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Geezy last won the day on March 24

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About Geezy

  • Birthday 06/12/1956

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    Weatherford, Texas
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  1. Cooked up 15 pounds of tablitas today. One of my favorite things to eat.
  2. According to what you listed as your food it’s obvious that you are eating carbs. That will certainly raise your numbers. Your numbers can also vary throughout the day from what I understand. I personally have never tested anything and don’t see the need to since I’m not a diabetic and I feel great.
  3. Aww heck no! Nothing causes me to lose my appetite quicker than to bite into an eggshell. One crunch and that meal is over, finished, kaput, done.
  4. Naw just eating good in the hood. I went light today and only ate one pound of venison burger. Just had too much work to do to eat much more.
  5. Congratulations Peter. Carnivore cured not only my IBS that I had suffered with for over 30 years but also Crohn’s disease. It’s amazing how just eating a proper human diet will allow our bodies to function as they were ment to.
  6. I became a carnivore on May 9th 2023. In a year’s time I went from 227 pounds down to 170 pounds and lost 36 inches. In another six months I went down to 160 pounds and total inches lost 45.5. I never counted anything. I lost both visceral and subcutaneous fat. I eat when I’m hungry and prioritize eating plenty of fat and a moderate amount of proteins, heavily salt my food and only drink water. I stalked out several times but did nothing to change things. This is not a weight loss diet. It’s a lifestyle of eating designed to heal our metabolism. As we heal our bodies will naturally drop weight until we reach our optimal weight. I never tried to lose weight or try to trick my body into losing weight. I just ate as much as I was hungry for. I’m in this for the long haul so it I never saw it as a race. I just let my body do whatever it wanted to do. Im not saying all of this because I think it’s the only way or my way is better it’s just my way. Some people are more comfortable being analytical and that’s fine I just think it’s too easy to overthink things and become disappointed when they aren’t seeing the results they want in the time they want. Try to be patient and just let the process work. If you are struggling then evaluate how much fat you are eating. Most carnivores fail to eat enough fat.
  7. I did many moons ago and it did nothing that I could tell but I was very unhealthy back then. I might need to try it again now that I’m better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Yes it was very satisfying. I have these hunger spurts sometimes. Even after that big meal I dropped a pound and haven’t regained it. I never would have thought that I’d be this light and struggling to keep weight on. There was a time when I could gain weight just by smelling food. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Well Monday was a bust because I had to go out of town all day so I didn’t get to walk. Today was a bust for weightlifting because I’ve hurt my left hand and can’t put any pressure on the palm of my hand. Worked all day today tearing down saddles and cleaning them and buy the end of the day my right hip was hurting so bad that I had to use my cane to walk. It’s been a miserable evening. I’ll see if a good night’s rest brings my hip back to normal and maybe I can get a walk in tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Came across this little tidbit from Dr. Tony Hampton on fasting.
  11. That is so cool that you are reaping such benefits from fasting. I think it’s an inspiration to others to give it a try. You may not think that you’re much of a teacher but your experience is valuable knowledge. I’m curious to hear from people who are in maintenance mode to see if they fast and how it affects them. I’m actually a little underweight now and I’m not sure I can afford to fast.
  12. Would heavy whipping cream be better or half and half? Just thinking of the higher fat content and less lactose.
  13. No help here as I never take them but from what I’ve read from others you really need to pay attention to the ingredients.
  14. There are many stories of success out there.
  15. The real crazy is this is how mankind should be eating all of the time for optimal health but instead we are constantly being poisoned both in body and mind.
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