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  • Birthday 06/12/1956

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  1. I’m a man so I don’t use anything. I’ve seen where many women are using skin care products made from tallow and a quick google search came up with a bunch of them. I imagine Amazon has plenty as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. After about 7 hours it rendered down nicely. Straining out the tallow from the rendered fat. Filling the mason jars. Finished product. 5 pounds of solid fat finished out to 3.5 jars of liquid hold and two bags of rendered fat bites. The fat bites are great snacks if a craving hits and I really like mixing a few in with scrambled eggs for some added flavor and fat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. No. The whole idea is to get a bunch of rendered fat for cooking. It’s a lot easier to just spoon a little tallow into a pan for frying eggs that waiting for a few fat chunks to render down in the skillet so I can cook. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It’s absolutely incredible that some people would rather be miserable and die young rather than just change their diet. I’ve encountered this exact thing myself with someone who was so miserable they talked of self elimination but when I suggested a diet change their response was that they couldn’t give up their hamburgers. Oh well, thats when you drop the subject and move on and leave them to their misery. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So you’ve lost 91 pounds? I take it that’s since starting carnivore and not from the fast [emoji15] [emoji13]. It’s fantastic either way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. It’s tallow making time again. Picked up 5 pounds of Wagyu fat for tallow. Cutting it up into bite sized pieces. I noticed that this fat has a different texture that the beef fat I normally use. It’s crumbly. In the pot with about a 1/4 cup of water to keep it from sticking initially. The water will cook off. Coming along nicely. Keeping the temp low between 200° and 250°. It’s a slow process so gotta stir it ever half hour or so. Further updates coming. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I was hoping you might find it useful. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Good point Bob, I forgot about that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. You need to do what works best for you but the whole foundation of carnivore is high fat and moderate protein. If you don’t eat the fat you will have no energy. We only get energy from two sources, glucose or ketones. If you have no carbs in your system then your only energy source will be ketones and we get those from fat. On top of that, eating too much protein can cause us to go into Gluconeogenesis and our body will start producing glucose from the protein. The common eating strategy in carnivore is to eat until comfortably stuffed or until the food just doesn’t taste good anymore. It’s the fat that turns on the leptin hormone that tells us we are full glucose blocks the leptin hormone so we stay hungry. That’s something that was debunked long ago. It’s a myth. We lose weight because our body no longer uses glucose for fuel. Glucose raises insulin and insulin is the fat storage hormone so as the insulin goes up you are incapable of burning fat. You eat carbs, that raises insulin, you’re going to store fat. Your insulin must come down before your body can access your fat stores. What unlocks those fat stores is your body needing to run on ketones. Ask Bob about sitting in a chair for a long time with a broken ankle and still losing weight. Then there’s me. I’m not very active, especially during the winter but I lose weight simply by eating plenty of fat and protein. I dropped 63 pounds and did nothing different except how I ate. Everything else you listed sounds good to me but just be careful of those I commented on. They go against conventional carnivore science. Of course everyone is different with different physiology’s so maybe that may be the best path for you. We all have our own journey to follow. There are no set rules to eating a carnivore lifestyle because of everyone’s differences. We do however have a foundation that we start with and then build our WOE from there. That foundation is to eat a diet of 70% fat (in caloric measures) and 30% protein. Eat only animal fats. Animal proteins, salt and water. Eat only when hungry and then eat until comfortably full or until the meat no longer tastes good. A good book to read that explains it well is The Carnivore Diet by Dr. Shawn Baker. I hope you find the path that works best for you.
  10. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Eggs and venison sausage on paffles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I figured you’d find that interesting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Congratulations carburetor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. My go to brand is Mac’s original. They have no seasonings other than a little salt and they are fried in their own lard. Any flavored ones are probably going to have sugar in them or something else that we don’t want and not all of them are fried in their own oils. Some are fried in seed oils so you’ve got to do your research. I don’t know about your area but we get our Mac’s at Wally World. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Hang in there. The keto flu doesn’t last long. Once it’s over you’ll be feeling better and it’s easier to stick with this WOE. Yeah that’s just the carb addiction talking to you. Once you are free of that then those other things just don’t look like food anymore. I can see a table full of chips, pies, cakes and breads and they have no more appeal than a table full of manure. Give it time man, you’ve got some demons to fight but you seem determined to do this and your motivation is strong. You got this.
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