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    Meat Healed My Heart! - An Amazing Carnivore Diet Success Story

    In this video we interview Geoff Klein, a 68 year old gentlemen from Texas who has been doing the carnivore diet since May of 2023. He used to have several metabolic issues, as well as Chrohn's, and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The paroxysmal atrial fibrillation would land him in the ICU at the hospital several times each year. But today, thanks to the healing power of meat and the carnivore diet, he no longer suffers these setbacks, and in fact, his cardiologist has taken him off ALL his heart and blood pressure medications.

    JOIN me and my keto-carnivore friends over at https://www.CarnivoreTalk.com

    Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carnivore, carnivore-centric, or animal-based diet? Let's do a video together! Contact me using this form...


    00:00 Introducing Geoff Klein
    03:08 What is Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation?

    06:12 Geoff's Son Introduces Him to Nutrition
    08:48 Educate Yourself to Build a Foundation
    11:41 How Geoff has Benefited from His Carnivore Lifestyle
    18:30 Getting off His Heart & AFib Medications
    21:55 Your Carnivore Results May Differ
    28:30 Why Geoff Chose to Retire
    30:46 Does Geoff's Family Also Eat Carnivore?
    36:22 What Does Geoff Typically Eat?
    43:04 Where to Follow Geoff

    DISCLAIMER: The Carnivore Talk website and its audio and video content is for general informational purposes only. The use of the information found within our content or from materials linked to from our content is at the user’s own risk. The content published by Carnivore Talk is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should seek the assistance of their health care professionals to obtain medical advice and to diagnose or treat any condition.

    #carnivore #carnivorediet #ketodiet #hearthealth #afib #paroxysmalatrialfibrilliation #paroxysmalafib #atrialfibrillation


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    6 hours ago, Rhonda said:

    I'm one week on carnivore. I'm not feeling well. Should I call ambulance??????? Fell like passing out. 

    Only you can determine that if your condition is severe enough to warrant an ambulance in order to get immediate medical care. 

    What do you mean by not feeling well like your going to pass out? Have you done any research into the "keto flu"? It's not really a flu or virus, but it's the wonky nickname we've given to the sick and fatigued feeling you might experience when switching to a extremely low carb, keto, or carnivore diet. To put it simplistically, your body is used to running on carbs. It WANTS to run on carbs, but you're not giving it carbs so it has to start running on fat. There's a transition/adaptation period after you run out of your carb stores and start utilizing fat more efficiently. It lasts a few days for some, and a few weeks for others, but it does go away. 

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    Almost everyone who starts out strict carnivore goes through this.
    For many they aren’t eating enough. For others they do better if they transition slowly into carnivore and just cut their carbs down to 50 a day and after a few weeks 20 a day and then eventually go straight carnivore. Everyone’s system is different so you may need to go a little easygoing for awhile.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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