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25 minutes ago, Scott F. said:

Salt, not slat in the above post.

About 69 hours deep in the fast and I feel really good. Night shift went off with plenty of energy and this morning I hit the gym on the way home. I started feeling the work earlier than usual and sort of cut it short for today. I think maybe a combination of 69 hours into the fast, the 12-13 hour night shift and I didn't sleep my normal amount yesterday. I am sure any one of the them could have drained my tank a bit but I'm thinking the combination of the three.

This time around my blood sugar didn't get as high as last time. After 8 hours I was at 70 then 85 afterwards. which has been the highest reading on this fast. This morning after work it was 78.

This time around I'm at 6 pounds lost since I ate at lunch time on Tuesday. My last meal was six eggs vs. the red meat I did the last two times. If I hit a fall next week like I did the last two times I will be pushing the 100lb lost mark.

Straight craziness as with carnivore I don't feel like I am trying all that hard. There are a lot of days I have energy to burn and could walk a bit further, increase the amount I run during the walk, increase the amount of pushups along the walk or even ramp it up in the gym. Again, straight craziness.

I'm about to crash for the day and have to work tonight. When I wake up I will decide if this is my first 96 hour fast or maybe eat at work tonight. I haven't decided.

If the energy level is there next week like the last time a 72-96 hour fast on my three nightshifts each month will become my new norm.

I always say I don't preach or teach the diet, nor do I get up on the pedestal, but sometimes I feel like other people just need to know. 

Straight craziness.


Sounds like it's going good so far for you. You'll know when it time to call it quits with fasting. 

 When i first started Carnivore I was so pumped up that I was telling everyone they should try it and QUICKLY learned that people don't give a s##t about their own health and it's not my job to take care of them, so I just say nothing now. It's very hard sometimes when you know someone who you know could benefit form Carni but they don't want to hear it. We were at a family event recently and I was shocked at all the people there that are on statins and they were discussing HDL, LDL and things with their health, all with incorrect info. I just said there and said nothing. My tongue was ready to jump out of my mouth, LOL. If you would mention fasting they just look at you like you are crazy, so I now just keep that as MY secret weapon for health.

33 minutes ago, Geezy said:

The real crazy is this is how mankind should be eating all of the time for optimal health but instead we are constantly being poisoned both in body and mind. 

 I like when the wife and I go food shopping now and we read labels on all the crap we used to buy. I check carbs first and then ingredients. Just about EVERYTHING seems to have canola oil listed in the first few ingredients. When I purged our kitchen of all the bad stuff I used our old canola oil to light our fire pit 😂

5 hours ago, Geezy said:

The real crazy is this is how mankind should be eating all of the time for optimal health but instead we are constantly being poisoned both in body and mind. 

No truer words have been spoken.


4 hours ago, Terry said:

 I like when the wife and I go food shopping now and we read labels on all the crap we used to buy. I check carbs first and then ingredients. Just about EVERYTHING seems to have canola oil listed in the first few ingredients. When I purged our kitchen of all the bad stuff I used our old canola oil to light our fire pit 😂

I do the same in the grocery store. This last month my wife did 30 days on carnivore and did really well as far as sticking to the diet. At 30 days she was done as the 'lack of variety' and how much she likes vegetables/pastas/rice and such. As she re-stocked on the non-carnivore items I too was all about the labels. It seems like the world revolves around high fructose corn syrup, seed oils and derivatives of sugar, but still sugar.

Both of us dread the grocery store. it is time consuming and expensive. The carnivore changed so much of that for me. I come in the door head straight to the meat section skipping the breads and produce and sauces and vegetables. I swing thru for toiletries, from there over to the eggs, butter and occasionally cheese, and out the door. In and out in no time. LOL



I'm about 74-75 hours deep and just woke up coming off nightshift. I feel really good and don't feel the least bit hungry. I am going to stretch it out to 96 hours. 

I will eat a small lunch tomorrow when I wake up and then we have a big family gathering tomorrow at the cabin. It will be meats galore coming off the grill. 

I am sure I need to eat light coming out of the fasting, but I doubt I will. LOL Especially if it is a fatty cut of anything coming off the pit.

The only regret I have with this fast is that the ketone meter didn't come in on time. I'm interested to see ketone levels at stages as well as to how deep I get into ketosis. 

I am down six pounds since Tuesday and the last two times at 70+ hours the weight loss was minimal. However, it did spark a fall, and I lost 5-6-7 pounds the following week. If that happens this time, I will be in the neighborhood of losing 100 pounds in just shy of 11 months. 

Next week will be my four dayshifts that are affectionately called 'hell week'. All the day shift people are there, meetings scheduled for no more reason than to schedule the next meeting, maintenance activity in a constant buzz, and all interrupts production but at the end of the day the first question is why did production fall off? Amazing how some things slip by some people. This week always leaves me drained, so much so, the first day off is Friday and it is normally wasted as I am just too tired/worn out to do anything. A wasted day most of the times. After the last two fasts I have been full of energy throughout the four days, even going to the gym before shift around 4AM, and that Friday still had energy to burn. It lasted into the weekend before I came off that "post fasting high". (not sure that is a thing but it the first words I think of to describe it). If I am anywhere close to that this upcoming week, I'm sold on ~72 hour fasting (at least once per month for now)

People should look into "carnivore + fasting". 


2 hours ago, Scott F. said:

I'm about 74-75 hours deep and just woke up coming off nightshift. I feel really good and don't feel the least bit hungry. I am going to stretch it out to 96 hours. 

I will eat a small lunch tomorrow when I wake up and then we have a big family gathering tomorrow at the cabin. It will be meats galore coming off the grill. 

I am sure I need to eat light coming out of the fasting, but I doubt I will. LOL Especially if it is a fatty cut of anything coming off the pit.

The only regret I have with this fast is that the ketone meter didn't come in on time. I'm interested to see ketone levels at stages as well as to how deep I get into ketosis. 

I am down six pounds since Tuesday and the last two times at 70+ hours the weight loss was minimal. However, it did spark a fall, and I lost 5-6-7 pounds the following week. If that happens this time, I will be in the neighborhood of losing 100 pounds in just shy of 11 months. 

Next week will be my four dayshifts that are affectionately called 'hell week'. All the day shift people are there, meetings scheduled for no more reason than to schedule the next meeting, maintenance activity in a constant buzz, and all interrupts production but at the end of the day the first question is why did production fall off? Amazing how some things slip by some people. This week always leaves me drained, so much so, the first day off is Friday and it is normally wasted as I am just too tired/worn out to do anything. A wasted day most of the times. After the last two fasts I have been full of energy throughout the four days, even going to the gym before shift around 4AM, and that Friday still had energy to burn. It lasted into the weekend before I came off that "post fasting high". (not sure that is a thing but it the first words I think of to describe it). If I am anywhere close to that this upcoming week, I'm sold on ~72 hour fasting (at least once per month for now)

People should look into "carnivore + fasting". 


Just a thought, Before you go to the "Meatfest" party you may want to have something light like a hard boiled egg to get your guts primed and ready to go back into action 


I'm working tonight, going to the gym in the morning and then to the feed store. I should get home mid to late morning and I plan to eat soon after. 

It will be eggs of some sort. I normally try to eat 8-10 eggs a day. Over the last three days the chickens are way out front. We have eggs everywhere in the kitchen. 

Sunday will be catch up time.


On 3/21/2025 at 9:10 AM, Geezy said:

The real crazy is this is how mankind should be eating all of the time for optimal health but instead we are constantly being poisoned both in body and mind. 

No truer words have been spoken.



I am getting ready to break the fast at 96 hours. I can't really explain how good I feel right now. I have energy to spare and feel like I could easily have stretched it out another day.

I have read so much the last few weeks as well as the last few days about fasting. I'm not all that smart but I can throw some scientific/medical terms around now, not having a complete understanding, but I think I am in the ballpark.

Between 72 hours and 96 hours I had some autophagy going on, the ketosis was sending ketones at what feels like a hectic pace, the Human Growth Harmones are swimming around and even the stem cells are finding things to fix. Around 72 hours it was almost like my body grabbed another gear. It has been an amazing experience.

I had a good workout Tuesday morning, ate just before lunch and then pulled the 12 hour night shift. The next two mornings I had really good workouts after two fairly hectic nightshifts. Last night was OT and it was a semi-rough shift. This morning I went to the gym and had a really intense workout, going to failure on most every set. I came home and walked just shy of three miles with 45 pushups along the way. 

Nothing to eat since Tuesday and I feel great right now. If it were not for plans with my wife I would ride this train another 24 hours or at least to something said 'this is enough'. 

If anyone had ever told me that after not eating for 96 hours, first I would say there is no way I could go 96 hours without eating and then I would say there is no way I would feel good after that, before they could finish I would say you must have fallen and bumped your head. 

My wife said I almost sound giddy talking about it. Maybe, maybe not but I am pleasantly surprised at how I feel this morning. 

Prepping my body with carnivore the last ten months or so, followed by a couple 72 hour fasts, and now this 96 hour endeavor is amazing. 

I'm looking forward to this week to see how the energy level lasts.



This fast is over and I can't believe how good I felt at the end. I read 'euphoric' is the word and maybe that is close but I just felt good, maybe even rejuvenated. 

I did eat a little too much coming out of the fast and my stools were a little loose yesterday afternoon. Lesson learned. Followed that up with one of the best beef tenderloins I have ever had. My son knocked it out of the park for my wife's birthday.

The funniest part was the ketone meter came in just after the second meal from fasting. 

I don't do a lot of recommending and advising as I am a novice to most everything discussed in this forum, but the fasting is working wonders for me. Both 72's helped me thru the next week more than anything I would have imagined. I didn't sleep as many hours as I normally do but the sleep was deep/restful, and I woke up well rested and as if I had slept many more hours. I read where sleep could be restless and even some report insomnia while fasting, but it was sort of the opposite for me. Maybe working nights factors in, just not sure.

Again, I'm not the preacher nor the teacher as I have much to learn, but the fasting has quickly become one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced.




On 3/21/2025 at 1:52 PM, Scott F. said:

People should look into "carnivore + fasting".

That is so cool that you are reaping such benefits from fasting. I think it’s an inspiration to others to give it a try. 
You may not think that you’re much of a teacher but your experience is valuable knowledge. 

I’m curious to hear from people who are in maintenance mode to see if they fast and how it affects them. I’m actually a little underweight now and I’m not sure I can afford to fast. 


Came across this little tidbit from Dr. Tony Hampton on fasting. 



Not sure about that, but thank you. I learned a the last few weeks reading/watching videos and then a ton more actually doing the fast. 

Maybe the biggest lesson was somewhat of a negative as I ate too much to break the fast. I got real loose later that afternoon and it has lasted into this morning. Lesson learned. 

I didn't lose much weight during the first two but this one was 7 during and close to 2 more by the day after. Last time the weight dropped a tad but it triggered a fall during the next week. The next few days will teach more about that part of the after-fasting. 

I was shocked at how much energy I had and how good I felt between 72 and 96 hours. I doubt anyone could have convinced me of that prior to as I would imagine it would be depleted and weak waiting for nourishment. Polar opposites. 

That was one of the videos I watched this past week. I wound up watching several he made. Great content.




My wife is not the biggest fan of the fasting. If I didn't have the NMO/SD she may not be as weary of the fasting. We both know how bad it was way back when and the last six years we were both happy with 'status quo', maintaining and not triggering another set back.

Going carnivore was easy for me but she seen it as going out on a limb. The carnivore grew on her enough she has tried it off and on but she seems steadfast against the fasting....for me or her. LOL

I'm right at the point I will say I am a believer. If I have the energy all next week like I did on the last two most anyone will be hard pressed to convince me otherwise. 



Long thread that sort of got away from "carnivore"....my apologies.

It is Tuesday evening and the 12 hour shift is winding down. Yesterday I was in the gym early, got more than an hour in and then did the 12 hour dayshift. The energy level is still high. 

I think I am sold on the combination of carnivore and fasting. I'm thinking a monthly 96 hour fast for the next couple months.

The energy level on the two 72 fasts lasted four or five days. From 72 to 96 felt amazing and I am not sure if that means a quicker fall or being sustained another day or so. 

Now I am reading on the effects of multiple fasts during the month. Maybe fast for 96, wait for the energy level to feel 'normal' and then start another fast. Then I wonder is that too much. 

Still trying to figure some things out. I have blood work coming up next month and again in May. I will more than likely not double them up til after May. 

Pleasantly surprised.



I wish I could go in and delete the above post. I'm not sure how it reads to others but it sure sounds like an 'addict' when I read it again this morning. 

"It felt really good, and I am looking to get there again before I find out if it is healthy to go that route multiple times. Just get me back to that feeling". 

Doing the reading and the listening and trying to figure out what's the best route forward. 

It felt great but no need to hurt myself or my progress chasing something that can be spaced out.


7 hours ago, Scott F. said:

I wish I could go in and delete the above post. I'm not sure how it reads to others but it sure sounds like an 'addict' when I read it again this morning. 

"It felt really good, and I am looking to get there again before I find out if it is healthy to go that route multiple times. Just get me back to that feeling". 

Doing the reading and the listening and trying to figure out what's the best route forward. 

It felt great but no need to hurt myself or my progress chasing something that can be spaced out.


You won't hurt yourself with fasting. When you are truly hungry, you will eat again. I just ended a 60 hour this morning, only because i had meat and sausage in the fridge that was at its expo date. I was feeling great and could have went 2 more days for sure. I'm doing extended fasts every week now, Meatless Monday kind of thing or whenever I feel like it. After eggs, bacon and sausage this morning went for a walk with our dog and my energy was way above my normal level. 

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    • "Marching into March with Much Motivation"

      For this months challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to get up and move. Spring is in the air. The weather is getting better. Get out there and MOVE! Go for walks, hike some trails if they aren't too muddy. Or just make a goal to get on the treadmill or lift some weights more than usual throughout the month. Get in the habit now, and we just might have beach bodies when summer officially hits, lol. 


      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. 

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    • Today is February 1st and marks the first day of "National Fasting February" - and yes, this is a thing. Google it!

      For this month's challenge, we are going to support each other in our efforts to practice various forms of fasting throughout the month. The type of fasting you wish to do is entirely up to you. We are going to encourage INTERMITTENT FASTING, that is to put it simply, skipping a meal so that you are only eating 2 meals a day instead of the traditional 3 meals a day. The goal is to enjoy these meals within an 8 hour "feasting window" and then no food in the remaining 16 hours "fasting window" (in which 8 of those hours you should be sleeping).

      An example is waking up at 7am, but waiting until 11am-noon for your first meal, and then having dinner at 6-7pm for your 2nd meal. Other people prefer to eat a breakfast, then a mid-day lunch, and skip dinner. 

      If you want to throw in a 24, 48, or 72 hour fast just to show off by all mean do so, lol. 

      Just like before, we encourage you to check in daily, and share what you have eaten, perhaps a weigh-in if you're willing, and enjoy in some small talk. Every Reply in this topic will count as an entry for this month's prize drawing. Attending Monday night zoom also counts as a bonus entry. Back-to-back posts count as 1 entry as a counter to spamming. 

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