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Geezy last won the day on December 18

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About Geezy

  • Birthday 06/12/1956

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    Weatherford, Texas
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  1. Unfortunately people tend to have an emotional attachment to certain foods. The addiction can be both physical and mental. Being supportive is the best strategy and being a good example as well.
  2. This is such a shame on several levels but there are lessons to be learned that go both ways.
  3. Scott you have reached what I would call nirvana of carnivore. The things that you used to love no longer appeal to you. That’s called freedom.
  4. When I have a deer processed I’ll get some German sausage made with jalapeño and cheese. Good stuff.
  5. Venison Sumer sausage and cheese omelette.
  6. “He spoke another parable to them, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened’” (Matthew 13:33). Small things often have a great influence, which is the point of Jesus’ parable here. If you have ever made bread, especially a sourdough bread you can use the starter over and over to make new bread and never run out. It is said that the best sourdough bread is still using the same stater from over a hundred years ago. So what influence do you have as a carnivore? People tend to watch each other and are easily influenced by what they see, so be a good influence to those around you. Be that leavening that causes others to grow and spread the carnivore community so that they may experience what you have experienced. During this time of year we often gather with many friends and family and you can have a positive influence on those around you as they witness what carnivore has done in your life. That influence can also be negative as well as positive during the holidays. Will they see you succeed with commitment, determination and discipline or will they perceive that you have failed in your WOE as you indulge in sweets and carbs? We know that a few dalliances into the carb world is not that big a deal and can be fun and that some can easily transition back and forth with no issues but just be aware that if you proclaim the power of eating a proper human diet and then eat the opposite way during times of temptation it can have a negative influence on those around you. Try to be the leavening that expands and grows our community, it will be worth it in the end.
  7. Good eatin right there. I’ve got some pickled quail eggs in my fridge myself.
  8. We have one here in town but I’ve never been in it. I went to one once, years ago, and it was required that I rent the shopping cart for a quarter. Someone at the store told me I’d get my quarter back but I told them “You don’t understand, I don’t care about the quarter, it’s that I don’t carry any money on me.” I haven’t been in one since.
  9. It good and very important that you read the labels on anything you buy. At least over in the UK your labels are more trustworthy than ours are. Keep us posted on your progress and don’t hesitate to ask for help. We’re here to support you.
  10. While not really carnivore those look really good for those who are keto. The author of that doesn’t quit understand carnivore.
  11. Welcome Tom. We are glad to have you here. I had to look up what rusk was and apparently it’s a hard, dry biscuit. I’m sorry they use that where you live but here in the states the majority of all burger patties sold commercially in restaurants and fast food joints are 100% beef with no fillers. The worst thing we might have to deal with is the patties being cooked in seed oils. The majority of the carnivores I come across make their own burger patties and only occasionally eat them from a restaurant. I’ve only done it once when on a road trip. If you are not sure of the purity of what you are eating then by all means cook your own.
  12. Fried up some venison steaks tonight.
  13. Hang in there Valerie. Plan ahead to succeed and have precooked meats on hand for those times when you just don’t feel like cooking. Be determined to succeed and you will.
  14. Here we call those Tablitas. I call them bone in bacon. Best when cooked over a wood fire.
  15. ok, how about in a couple of days I tease you with some trout?
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