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  1. Carnivore doctors claim kidneys are like a muscle and the more protien you eat the stronger the kidneys could get. We hope
  2. So do you consider a person with stage 3 kidney disease with low fasting glucose in mid 80 and is able to do resistance training everyday healthy still? I am scared because all what doctors want to do is prescribe medicin that causes other side effects. Could I ask you how long have you been at stage 4 eating carnivore?
  3. My favorite over easy with lots animal fat cooked in cast iron skillet.
  4. I am a male 6 foot and 3 inches I start December 12 last year doing 1 meal a day and I have fasted 2 times for least 6 days and I have tried eating every 36 hours and done 5 fasts lasting 3 days I started with eating clean keto eating less than 20 carbs per day. Now I am doing carnivore I prefer grass fed meat ribeye meat. I I eat lots real butter and I am still losing weight I weigh 214 lbs now I used to weigh 375 lbs I am off 5 prescriptions 3 high blood pressure medicine and gout pill and stomach acid reflux pill. I get very satisfied when I consume atleast 10 too 14 tablespoons fat my stomach does not hurt consuming that much and I get a rush eating that much fat foresome reason why?
  5. Can a person kidney disease do carnivore do you have to eat 15 tablespoons of beef fat and 60 too 80 oz protien?
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