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I'm a big milk fan. I tried the lactose free milk and did not like it. I tried almond milk as well.

I went several months into the carnivore diet and then semi-reintroduced milk. I drink maybe a glass per week, sometimes a glass every other week.

I still use the 2%. If I am going to get the sugar I probably should switch to whole milk and get a few extra grams of fat since I'm drinking it anyway. But 2% is what my wife uses, so 2% it is.



i just bought some fairlife , but im going to buy some raw milk,  weird how raw milk that doesnt go thru expensive steps cost way more.  I think lactose free only means the glucose and galactose have been split apart making those whose have a problem digesting glucose much easier. but I'm not 100 percent sure about that. I think Im going to start drinking a glass everyday for the minerals.  Scott doesn't 2% have more sugar than whole milk?


Not sure. I will check. 

If that is so it may be better to go whole milk for both reasons. My wife does the 2% so I will more than likely stick tot hat but will check the sugar content out.

Never thought about it before. 



I don’t drink milk since being on carnivore. I’m in the camp that believes it’s not necessary for our health. Many believe that milk is for putting on weight in babies and that adults shouldn’t be drinking it. But, before carnivore I loved drinking milk and our go to was Fairlife.
2% is junk as it’s mostly just sugar. Drink what you want and if it’s not hurting you then carry on but if you are hitting plateaus or gaining weight then that’s the first place I’d look.

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36 minutes ago, Geezy said:

I don’t drink milk since being on carnivore. I’m in the camp that believes it’s not necessary for our health. Many believe that milk is for putting on weight in babies and that adults shouldn’t be drinking it.  but if you are hitting plateaus or gaining weight then that’s the first place I’d look.

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I can see the perspective that adults don't need milk. But according to my scale if I don't incorporate something in addition to meat in my diet I'll end up weighing 10 pounds.  Unless when I reach my ideal weight my appetite for meat suddenly doubles. If I end up needing to keep weight on my body and I can't or don't want to eat more meat then if there is a healthier alternative than dairy products please let me know.


I lost almost 50 pounds initially when changing my diet, but then hit a hard plateau, and couldnt figure out why.  We are lucky enough to live near a farm where we can actually source raw milk, and I justified my continued consumption based on that.  There are a lot of good fats in milk, but also a lot of sugar, which is what pushed me over the edge towards discontinuing my consumption.  I eventually cut it out, and the weight started coming off again.  I do still have a tiny amount on occasion as a treat when I reealllly get a craving, but for the most part I feel better without.
Learning to listen to my body instead of listening to my tastebuds is one of the toughest things, but everyone's mileage may vary.


Agree with all. When my weight was falling pretty fast, I could create my own stall with milk. It really didn't take a lot. If I did a glass three, maybe four times in a week the stall would be just about automatic. I would go off the milk and within three or four days I would ease back into another fall. It took me a couple three cycles of that to nail down milk as the trigger for the stall. I moved away from it for several months. 

When I shifted my eating to hit a protein target, I sort of picked it back up, just not as much. I may do one glass a week and sometimes one glass every two weeks.

This morning I'm down 89lbs from the 306lbs I weighed ten months ago and have been as low as 92lbs a couple weeks ago. I'm happy with the weight loss thus far and probably could lose a few more. I'm eating like a garbage disposal to hit close to my protein intake and lifting weights, a bit heavy at times and a bit intense at others. 

I feel like I have worked myself to a spot where the weight is truly just a number (took almost the entire ten months on carnivore, LOL). If my belt moves in or out a tad, so be it. If a glass of milk here and there or not having a glass of milk here nor there, pushes the needle slightly in either direction, I'm good with that too. 

But I do agree with the posts that it really serves no purpose. It was built to grow babies. And to people just starting out on carnivore it can definitely play a huge roll in a weight loss stall, as well as people who have eaten this way for a while. (I almost guarantee it)


I can see the perspective that adults don't need milk. But according to my scale if I don't incorporate something in addition to meat in my diet I'll end up weighing 10 pounds.  Unless when I reach my ideal weight my appetite for meat suddenly doubles. If I end up needing to keep weight on my body and I can't or don't want to eat more meat then if there is a healthier alternative than dairy products please let me know.

Oh I can definitely understand that. I have trouble maintaining my weight sometimes. Right now I’m 7 pounds underweight.
I guess for people in our position eating dairy is probably the most nutritious way to keep weight on. I’m with you, if anyone knows a better way I’m open to suggestions.

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Milk and dairy are excellent weight gainers. It does an exceptional job at growing babies and can sort of help us adults grow too.

I have a few more pounds to lose but my carnivore WHY? has shifted from totally being a weight loss tool ten months ago to being a health tool now. If the weight moves here and there I already know which lever to pull to make the needle move in the desired direction. 

Nice thread. I like the topics that land close to home. LOL


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    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. 

      The March drawing will be for a 4-pack of Carnivore Bars!

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    • Today is February 1st and marks the first day of "National Fasting February" - and yes, this is a thing. Google it!

      For this month's challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to practice various forms of fasting throughout the month. The type of fasting you wish to do is entirely up to you. We are going to encourage INTERMITTENT FASTING, that is to put it simply, skipping a meal so that you are only eating 2 meals a day instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. The goal is to enjoy these meals within an 8 hour "feasting window" and then no food in the remaining 16 hours "fasting window" (in which 8 of those hours you should be sleeping).

      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming. 

      Let's keep our resolutions going strong!
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    • "World Carnivore Month" January Challenge!
      January is World Carnivore Month! Participate in our challenge topic for your chance to win!
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    • What is your favorite way to eat/prepare eggs?
      Vote for your favorite way to prepare eggs!

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    • This Month's Giveaway
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