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    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Looks good. I may need to pick ur brain after I get my grill set up. 
    Just a pellet for beginner smoker, not sure I have patience for handling offset smoker yet. 
  2. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from ol_hilly in Metabolic Health   
    Great news for those of us who want to monitor our blood glucose but don't have insurance. 
    Not sure about price point but it will be OTC soon.
  3. Love
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in What's your Dr's thoughts 🤔   
    The majority of them are ignorant and it’s not really their fault. They never studied nutrition in school and never read the studies cover to cover just the title and the conclusion.
    I waited until my doctors were astonished and flabbergasted by the results and healing I received in less that one year and then I told them what had done to get there.
    It’s funny how they look at the results but deny the truth.
    My primary care doc loves what I’ve done but wants me on a statin and won’t listen to reason. We wants me to eat lean meats and doesn’t understand the human physiology and how fat works in the body. This is the same doctor that told me I was going to die because I refused to wear a mask and get “the jab”.
    He just don’t get it even when the proof is staring him in the face.
    My gastroenterologist, who was treating my Crohn’s disease with a high carb and high fiber diet, was killing me but when I when to him after eating strict carnivore for thirty days and told him I was cured because I did the exact opposite of what he told me to do he just said with a very huffy attitude “Well I’m glad you found something that works for you. You obviously don’t need me anymore.” Lol! I actually laughed and said “I guess you’re right” and we parted ways.
    My cardiologist has totally fallen in love with what I’ve done. He is convinced that I’m on the right path and praises what I’ve accomplished. He has slowly reduced all of my heart medication over a years period and finally took me off of the last of it and said “You’ve done more to heal yourself than anything I could have done for you and if you are still doing this good in six months I’m going to drop you as a patient.
    So it all depends on your doctors. Some are willing to look at things with an open mind and see the truth and others refuse to let go of their pride and look at the possibilities that they may be wrong and learn something from it.
    The only thing I advise is to be honest with them. It is constantly said that there have been no studies proving that carnivore works but I say we are the studies.
    Our doctors document every visit and if we are honest with them then our progress is being documented and tracked and some day all of this information may come to light and vindicate us.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Agreed. I never crave anything sweet or carby. I lost all of that in about 60 days of carnivore. It was one of the great freedoms of this way of eating. No more addictions to food.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    😆  Honestly Carnivore isn't going to help you. 
    Stop while you can and eat what you enjoy. 
    This community is not for medical advice 
    Good Luck on your endeavors. 
  6. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    You sound impatient looking for fast results which any diet, lifestyle a person partakes will take time. 
    I know of a few ways you can lose weight fast and readily available in your neck of the woods 🤪 
  7. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    @Andre I asked several questions which YOU FAILED to acknowledge. 
    You're vague about what your total diet/ regimen is on this journey. 
    Lifestyle is what this is due to health problems for alot of people here and weight loss is a perk. 
    That being said @Geezy showed some restraint. 
    @Andre Instead of trolling and being unhappy with our advice questions etc maybe you can see if the vegan community has better answers 😉 
    From internet search. 
    If you have 22% body fat, it means  In order to maintain a healthy weight, you should put on muscle mass. You should not worry about your weight when you are at 22% body fat. It is normal to have some amount of fat in the human body.
  8. Like
    Meathead reacted to Bob in most recent bloodwork/NMOSD-Devic's syndrome   
    So what I hear is your numbers are improved, even if only slightly, and you're feeling great. I would say, keep doing what you are doing 😉
  9. Like
    Meathead reacted to Scott F. in most recent bloodwork/NMOSD-Devic's syndrome   
    I have been on the diet 90 days as of today. I had some immunoglobulin blood work done earlier in the week and the results just posted. My Immunoglobulin A numbers were still high at 388 (signs of infection and inflammation from an underlying illness) and my IM m numbers were low (51) which is actually improved from May. 
    I have had nothing but the positives of the carnivore diet the first 90 days so there are zero complaints. I thought i would see a better number on the 'infections and inflammation' IMG a because I have not had to use any pain nor anti-inflammatory medicines since May. (Knocking on wood) I have not been sick since way early in the year. The IMG m number showed improvement, but I guess part of me was swinging for the fences. LOL
    My Vitamin D numbers jumped considerably to normal. I have been taking Vitamin D supplements for the longest and the numbers just lulled around really low. That is a plus.
    I think I am going to go with 'it has only been 90 days' and go from there. 52lbs and pain free within the first 90 days is not too shabby. 
    There will be another set in November. Like with everything, time will tell.
  10. Like
    Meathead reacted to XaqNautilus in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    I disagree.  I don't crave anything sweet anymore.
    I'm not an expert but I believe cravings come from nutrient deficiencies and someone experiencing such cravings hasn't fully adapted or isn't primed.
  11. Like
    Meathead reacted to Laura in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    Andre-Im sure this is very frustrating for you. I, too, have been stalled for about a year now, and am trying to figure it out.  You may want to check out Annette Bosworth, MD(Dr Boz).  She seems to do a lot with macros. Another quite drastic approach is Protein Sparing Modified Fast, which Maria Emmerich promotes. I dropped a bunch of weight, and got down to 100 lbs, when I first started this in 2018, then started gaining about a year ago, and am now stalled at 123.  I do know it wouldn't be good to add a bunch of inflammatory carbs, which will spike your insulin. 
  12. Like
    Meathead reacted to XaqNautilus in Metabolic Health   
    I keep wondering about availability in Canada for OTC CGMs but can't find anything.  At best I expect we'll have to buy them online like we have to do to get allulose.
  13. Like
    Meathead reacted to Bob in Metabolic Health   
    I like Dr. Cywes. 
    I have some catching up to do after vacation.
  14. Haha
    Meathead reacted to Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    That's good marital advice regardless of the context, lol  
  15. Yum!
    Meathead reacted to Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    So I am awake before everyone else down here in Clearwater Beach, thinking to myself - I'm not hungry, I can wait while everyone sleeps in. Then I come and catch up on this thread... and now I am starving, lol 😄
    Yesterday was a travel day. Ate eggs and cheese at Sanibel before checking out. Then had a Wendy's Baconator - no bun, while on the road. We stopped at Venice Beach and then made our way to Clearwater. Got supplies and made dinner - bacon and cheddar burgers - and this mexican queso type thing that we made in the oven and dipped our pork rinds into it.
    It was good and we have some left over so I'm slathering it over my omelete this morning.
  16. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in Metabolic Health   
    Great news for those of us who want to monitor our blood glucose but don't have insurance. 
    Not sure about price point but it will be OTC soon.
  17. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Hi, new Carnivore here...with a question or two.   
    Every single positive thing regardless how minute it's progress. 
    Keep on trucking, I'm happy for you 😊. 
  18. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Cast iron   
    This is all I need for 16 years

  19. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    This is a lifestyle not a diet as @Geezy mentioned earlier. 
    Thin people doesn't signify HEALTHY. 
    You never mentioned fasting, like working out muscles need a rest period.... your kidneys and liver need a rest which is where fasting comes into play. 
    What's your protein to fat ratio for your meals?
    Dr Barry and maybe Dr Chaffee have said you don't get fat from eating fats.  ie; more fat than protein may help. 
    Also are you taking enough electrolytes daily especially working out?
  20. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Carol B Calloway in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Off my OMAD and eating whenever I'm hungry so last 6 of cheap eggs and 4 strips of bacon. 
    Probably 6 eggs with an ACG chaser tonight for dinner. 
  21. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Bob in Metabolic Health   
    Great news for those of us who want to monitor our blood glucose but don't have insurance. 
    Not sure about price point but it will be OTC soon.
  22. Yum!
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in What Did You Eat Today?   
    It was a smoky day today. Smoked a mess of boneless beef ribs and a couple of NY strip steaks. Then I flame grill and butter basted some shrimp to go with it all.
    It was a feast.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Like
    Meathead got a reaction from Geezy in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    This is a lifestyle not a diet as @Geezy mentioned earlier. 
    Thin people doesn't signify HEALTHY. 
    You never mentioned fasting, like working out muscles need a rest period.... your kidneys and liver need a rest which is where fasting comes into play. 
    What's your protein to fat ratio for your meals?
    Dr Barry and maybe Dr Chaffee have said you don't get fat from eating fats.  ie; more fat than protein may help. 
    Also are you taking enough electrolytes daily especially working out?
  24. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    As it has been mentioned before, we don’t look at this as a religion but as a healthy was of eating that heals our bodies. I know plenty of healthy people who eat carnivore just because it is the optimal human diet whether you care to believe it or not and yes, there have been many studies that prove that.
    You don’t have to have an “irrational/emotional and or religious approach” to a healthy way of eating . You just have to have the desire to be healthy. It’s really quite simple.
    And no, carnivores don’t act anything like vegans. Lol! You see, unlike vegans we don’t care one bit if anyone else eats the way we do. All we do is give out testimonies on what this lifestyle has done for us and are willing to help anyone how chooses to try it for themselves.
    I along with everyone else on this forum has had very valuable this to say to you but you chose not to listen to anything.
    I’m sorry you got your feelings hurt by my honesty with you but all I was doing was telling you just exactly what you wanted to hear and that was that you should quit carnivore. It’s just not for everyone and it’s obviously not for you.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Like
    Meathead reacted to Geezy in 7 Months eating Eggs and Meat- Crossroads( Long post)   
    Yes ma’am and you have the proper attitude and approach to this way of eating.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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