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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. I'm not surprised, as your Texas roads probably do not get treated with salt as often as northern New England roads do.
  2. Also, that little drizzle of sesame seed oil I used for flavor the other day has caused mild discomfort in my midsection and I am patiently waiting for that to subside. I am going to throw it out, so I won't make that mistake again.
  3. Thanks for sharing this. I was surprised to see that these oils increase the appetite and why. It has now been solidified in my mind that eating this stuff is the same as smoking. If only I could get my husband to understand this. He would not read that if I sent it to him. This quote from the article irked me a bit: "My advice to you is to do your own research. Learn how to read a research paper, how to check on the authors, whether they have competing interests and who funded the studies. Then have it and find out for yourself." Sir, I already have two fulltime jobs as a working homeschooling mother/wife. And it really steams me that the people that should be taking care of the research (the "healthcare" workers) are letting us down.
  4. You have reminded me, I haven't had chicken soup in a while. I prefer to boil a pack of drumsticks for a few minutes to get the scummy foam to rise. Skim that off. Let it simmer on low for two hours. Let cool. Fish out the legs with tongs. Debone. Put meat back in broth. It shreds itself. Very fatty because of skin and very tasty because of bones.
  5. Not exactly weather related but, I have noticed the grey squirrels have been licking the road alot this spring. Perhaps they always have and I just now saw it.
  6. We have noticed this also.
  7. Green peppers and green beans gross me out. Also too much marinara on my pasta. I hated Americans chop suey so much when I was a kid, I can remember sitting at the table after everyone was done trying to choke it down and literally threw up on my plate. Weirdly it was served with a side of green beans. I have always had an aversion to foods that have odd texture like peach fuzz. I can't stand skin on produce.
  8. This is exactly why I felt the need to take a break from creamy decaf. I felt like I need to develop coping skills that don't involve sipping on breast milk like concoction.
  9. Have you tried caffeine pills?
  10. Lunch:Club soda Bacon hard boiled eggs and liver nibbles Dinner: pork fried nice w/ground beef. I used Bragg coconut amino and toasted sesame seed oil.
  11. Fasting is a great option, I find people have less of a problem with abstinence than they do observing my food choices. It's like the saying, "you can't be misquoted, if you say nothing at all"
  12. This. truth.
  13. Welcome to the community. I tried wfpb for a stint, but I was never satisfied with the food no matter how creative I was in the kitchen. It's a weird sensation to feel stuffed yet hungry. Good luck with your hippie festival. I think you could talk up regenerative farming with that crew. You never know. They might be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  14. Me either. Same, some days it's non existent and others it's there, it hard to predict. I use baking soda to brush now, it great and I will continue to use soap, I like the way it smells. I just can't imagine not taking a shower every day. With the exception of camping or extenuating circumstances. I have long hair so washing it every day is a nuisance, but hair can pick up smells from the environment so I think it's good to freshen it up even if it isn't quite greasy yet.
  15. Blade steaks &bacon Steaks with bone cut unknown Nibble of chicken liver Jello
  16. Bugs bite, but the bite doesn't itch after the initial sting. I just have red spots. Anyone else have this carnivore superpower?
  17. I was able to do 3 sprints today. I also ran around the soccer field with my son before lunch today.
  18. I fasted till 6pm I had 5 scrambled eggs. A curry chicken thigh and with some onions. And a nibble of cold chicken liver. PepperMint tea jello.
  19. @BobI would love to get my hands on a treadmill. I currently have a vibration plate that I try to use at lunchtime every day. I have missed the past couple of days tho.
  20. This is true for me as well. It's easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel, whence the fog has lifted.
  21. G. Beef and sausage pan scramby. Chicken liver hard boiled egg Ground beef, a bit of pot roast two sausage pucks. jello
  22. My initial goal is to sprint a full 100 meters by June 1st
  23. I have recently started to use some of my downtime to walk at a local track. I now have a measurable way to track my sprinting progress because of the markings. I cant quite sprint for 100 meters ATM, but now I have a concrete goal to work up to. Do you have any short term movement goals? What is your favorite type of movement? Drop them here and keep us posted on how you coming along at meeting them.
  24. So last night I added a serving of cultured cottage cheese to my pork chops and this morning my throat was very dry, presumably from excessive snoring, which I guess had abated since elimination of dairy. On another note, the pork chops were overcooked and left me feeling hungrier than before I ate them so I had som bacon and jello after.
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