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  • Birthday November 10

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    Northeast Ohio
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  • Start Date
    March 2023

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  1. Welcome aboard @Tdyer07 I can relate to the broken ankle. I did one of those last year. My basic way of "changing things up" is to rotate what I eat or how I prepare them. For example, ground beef can be made loose like taco filling, or made into meatballs, meatloaf, burger patties, etc. I try not to have it the same way twice in a row, lol. I will also alternate ground beef with actual steak, chicken, fish, shrimp, etc. I like eggs and a breakfast meat. I will alternate bacon with sausage, and will also rotate between scrambled, over easy, omelet, and more. I do include cheese though. There's a ton of carnivore tricks and recipes you can incorporate using cheese.
  2. Welcome aboard. I'm stuck in Ohio this weekend. It's my 30th class reunion tonight. But I hope you have a good time, meet a lot of cool fellow keto-carnivores, and are filled with inspiration!
  3. Welcome aboard @Shawn M You can do it. I'm 48 years old and down 58lbs. I'm a tile setter in real life so my knees used to kill me, but I feel much better. I would think the combination of losing some weight and reducing inflammation through diet will benefit you too.
  4. So, last night I went to a concert with the wife - an artist she really likes. I decided to have a mixer that had some bourbon (my fav) and some wild cherry stuff for the add mix. No doubt it was some flavored sugar water or corn syrup. First time I have had refined sugar since May 2023 and yes, technically breaks the vow I made with myself. Today, I feel like sludge. I mean absolute garbage. And that's why it has to be a vow.
  5. Welcome aboard @Till. I wonder why they system gave you a big "E" as a default photo when your username and name starts with a "T", lol My first question is how long have you been doing carnivore? If this is recent, you may not be fat-adapted yet. Of course, the trick here would be to continue pushing through and boost your fat to protein intake, which should be a minimum of 1g:1g (which is about 70:30 fat calories to protein calories). You can boost fat macros with butter, lard, tallow, ghee, cheese, heavy cream, etc.
  6. Not much.... https://nutritionaholic.com/magnesium-malate-vs-glycinate/ LMNT used Magnesium Malate. SALTT used Magnesium Chloride. I personally take a magnesium complex supplement that is 4-n-1.... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BC84FL5C?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder_k1_1_7&amp=&crid=U3IRCV9O2FLL&amp=&sprefix=zentast I believe for women you could take UP TO 320mg a day as a supplement, if you even need that much.
  7. I've got this video where I share my Carb Manager weight loss graph. It goes up and down, then up and down, etc. Weight loss certainly isn't linear... https://youtu.be/DzEsQOVUx0k?si=k8bu4kksV0pgEYq5
  8. All that should be fine, provided there's nothing in the lichen or natto that you would be sensitive to. I imagine it would be a rather clean extract (vitamin D collected, rest of the algae discarded) so it should be toxin free. I've never heard of it till now. I couldn't find much about it outside of natural health and vegan based websites, but that's okay. This doesn't mean it's bad. It just means they are particularly excited about it. If you get plenty of sun, you might want to get your Vitamin D levels checked. And then if the dose is large, check it regularly. Vitamin D toxicity can be a thing. There is potassium in all meat, with Pork reigning supreme and Chicken coming in at a close second. I have stage 4 CKD, and sometimes I get hyperkalemic (high potassium) and have to back off the bacon for 30 days or so to get it back down. If you don't have a huge appetite, you might want to drink an electrolyte supplement like LMNT or SALTT to make up the difference. In the past, all these minerals used to be in our water. But today that's not the case.
  9. You will more than likely be just fine. Remember that you get most, if not all, of what you need from meat alone - particularly beef and eggs, and bonus points if you can do organ meats, as they are like multivitamins in and of themselves, being very bioavailable for humans. Certain plant based supplements might only yield a small benefit, because the plant form is not a form humans can use, so the human body has to convert it to a useable form, and it's not very efficient at that, so a lot goes to waste. Is there particular supplements you had in mind?
  10. The human body can catch on to what were doing. Your metabolism was "trained" to be burning at a particular rate. Then you cut out a meal. This did two things. 1) It lowered the amount of fuel your taking in, and 2) it gave your body time to use up what you ate and tap into those reserves, and thus lose weight. But then it caught on, and slowed your metabolic rate to adapt to your new level of food intake. It's a survival mechanism. It think's there is less food (i.e. famine) and so it's conserving resources. You could try adding back in that 3rd meal for a few days or a week. Then your body is like "okay, the hard times are passed" and it can comfortable rase your metabolic rate. Then you can cut that meal and go back to intermittent fasting. Some people do this gradually. They used to eat 2000 calories a day, then cut it to 1500. They lose some wieght and then plateau. So after plateauing for a while (say, 30 days with no movement on the scale), they start adding calories, about 50 per day. 1550, 1600, 1650, 1700, 1750, etc etc... 2000. And then drop it to 1500 again and then the weight loss continues. Other people try tricking their body by suddenly switching fuels (carb cycling). One day for lunch, eat some fruit. The body is like OH, we have glucose to burn. But then go right back to strict carnivore and don't do it again for a week or two. Different "tricks of the trade" work for various individuals. But maybe the best advice is what Dr. Berry says, in that you need some "Vitamin P" - that is - patience. Wait it out, and it will start coming off again. Just let eating right and being healthy be your main goal, and the weight loss will do it's thing in it's own time.
  11. The calories don't necessarily have to decrease. If I recall, people like Shawn Baker and Anthony Chaffee, who are cut and work out, both eat about 3 pounds of meat each day. Those of us who are trying to lose weight usually add in intermittent fasting, and only eat 1-2 pounds a day, and might average half those calories or slightly more.
  12. Fixed, lol. What are we? Cows? lol. The irony is, that even the processed meat products are waaaay more rich in nutrients than the ultraprocessed grain products. I think when they refer to ultra-processed meat, they're having in mind Slim-Jim's, salami, and maybe certain sausages, which to their credit, is often not full of clean ingredients anyway. Because that's 100% reliable, lol. Please reply in detail what you ate over the last 4 years below
  13. This is true. Eh, maybe at first. But in time, you train your taste buds to enjoy savory dishes, and the cookies, cakes, pies, and candy begin to look like what it actually is - not real food. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy fruit when I choose to have it. And yes, you bet I would love some sweets if I chose to have them to. But crave them? Nah, as long as I keep abstaining from them, or keep it to a what they were always meant to be... a rare, occasional treat... then so-called "cravings" never have to be an issue.
  14. I would be very happy if all my numbers looked this good. Yes, the HDL could be bumped up a few points, but overall you are looking just fine with these numbers, as far as these markers go.
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