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Everything posted by Meathead

  1. Told my cardiologist to get fkd. He was totally against carnivore, has his head up his ass saying it's inflammatory blah fkn blah. Fk Dr's and the 'Healthcare system " it's a gimmick like big pharma and insurance of any kind. If you're feeling better you don't need a dr to validate that.
  2. I've lost weight in sedentary lifestyle. CICO is BS. Like chargermopar stated, said amount of food contained said calories, then he showed diesel fuel with the same amount of calories. Drinking said diesel should work right? Both contain same amount of calories just different mass I have yet to gain weight from eating too much, usually about 1lb of meat with 6 eggs daily. Sometimes more sometimes less.
  3. Screw these turncoat. He needs to go live with Trudeau. Too much drama crap on FB for me to come back.
  4. All good brother. Easier to track game errr DINNER
  5. Remember men's hormones are easier to balance than female. Make sure you do a FULL vitamin, panel also. There's @realfoodcures @KetoKamp On YouTube that have alot of helpful insight as well as @Drberg.
  6. Welcome Gabe zoom meeting in 1 hour from now. Click the link in my signature to get a basic overview of starting carnivore. Best thing to remember is your WHY you're starting carnivore journey (lifestyle) . Eggs bacon minced beef/lamb-mutton eat until you're fully stuffed. If you want a snack use meat fatter the better.
  7. and you know this how? Just saying our society is a throw away and wasteful society. When it's against the law to take food from restaurants and stores to feed homeless so they throw it away. Health hazard is the excuse also. Changing my mind on how I feel about the establishment, would be like asking me to try a food that's got more than 2 Ingredients or anything cooked with seed oils.
  8. If you're mincing like I do add Bacon to your grind fat and flavor.
  9. @Bob Watch this guy's reviews on kitchen shit like I did before buying ANY pots and pans. Youtube channel PrudentReviews
  10. I have an all clad ss which I use cooking for wife when my castiron is busy. REAL ss pans are great, consistent for cooking fast, castiron I crank the burner to med high 450f and sear it then finish it in oven about 250f for 25-30 minutes for med rare but more Bleu.
  11. what @Geezy said. There are a few youtube channels that discuss HIIT. Fat =energy 1kg of intake should be 750g fat 250g protein. Forget calories totally.
  12. So I found my weakness...... since I'm egg fasting and blood work isn't done I cannot sway. Wife's brunch. I did taste the chutneys. On point
  13. Just putting this out there Flipp is a decent app that can show you local ads for groceries. About this time of year ribeye and other meat have discounts. Aldi Wednesday this week has ribeye bone in roast at $7.99/lb. Fresh Thyme has a NY strip roast<(I think)for the same price.
  14. @MeatMatteos Blood work is a great place to start to get your baseline in what you need. Blindly supplementing, changing diet drastically will definitely not be beneficial without knowing where you're at with current diet. Eliminate everything starting with 1 food. Do that to see how you feel, then add in or switch to a completely different food. I have eaten nothing but eggs since November 1, blood pressure is so much better and I lost 11lbs. Eggs have EVERYTHING we need but do your research and see what you think.
  15. Thanks Geoff. I was the cook at the Korean hot pot/bbq place. We moved to a throw back arcade 21+ only due to it being a bar too.
  16. So here I am able to do guilt free cheating but stubborn me saying eggs when I get home. OMAD today due to this birthday dinner for friend.
  17. Your brain is/uses 10% of the 80% made by your liver. Don't believe me or @Geezy I suggest you look into this. Mortality rate goes up the older/with lower cholesterol levels than higher cholesterol levels same ages. Dr Chaffee, Dr Cywes and Dr Barry will show you why cholesterol is important.
  18. Yup it's still happening.
  19. Rest of what I didn't eat
  20. Congo ratz @Orweller. Feeling of accomplishment nothing feels better.
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