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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • I'm 54, 6'2" and was 306. Everyone is different. I didn't read any of the instructions about carnivore and just sort of dove in headfirst. I didn't count calories. I ate straight meats right from the start. I did hold onto the Moutain Dew the first week. I lost 30lbs in 31-32 days.  I have yet to aim for a target amount of protein or fat. Maybe I should? What I have found, for me personally, if the fat content drops to less than the protein, my energy level drops tremendously. And that is especially the case when my electrolytes were off balance.  I'm currently at a 35-36lb loss and I started on May 8th. My energy level is better than it has been in a lot of years.  Maybe I should be counting protein and fats but thus far I'm happy/feel good with sort of winging it.  Good luck. Scott  
    • Thanks for the reply. Just thought I would throw it out there. I like adding any personal insights of others. Mostly because at the end of your post you didn't say, "Supply is limited, act now. But....if you order within the next fifteen minutes we will throw in another absolutely free". I always wonder how supply is limited but we have enough to give it away.  But since science just figured out how to match the number of hotdogs in one package and enough rolls in another I should not stretch the community with more to ponder.   Scott
    • Hello Kaz and welcome aboard! Generally speaking, you want to eat .8g to 1g of protein for every pound of your ideal body weight. Let's assume you want to weigh 180 pounds. That's between 144g and 180g of daily protein.  180*4= 720 calories from protein.  And then, you want to eat at least a 1:1 ratio of fat to protein. That would be 180g of fat. 180*9= 1620 calories from fat  Together that's a total of 2340 calories per day (180*13). You would probably fare well and lose weight at this mark, depending on your activity level, how often you eat (# of meals/day) and how late you eat.  That example uses 1g per pound of ideal body weight. If you go with the .8g per pound of ideal body weight, you get the following (180*.8=144)... 144*4= 576 protein calories 144*9= 1296 fat calories 144*13 = 1872 total calories So aim for a around or near 144g of protein (it doesn't have to be exact) and be sure to eat at least a 1:1 ratio of fat grams to protein grams. This will mean you are eating about 70% calories from fat (70/30). You can always add more fat as well. Some people prefer to aim for 80/20. Hope this helps and was understandable 🙂 
    • Venison chicken fried steak pafflewich. Of course that wasn’t enough so I had some chicken salad with pork rinds. While I was eating all of that I had three venison roasts in the instant pot cooking so tomorrow I’ll be eating some venison stew. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • I make my own bacon but occasionally I need to buy some for a recipe that doesn’t deserve my homemade bacon so I go to a grocery chain we have here called H‑E‑B. I can find clean bacon there. If you can’t find anything local you might have to order it online. I personally try to avoid anything with sugar in it but I don’t think many carnivores worry about the small amount of sugar that is used in the curing process. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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