor's Business Daily (investors.com)
  18. Chicken in the Air Fryer: This is a simple recipe or cooking method that can be done rather quickly. Boneless chicken breast and/or thighs High fat butter or lard or other liquid (oil if you diet allows) Salt Pepper Other seasonings Using boneless breasts or thighs, they only need to be thawed enough to cut them into chunks, though they can be completely thawed. Preheat the air fryer to 400 F or 204 C and set cook time for 8 Minutes Cut the chicken into chunks between 1/2 to 1 inch each. I find I can cut the chicken while the air fryer preheats. Coat them in a lubricant like melted butter or lard (oil may be used if your diet allows the use of oil, olive oil works nicely) The cold chicken may cause butter or fat to coat like a paste so warmer chicken is better than almost still frozen, but it will work even with semi-frozen chicken - it is just a bit sticky to handle. Season chicken liberally with salt, pepper and any other seasoning your diet allows Put chicken in cooking basket when air fryer is preheated. Shake basket at 2 minute intervals until the time is up Chicken should be done in 8 minutes and ready to eat. If you like yours cooked further, just add time 1 minute at a time since the air fryer should already be hot and they can become overcooked rather quickly This is a quick recipe that does not require much preparation or time. The chicken should be thawed enough to cut with a couple minutes in the microwave if it is frozen solid. The fat/oil will help the seasoning stick to the chicken chunks.
  19. Fried chicken livers for supper tonight
  20. Ours do get fed some homemade scratch feed but they feed on what they get from the ground all on their own ... plenty of bugs in the ground. The homemade feed is made by putting out of date chips, pork rinds, pretzels, etc. in a cement mixer, tossing in a couple rocks to help break things up and run the mixer until it looks right. Hey! What can I say, this stuff doesn't cost us anything.
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