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Scott F.

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  1. Like
    Scott F. reacted to Geezy in Carnivore costs more?   
    I had this very conversation with my son in law the other day. I explained to him that when you eliminate all the crap food you were buying it frees up money for meat and on top of that, we don’t eat as much. I generally only eat one meal a day.
    But with that being said, all of that goes out the window if as Miranda said everyone in the household isn’t on board with it.
    I’m extremely fortunate in that I raise or hunt most of the meat I hunt and while it is cheaper than buying in the store it still ain’t cheap between buying feed, processing costs, hunting fees and lease fees.
    My biggest advantage is the quality of the meat and knowing where it comes from.
    And if you think your beef is expensive per pound you’d really hate to know what my venison costs per pound.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Orweller in Daily Movement Goals   
    I worked the 12-hour night shift, did my 40 minute commute and then lifted for maybe 40 minutes or so. Nothing killer, light weights and a lot of reps per set. I skipped walking this morning.
    Losing weight and not having to take the prescription has been way more than i expected and even more than I would have asked.
    I'm hoping I can get back to being able to do push-ups and burpees and sprints. The NMO leaves me a bit dizzy with these exercises. If I get down and do push-ups I'm way dizzy when I get up, sometimes I just plop down for a few seconds. 
    Time will tell.
  3. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from louis in Nowler's Story   
    Great post. I'm brand new being only about 36-37 days with the carnivore diet.
    I dropped from 306 to 276 in 32 days. I started just before Mother's Day with the eating but kept the Mountain Dew habit for about a week. Then maybe 2 weeks in on back-to-back nights with a really small cup of ice cream. Since then, I have pretty much toed the line.
    I have an auto-immune disease that keeps me on some medicine for swelling and inflammation. After about 25 days in I didn't need to take it for the discomfort in my neck/upper back. At first the weight loss was the big hitter, not having pain and not having to have a prescription sort of outweighs the weight loss.
    Good luck. I too, will post about my personal experiences as I move forward with carnivore.
  4. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Carnivore costs more?   
    No doubts. I ground up about ten pounds of chuck Tuesday and then ground up beef fat with it. It stretched the four pounds way out in burger patties.
    I feel like I am saving money eating this way. My snack and fast-food tab was steep so just cutting that out has made the carnivore meats 'cheaper'. I also would think the entire household on the same diet would reduce costs as well. 
    I also have noticed the lack of TP usage as of late as well. 
    Going to Sam's tomorrow and our local butcher tomorrow morning. I'm gonna stock up on some of the 'lesser' meats for grinding. Then kick off the weekend with a big ol' honking rib eye. Sort of recognizing the small wins. LOL
  5. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Carnivore costs more?   
    Off the top of my head, I said YES! The first three or four weeks or so as I stocked up and looking for deals the grocery bill definitely went up. With the ever-increasing price of meat these days one would be hard press to say it is 'cheaper'. Again, this is my personal experience, so it may just apply to me.
    A Mountain Dew in our area is $2.50 thereabouts and a Little Debbie cake is around $1. I was at three or four Dews per day, two Little Debbie snack cakes and whatever fast food joint I hit for breakfast, maybe another $7-8. 
    Four Dews at $10, two cakes at $2 and a breakfast combo for $7-$8. That is nearly $20 a day I am not spending. If I get really critical I can minus the drink mixers which work out to a dollar a day. I didn't eat breakfast like that every day, but it was close. For ballpark math I will say 15 days out of the month. $10 a day on drinks and snacks is nearly $300month another $120 in fast food. I mentioned before I was 306 on a dumpster diet. That works out to ballpark math of around $400 a month to spend on meats.
    Four hundred added to the not having to buy vegetables and sauces and deserts and soft drinks........
    It might be cheaper. 
    Again, I am new and only five weeks or so in, so all this is new to me. Maybe the carnivore diet is clearing some of the brain fog or maybe I am just cheap as crap and can see where the dollars go. Not sure. 
  6. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in grinding some beef   
    This is the first time we made in hamburger in a while. Meats are fairly high across the board. I had been looking for the last few weeks for whatever deals i could find. This morning I found some different cuts of chuck for $4 a pound. I buy a 10LB bag of beef fat once or twice a week for the dogs so I swiped some out of their bag. I was shooting for about 70/30 but it turned out a bit dry, but tasted pretty good. I'm around $4.50/lb but that is about the average cost of the 73/27 that was in the store. I didn't save a ton but a little here and a little there will save up.
    I'm going to do some pork this weekend. I have not made any in years and that was some cuts from the local butcher. There are not a lot of ten-year kids being handed a lid form a large can and told to scrape hair on a cold Saturday morning. I'm 54 but that seems like a hundred years ago.
  7. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in grinding some beef   
    I haven't in a long time. We talked about making some this weekend. 
  8. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in grinding some beef   
    Grinding some meat for burgers. 
    My co-worker sweeps the floor for free. 

  9. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in Daily Movement Goals   
    I worked the 12-hour night shift, did my 40 minute commute and then lifted for maybe 40 minutes or so. Nothing killer, light weights and a lot of reps per set. I skipped walking this morning.
    Losing weight and not having to take the prescription has been way more than i expected and even more than I would have asked.
    I'm hoping I can get back to being able to do push-ups and burpees and sprints. The NMO leaves me a bit dizzy with these exercises. If I get down and do push-ups I'm way dizzy when I get up, sometimes I just plop down for a few seconds. 
    Time will tell.
  10. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Doing research on this way of eating!   
    So I didn't read the directions to start off. I started with just meats. Anything from steak to chicken to burgers to fish. And a lot of eggs. The first week I stayed on the Mountain Dew and then kicked it. The first week I also used some Heinz 57 on some chicken. From then it was straight meats and water/drink mixers for flavor. 
    I tried a couple of the 'preferred' electrolyte drinks and for the most part they tasted like crap. I use the cheap Food Lion brand Pink Lemonade for the most part. I even tried to make the homemade electrolyte mix but both of the above made me feel bloated and I tasted salt all day. Ditched that as a plan as well. Now I use the mix I made when I salt the meats.
    My diet is nothing spectacular and it does not have any real rhyme nor reason. I may eat the same thing a couple days in a row, or I may swap it up. My wife is not on the plan so when she cooks dinner, I'm just eating the meat portion. On occasion we cook twice so I can have food for nightshift. 
    I didn't read the rules or the suggestions prior to starting, just sort of winged it. 
  11. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    4 sausage patties and 5 hardboiled eggs. 
  12. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from louis in What Did You Eat Today?   
    4 sausage patties and 5 hardboiled eggs. 
  13. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in Daily Movement Goals   
    I worked the 12-hour night shift, did my 40 minute commute and then lifted for maybe 40 minutes or so. Nothing killer, light weights and a lot of reps per set. I skipped walking this morning.
    Losing weight and not having to take the prescription has been way more than i expected and even more than I would have asked.
    I'm hoping I can get back to being able to do push-ups and burpees and sprints. The NMO leaves me a bit dizzy with these exercises. If I get down and do push-ups I'm way dizzy when I get up, sometimes I just plop down for a few seconds. 
    Time will tell.
  14. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    4 sausage patties and 5 hardboiled eggs. 
  15. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Nowler in What Did You Eat Today?   
    4 sausage patties and 5 hardboiled eggs. 
  16. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Negative feedback loop   
    I'm rolling without the 'niceties' or trying to make it better. I'm good with straight meat and eggs. I have actually enjoyed this way of eating as it sort of fits me I think.
    I ate two small cups the first week or so and have not eaten anything other than meats and eggs since. I walked the grocery store with my wife and had zero cravings regardless of the aisle.
    Similar to getting sober and hanging out at the bar. For some it is doable, for some not so much.
    Best of luck and hold on the best you can.
  17. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Salt necessary?   
    I dove right into the diet without reading the directions. I read about electrolytes and drank a few of the electrolyte type drinks. Within a few minutes I felt bloated and could taste salt in my mouth for several hours. the bloating did make me feel bogged down. I ditched the LMNT drink. I made my own based on the ingredients on the LMNT package. Again, the same. 
    I now use the ingredients I made for a drinking solution as my "table salt". It is basically sea salt and potassium. Since then, I have felt great. I am not experienced enough to say what is what but between the carnivore diet and losing 30lbs I came off a prescription for inflammation. 
  18. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Doing research on this way of eating!   
    Welcome, just joined the board and just recently started carnivore. I have back and neck issues as well. Not selling it as a 'snake oil' but in about 30 days I am off the prednisone that has kept me going the last several years. Was it the diet itself or the loss of 30lbs that helped my back/neck? I am sure it was a combination of both, but regardless of which, I'm there. 
    I didn't read the directions. I just dove right in and then read the plans after about 30 days. I didn't make a lot of mistakes early but a little research would have saved me some time and maybe even a little money. There are some setbacks like diarrhea, the carno/keto-flu, some energy issues but knowing about them first might help someone push thru. Personally, I only had the bathroom issues. I drank a bottle of chocolate milk on an empty stomach and then ate a mongo rib eye. That case was going to happen with or without the carnivore approach. 
    Good luck. 5 weeks and really happy with the decision to eat this way.
  19. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in 🤔 What Are Your Thoughts On Grounding? 🤔   
    Never heard the term. But at the same time never looked into the carnivore diet til recently. I can't see the benefits but I have not delved into any of the science either. 
    I remember as a kid I was faster without shoes, so I know there is at least one benefit to grounding. LOL Maybe not the actual intent but that was the first thing I thought of when I started reading. 
    I have been on a medicine for the last two to three years, and it is a taken as needed prescription for inflammation and some pain and discomfort in my upper back. The last two nightshift rotations I have not needed the pills at all. I have been on the carnivore diet app. 5 weeks and if you had told me changing my diet to "carnivore" would drop 30 pounds and stop the need for the pills I would pretty much have said you are 'bat shit crazy'. 
    But here I am. 
  20. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in Negative feedback loop   
    I'm rolling without the 'niceties' or trying to make it better. I'm good with straight meat and eggs. I have actually enjoyed this way of eating as it sort of fits me I think.
    I ate two small cups the first week or so and have not eaten anything other than meats and eggs since. I walked the grocery store with my wife and had zero cravings regardless of the aisle.
    Similar to getting sober and hanging out at the bar. For some it is doable, for some not so much.
    Best of luck and hold on the best you can.
  21. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in Carnivore costs more?   
    No doubts. I ground up about ten pounds of chuck Tuesday and then ground up beef fat with it. It stretched the four pounds way out in burger patties.
    I feel like I am saving money eating this way. My snack and fast-food tab was steep so just cutting that out has made the carnivore meats 'cheaper'. I also would think the entire household on the same diet would reduce costs as well. 
    I also have noticed the lack of TP usage as of late as well. 
    Going to Sam's tomorrow and our local butcher tomorrow morning. I'm gonna stock up on some of the 'lesser' meats for grinding. Then kick off the weekend with a big ol' honking rib eye. Sort of recognizing the small wins. LOL
  22. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Miranda in Negative feedback loop   
    I'm rolling without the 'niceties' or trying to make it better. I'm good with straight meat and eggs. I have actually enjoyed this way of eating as it sort of fits me I think.
    I ate two small cups the first week or so and have not eaten anything other than meats and eggs since. I walked the grocery store with my wife and had zero cravings regardless of the aisle.
    Similar to getting sober and hanging out at the bar. For some it is doable, for some not so much.
    Best of luck and hold on the best you can.
  23. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in Doing research on this way of eating!   
    Welcome, just joined the board and just recently started carnivore. I have back and neck issues as well. Not selling it as a 'snake oil' but in about 30 days I am off the prednisone that has kept me going the last several years. Was it the diet itself or the loss of 30lbs that helped my back/neck? I am sure it was a combination of both, but regardless of which, I'm there. 
    I didn't read the directions. I just dove right in and then read the plans after about 30 days. I didn't make a lot of mistakes early but a little research would have saved me some time and maybe even a little money. There are some setbacks like diarrhea, the carno/keto-flu, some energy issues but knowing about them first might help someone push thru. Personally, I only had the bathroom issues. I drank a bottle of chocolate milk on an empty stomach and then ate a mongo rib eye. That case was going to happen with or without the carnivore approach. 
    Good luck. 5 weeks and really happy with the decision to eat this way.
  24. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Geezy in 🤔 What Are Your Thoughts On Grounding? 🤔   
    Never heard the term. But at the same time never looked into the carnivore diet til recently. I can't see the benefits but I have not delved into any of the science either. 
    I remember as a kid I was faster without shoes, so I know there is at least one benefit to grounding. LOL Maybe not the actual intent but that was the first thing I thought of when I started reading. 
    I have been on a medicine for the last two to three years, and it is a taken as needed prescription for inflammation and some pain and discomfort in my upper back. The last two nightshift rotations I have not needed the pills at all. I have been on the carnivore diet app. 5 weeks and if you had told me changing my diet to "carnivore" would drop 30 pounds and stop the need for the pills I would pretty much have said you are 'bat shit crazy'. 
    But here I am. 
  25. Like
    Scott F. got a reaction from Bob in Nowler's Story   
    Great post. I'm brand new being only about 36-37 days with the carnivore diet.
    I dropped from 306 to 276 in 32 days. I started just before Mother's Day with the eating but kept the Mountain Dew habit for about a week. Then maybe 2 weeks in on back-to-back nights with a really small cup of ice cream. Since then, I have pretty much toed the line.
    I have an auto-immune disease that keeps me on some medicine for swelling and inflammation. After about 25 days in I didn't need to take it for the discomfort in my neck/upper back. At first the weight loss was the big hitter, not having pain and not having to have a prescription sort of outweighs the weight loss.
    Good luck. I too, will post about my personal experiences as I move forward with carnivore.
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